Forums > General Industry > Spoting that diamond in the rough...



Posts: 208

Mustang, Oklahoma, US

I wont make many claims of my photographic skills. I am deep into the "knows enough to now how little one knows" zone.
But I do have an eye for models that has been proven to me by the fact that every aspiring model I have judged was "going somewhere" did indeed find success. And they arent the obvious ones. But I manage to see that star quality for what ever reason.
I shop at a local grocery store regularly and there is a cashier there that just strikes me every-time. She is not an in your face beauty at all, but she has a really just perfect face if you take the moment to look. Symmetrical eyes, cheek bones to kill for. A regal sort of look but she never wears any make-up and has a sort of carelessness about her appearance that hides her looks. You have to really "look" at her, otherwise youd miss it.
The last few times I have been in there I have considered flipping her a card and giving her an invite to a shoot.
While I was there with my wife I mentioned to her how much she looked like a model I had worked with and she seemed flattered.
5 years ago I would have already asked her but the last couple of years the climate seems to have changed and I worry about coming off like a perv.
Ive seen plenty of girls who seemed "kinda" model material over the years and just sort of ignore them but this girl is really sticking in my head.
If I could get her in the care of a decent MUA (which I could) I think she really could be someone, in the modeling sense.
Any thoughts?

Sep 06 06 01:21 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Tell her what you do the next time you're there.  Leave her with your card and your website address on the back, so she can see that you're not a perv.  Tell her if she's interested in seeing how she'd look in print. . .to give you a call.  That's what I did to this server at a bar I was at.  I told her about a photographer I know that does free shoots for people on MySpace.  I don't know if she called or not though.  I was having a drink with a new friend and I was like "what does that girl look like to you. . .about 5'8"?  She's perfectly proportioned. . .I think she should model."  He was an actor signed with a local talent agency, and he knew the owners of the agency for years.  He agreed with me that she had that "something" that just made you want to look at her.

Sep 06 06 01:26 am Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

One way to come off as less of a perv is to approach her when you're with your wife. The fact that you're a married man and have someone else who acknowleges you as a photographer should make you less threatening.

Sep 06 06 01:34 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

There used to be a girl at my gym, who looked exactly like Mini Arden. about 30 pounds heavier, but she could have been her sister.
Everytime I saw her, I though how much I'd like to shoot her....
But it never happened, it seemed to me, no matter how I approached her, it would be strange...and then you have to see that person who thinks your a nut, all the time...
Even with my completely non-perv portfolio...I wouldn't do it, unless I knew them...

But I don't talk to strangers at all...for whatever reason...

But what grocery does she work at? I'll go look smile lol

Sep 06 06 01:35 am Link


Miles Chandler

Posts: 647

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

You have a wife, you're golden .I agree, ONLY suggest it to her with your wife by your side, or her alone. Usually when I ask a strange female about modeling, I find out she's had several GWC's approach her already, with all-too-obvious motives. If your wife is cooperative enough to initiate it when you're not even there-
"You know, my husband is a very good photographer and was saying he thought you would be a good model, but didn't want to bother you about it at work. Here's his card with his site so you can see his work and email or call if you'd like details"

-would be a perfect way to do things. It's a quick comment (she doesn't have time to talk or absorb such things while standing at a till with her boss watching) and makes it clear that it's no kind of come-on, given the messenger. Then never mention it again unless she does, either at the store or by email, etc. I've met several models over the years that my partner did this with. It seems the safest way to approach someone- easy to ignore, no pressure or misunderstanding.

Sep 06 06 10:37 am Link



Posts: 51

New York, New York, US

I never stop to even THINK what they might think of me, perv or not. If I see a potential model anywhere, I am onto them straight away, boy or girl.

Firstly, you may be doing them the biggest favor of their life, so if they think poorly of you for that, it is their loss, so why care WHAT they think of you.

Second, a true dimond in the rough is big business. Not only can it get you well connected within the industry ( if that is your interest)  a really good model is worth money to you.

I have been given spotters fee's from agents which is as good as my advertising day rate.

I have also pulled, on one occasion, a lucrative advertising job because of the girl I found ( on a train, in her school uniform, in the middle of a bunch of her friends )

If your intentions for speking to these young people are true, you should have no paranoia.

If you really think you have a good eye for a star, don't hesitate.

You may both miss out on a great opportunity.

Sep 06 06 10:58 am Link