Forums > General Industry > critique at risk of death threat?


Danica Lee

Posts: 881

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I've never had hate mail but I did get an email from a photographer I never ended up working with telling my porfolio sucked and that I should shoot with people that have some talent.

I got a message from another photographer (some time ago now) abusing me and ranting about me not crediting them on an image - and when I responded to tell them that I had indeed credited them on the image along with the designer, they never responded.

I think some people are just a little too impulsive and unhinged for their own good. I mean, who sends death threats? (Besides people in the critique forum scorned over honest words?)

Sep 05 06 05:18 am Link


Danica Lee

Posts: 881

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Show my post damn you!

Sep 05 06 05:19 am Link



Posts: 997

New York, New York, US

oldguysrule wrote:
i get lots of 'hate' mail from the humorless who find my comments in the forums distasteful, but i had yet to get death threats until i posted an honest critique. i don't take the threat seriously, but that does pretty much say what it is that people want out of a critique... the kind of bullshit they've grown used to at sites like this.

If I have negative comments to make I send the person a e-mail explaining why I feel that way.  A death threat, sounds like a damn fool, but I guess there are many on this site.

Sep 05 06 06:39 am Link


Keith Goodman

Posts: 775

Sarasota, Florida, US

GRHorn wrote:
I guess there are many on this site.

"Tis better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." .. I forget the source,

Asking for a critique is so often a request for validation not really for an unabashed critique.  Most of the time it is just not worth the hassel on the part of either party. 

But, theats--Musta skipped kindegarten 101-Works and plays well with others!!

Sep 05 06 07:13 am Link


Dave Krueger

Posts: 2851

Huntsville, Alabama, US

oldguysrule wrote:
i get lots of 'hate' mail from the humorless who find my comments in the forums distasteful, but i had yet to get death threats until i posted an honest critique. i don't take the threat seriously, but that does pretty much say what it is that people want out of a critique... the kind of bullshit they've grown used to at sites like this.

That's why I don't put my pictures up in the critique forum.  So I won't have to kill anyone.

Sep 05 06 07:37 am Link


eric krumm

Posts: 46

Athens, Georgia, US

wonder what they'll do if/when a real agency takes the time to give them feedback...probably suicide or murderous rampage or something like that...  despite my certainty that the images i presented were perfect the first feedback i got from an agency person was pretty ruthless (and very insightful)!

Sep 05 06 07:57 am Link


SPI Glamour

Posts: 81

Arnold, Nebraska, US

Hate mail and death threats?  Geez, on another forum when I got a critique that bordered on being cruel, I just took it with a grain of salt, and ignored it.  Never occurred to me to send out hate mail!  What was I thinking?  I have given my opinion on photos, usually positive, but occasionally given my opinions as to what might improve them, but never recieved any hate mail, and certainly never sent any out!  Some people are just more thin skinned, I guess!!  Keep on speaking up, tho...there are those of us out here who don't know it all yet, and love to learn from others!

Sep 05 06 08:58 am Link


ang m

Posts: 511

Chicago, Illinois, US

oldguysrule wrote:
i get lots of 'hate' mail from the humorless who find my comments in the forums distasteful, but i had yet to get death threats until i posted an honest critique. i don't take the threat seriously, but that does pretty much say what it is that people want out of a critique... the kind of bullshit they've grown used to at sites like this.

Hmmm must mean you're doing something right.

Do you need protection? wink


Sep 05 06 09:45 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I've certainly had my share of hate mail, but so far no actual death threats.

Those kind of responses seem to me to validate one of my firmly held beliefs about human nature:  the extraordinary value we place on illusion.  We all have myths and illusions about ourselves; some of them are entirely divorced from reality.  Some folks feel the need to have those illusions validated, and when they aren't, or are even shattered, it is a wrenching experience.  It's akin to having your most valuable possession stolen from you.

Given the choice between a useful truth and a comfortable illusion, many, many people will choose the latter - and even fight for it.

Sep 05 06 10:02 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

oldguysrule wrote:
i get lots of 'hate' mail from the humorless who find my comments in the forums distasteful, but i had yet to get death threats until i posted an honest critique. i don't take the threat seriously, but that does pretty much say what it is that people want out of a critique... the kind of bullshit they've grown used to at sites like this.

Maybe you're over interpreting something like "I'd kill for a more positive comment"?  wink

What about posting your threat?  I'd love to see what a "real" death threat is like!

Sep 05 06 11:23 am Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
I wonder though why I haven't received any hate mail for my part in the escort pate thread.

Do you remember the hatefulness that emerged with the fois gras thread a week or so ago? It was pretty amazing.  Just searched for that thread and couldn't find it. Wonder if it was pulled?

I thought some of that group might respond to the escort pate.  But I guess that was silly to think that. Escort pate isn't from a cute little duck.

Sep 05 06 11:30 am Link


Michael Alan

Posts: 1499

Bayshore Gardens, Florida, US

I find that most people hate hearing the truth. I try to tell the truth based upon my opinion of any persons work. It is only my opinion and should not ruin anyone's day. It gets pretty old when people comments is just BS looking for a BS reply in return.

But when you are dealing with the egos that post upon these boards, what do you expect~ the truth!


Sep 05 06 11:32 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Curt Burgess wrote:

Do you remember the hatefulness that emerged with the fois gras thread a week or so ago? It was pretty amazing.  Just searched for that thread and couldn't find it. Wonder if it was pulled?

I thought some of that group might respond to the escort pate.  But I guess that was silly to think that. Escort pate isn't from a cute little duck.

Yeah, but if it was a thread about veal escort pate, you'd feel the hate.

Sad but true, people care more about saving cute things vs. any living thing.

Sep 05 06 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

MHana wrote:
Word to the wise,  do a bit of research on whom you are threatening before you do.  Hint, hint,  you might just shut the fuck up if you did.

This needs to be posted on top of the Critique forum.  smile

*going through the Critique Forum to see who that fxcktard is"

Sep 05 06 04:18 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

"Anonymity" (which is an illusion) coupled with facelessness, coupled with stupidity, coupled with deep-seated insecurity, coupled with flat-out misanthropy.

People, please remember we're all people. And it should be noted that the OP is about one of the most helpful people on this website. And if they knew just who they were saying such things to, they'd realize they just gave themselves a much bigger reason to feel insecure.

(Was going to try to diffuse a little with humor but, nah, there ain't nothing funny about this...)

Sep 05 06 04:26 pm Link



Posts: 15

Lynchburg, Virginia, US

rickOPIOLA wrote:

oldguysrule wrote:
i get lots of 'hate' mail from the humorless who find my comments in the forums distasteful, but i had yet to get death threats until i posted an honest critique. i don't take the threat seriously, but that does pretty much say what it is that people want out of a critique... the kind of bullshit they've grown used to at sites like this.

Well you do have a pretty offensive smell Rich after a 20 hour flight trom Europe hehe .....or one of our 12-14 hour photoshoots. But then again I guess I do too!

In all seriousness I think Albert Einstien sums this up.....

"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character."

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. "

And one of my favorites from Twain:

"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. "

Oh and Rich anytime for that beer smile

Sep 05 06 04:56 pm Link