Forums > General Industry > (_|How would you ask for money?|_)


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I've been seeing alot of forums which deal with models asking for I was just wondering how you truely ask for it.... It's interesting to see what words you would actually it just seems alittle I don't know full of yourself...if your doing a TFP which would be free but your asking for money anyway..alot of newbies have been doing this maybe you can clearify...I find it alittle wierd....

Shouldnt modeling be a passion if anything.... I myself wouldn't ask for money unless it was an ad or somthing of that nature..... but being infront of a camera is plenty of pay for I the only model that feels that way.... am I the only one who actually feels that we should be thankful to model period and get that lovely chance.... I love it is just another factor if someones offering I would take it but ask for it just seems needed...

Sep 05 06 08:31 pm Link



Posts: 128

London, England, United Kingdom

How would I ask for money?  With a machete in one hand and a trained rottweiler by my side.... smile

Sep 05 06 08:47 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Passion doesn't put food on the table.
Thankfuness doesn't pay the rent.
If I worked a full time "day" job I would not have time to model.

Yes I understand that I seem to have a particular look and style and body shape that is marketable, so I market my self.

As for my exact wording I have a range of rates in my profile 60 to 125 hour and 90 % of photographers artists who hire me send me compensation numbers in the opening email.

If they do no I ask what they are suggesting for compensation fro me to work with them.

They can suggest anything from TFP to 125.00 hour I can say yes no or counter with a slightly diffrent offer.

I'm not always paid in cash either. But if I did not get paid for the work I do I would not be a model I would be working in mid level retail managment. YUCK!

Although by next year I hope to be bringing enough money with my photography as well to start slowing down on modeling by 2008. when I will pursue a mommy carreer.

Sep 05 06 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Modeling is my passion.. but I also like money, and I'm experienced enough to get paid doing it.

I haven't done this in a while, but I used to get work by contacting photographers and saying something like "I saw that you left me an acknowledgement, so I checked out your profile and am interested! If you would like to hire me, just let me know. I am interested in..." (fill in whatever the photographer does or is seeking that you like)

Sometimes I'd go into a bit more depth regarding my skills or whatever seemed relevant.

Sep 05 06 08:56 pm Link


Wayne M Photography

Posts: 145

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

The method that I use when asking for money is tried and true, it is usually reserved for when my kids ask me for something or when my Fiance' asks me to do something outside of the normal (i.e. honey do lists).
It goes something like this:
Kids: Daddy, can we have some Ice Cream?

ME: Do you have any ice cream money???

Kids: No, but we promise we'll vote for you in the upcoming Daddy of the Century Awards

ME: Did you want to go to Dairy Queen or Brusters??? smile

Another Example...

Fiance: Honey I need you to do (whatever 10000 things that come to her mind)

ME: Do you have any money?

Fiance: "Gives me a look of if you don't get off your butt and do what I just asked, there will be no "ADULT CONSPIRACY" (those who have read any Piers Anthony 'Xanth' Novels will know what that means) smile

Sorry there might be underage children browsing this forum, would you like to be responsible for them learning abour the ADULT CONSPIRACY ?????

*Sarcasm injected in last statement*


Sep 05 06 08:57 pm Link


Hope Parr

Posts: 726

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

smart girl, you should be charging...
in fact, I would not mind shooting you when you get to phoenix...

Iona Lynn wrote:
Yes I understand that I seem to have a particular look and style and body shape that is marketable, so I market my self.

Sep 06 06 01:15 am Link



Posts: 973

Houston, Texas, US

Like this.....

(*enters the building*)

Everyone Keep Your Hands Where I Can See Them And No One Will Get Hurt!
Don't Try To Be A Hero!
I'm Not Stealing Your Money.....Your Money Is Insured!
I'll Only Be A Few Minutes!
Thank You For Your Cooperation.....

(*leaves the building*)

Sep 06 06 01:21 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Vincent Vega wrote:
I've been seeing alot of forums which deal with models asking for I was just wondering how you truely ask for it.... It's interesting to see what words you would actually it just seems alittle I don't know full of yourself...if your doing a TFP which would be free but your asking for money anyway..alot of newbies have been doing this maybe you can clearify...I find it alittle wierd....

Shouldnt modeling be a passion if anything.... I myself wouldn't ask for money unless it was an ad or somthing of that nature..... but being infront of a camera is plenty of pay for I the only model that feels that way.... am I the only one who actually feels that we should be thankful to model period and get that lovely chance.... I love it is just another factor if someones offering I would take it but ask for it just seems needed...

I never have a problem with that, they usually pay me to leave.

Sep 06 06 01:22 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

by opening my mouth and saying " give me money , muthafucka!!!!!  im samuel jackson !!!!!!

Sep 06 06 01:30 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Have you heard that expression "closed mouths don't get fed?". . .

Sep 06 06 01:31 am Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

As a photographer I have a different way to approach models or potential clients. I usually just say: "Give me some damn money you bastard!"

  Oddly enough, I don't get any paying work...



Sep 06 06 01:55 am Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

Vincent Vega wrote:
I've been seeing alot of forums which deal with models asking for I was just wondering how you truely ask for it.... It's interesting to see what words you would actually it just seems alittle I don't know full of yourself...if your doing a TFP which would be free but your asking for money anyway..alot of newbies have been doing this maybe you can clearify...I find it alittle wierd....

Shouldnt modeling be a passion if anything.... I myself wouldn't ask for money unless it was an ad or somthing of that nature..... but being infront of a camera is plenty of pay for I the only model that feels that way.... am I the only one who actually feels that we should be thankful to model period and get that lovely chance.... I love it is just another factor if someones offering I would take it but ask for it just seems needed...

I ask for money by holding a cardboard sign up that says "spare change f[or] vegan food" or something like that.  Sometimes it's funnier, like "Help support my food addiction" or "Change comes from within....  Your pockets."

As far as modeling goes, I have "I only accept paid work" written in my bio, so photographers contact me asking what my rates are.  If they express interest in working with me and do not include what they pay models or ask what my rates are, I assume they didn't read my bio and I respond to their message, including my rate info.  Sometimes they don't respond after that.  wink.

Sep 06 06 04:20 am Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Try posting a rate card or paragraph on your page.
If your gonna do this model thing for a living you gotta get paid. If for fun its a useless question. You seem to write alot about models asking or talking about money and you always chime in with models are wrong (in some kind of word collection) for asking to be paid. If its a TFCD its a TFCD if its paid work get paid. Now find something else to ask about. lol?

Sep 06 06 04:46 am Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

LOL love the responses.... it makes me feel all warm inside

Sep 06 06 08:19 am Link


Visions Of Paradise

Posts: 379

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Aloha well again you do not get paid by a photographer a Co will pay you for your look as they are going to use it to make money ie commercial work we as photographers and i mean artist not the monkey that push the button and say weeeee i am a photographer. spend money to make money a up and comming model will have to spend money to get photos done where as a photographer has to pay for equiptment and so on. So in responce to your question you do not ask a photographer for money at all unless you do not want the images that are being taken of you, you are paid you loose all rights to the images i do not care what anyone here will say and that's a two way street. So be careful what you say and ask for allot of people on this site are not pro photographers so they do not understand the legal shit that goes with paymet on both ends. If i pay you for two hours of your time all images belong to me to do with as i please and this means i can sell them same goes if you pay me then you can do what ever when ever with them. Too many wanna be models just ask pay me so they can get images and then turn arround and use them in thier portfolios and web sites to make money that's a no no and asking to be sued. Be up front if a person is willing to pay you make sure they understand that you will use the images for what ever usage you would like and that they agree to it in writting or you are so screwed and witnesess have people with you so that there is no i did not agree to that crap boy that happens way to much just remember to look at the work befor you ask for money a pro will be offended if you ask to be paid. Where as a person who pushes the button will not. Well sorry for the long rant lol hope that hepls a little good luck and let no one put you down in what you want go for it and be sure to do background checks on people befor you work with them please thanks and Mahalo.

Sep 06 06 08:39 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Pat Thielen wrote:
As a photographer I have a different way to approach models or potential clients. I usually just say: "Give me some damn money you bastard!"

  Oddly enough, I don't get any paying work...




... I can't believe they are such Bastards!!

Sep 06 06 09:35 am Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Axlf wrote:
Aloha well again you do not get paid by a photographer a Co will pay you for your look as they are going to use it to make money ie commercial work we as photographers and i mean artist not the monkey that push the button and say weeeee i am a photographer. spend money to make money a up and comming model will have to spend money to get photos done where as a photographer has to pay for equiptment and so on. So in responce to your question you do not ask a photographer for money at all unless you do not want the images that are being taken of you, you are paid you loose all rights to the images i do not care what anyone here will say and that's a two way street. So be careful what you say and ask for allot of people on this site are not pro photographers so they do not understand the legal shit that goes with paymet on both ends. If i pay you for two hours of your time all images belong to me to do with as i please and this means i can sell them same goes if you pay me then you can do what ever when ever with them. Too many wanna be models just ask pay me so they can get images and then turn arround and use them in thier portfolios and web sites to make money that's a no no and asking to be sued. Be up front if a person is willing to pay you make sure they understand that you will use the images for what ever usage you would like and that they agree to it in writting or you are so screwed and witnesess have people with you so that there is no i did not agree to that crap boy that happens way to much just remember to look at the work befor you ask for money a pro will be offended if you ask to be paid. Where as a person who pushes the button will not. Well sorry for the long rant lol hope that hepls a little good luck and let no one put you down in what you want go for it and be sure to do background checks on people befor you work with them please thanks and Mahalo.

I kinda figured that..... thanks for clearing the air

Sep 08 06 07:08 pm Link