Forums > General Industry > The Future of Model Mayhem


- null -

Posts: 4576

I have only been on here a few days and LOVE it.

I wanted to voice a few concerns about the future of this site and see what the rest of you think. I really only have 2 worries about the future of it so far.

#1 - Stability. I don't know how this site was built other than seeing it uses PHP. I have done a lot of .ASP development myself and I know that databases like SQLServer are more robust than MySQL. I hope this site doesn't eventually collapse on itself like Friendster did. Friendster was a brilliant site. But everyone stopped using it because it became SO SLOW since the backend wasn't programmed properly. So, everyone moved to MySpace because it was far more robust.

#2 - Non-Industry People. I love the fact that 90% of the models and photographers on here are REAL models and photographers with nice work and good portfolios. The site is not overrun with a bunch of wanna-bes with disposeable cameras. I hope it stays that way. But, as it grows in popularity, I worry that the forums will become overrun with dimwitted chicks with webcams and too many guys looking for dates.

What are your thoughts?

Apr 27 05 12:19 am Link


Thomas Lima

Posts: 18


Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
#1 - Stability. I don't know how this site was built other than seeing it uses PHP. I have done a lot of .ASP development myself and I know that databases like SQLServer are more robust than MySQL. I hope this site doesn't eventually collapse on itself like Friendster did.

:-) From a webmaster..... Configured correctly MySQL can actually out preform SQLServer. But PHP would not be my first choice for a site (sorry Tyler no offence) ;-)
It comes down to how well you optimize your SQL and site structure.

Most of the sites that die from slowness are usually due to the hosting services. Most of the people I've worked with are trying to host corporate sites on co-located or shared servers. One of the clients I am working with at the moment is hosted on a server supporting over 200 sites on the same machine.

Just my $.02 worth

I do like my new server, a dedicated system on a 12 OC3 connected backbone, with fiber connections......

Now I just need to get around to fixing my own site!

Apr 27 05 12:28 am Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
The site is not overrun with a bunch of wanna-bes with disposeable cameras.

What are your thoughts?

What is wrong with my disposable cameras?

Apr 27 05 12:42 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by Thomas Lima: 

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
#1 - Stability. I don't know how this site was built other than seeing it uses PHP. I have done a lot of .ASP development myself and I know that databases like SQLServer are more robust than MySQL. I hope this site doesn't eventually collapse on itself like Friendster did.

:-) From a webmaster..... Configured correctly MySQL can actually out preform SQLServer. But PHP would not be my first choice for a site (sorry Tyler no offence) ;-)
It comes down to how well you optimize your SQL and site structure.

Heheheh...Mwuuhahahah...Ahhhahahah...*buckles up his sleeves* Rrrright me the published benchmarks that shows MySql out performed SQL Server 2000 and I'll show you a backwoods computer club newsletter. *Lol* ...Enterprise Class Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Oracle DBA/.Net Developer/Data Modeler here. Don't you be talkin shit 'bout my database Willis.

The OC3 is sweet for sure, but you ain't seen nuthin until you've seen data tumble down dark fiber.

Apr 27 05 12:42 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Thomas Lima: 
:-) From a webmaster..... Configured correctly MySQL can actually out preform SQLServer. But PHP would not be my first choice for a site (sorry Tyler no offence) ;-)
It comes down to how well you optimize your SQL and site structure.

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 
Heheheh...Mwuuhahahah...Ahhhahahah...*buckles up his sleeves* Rrrright me the published benchmarks that shows MySql out performed SQL Server 2000 and I'll show you a backwoods computer club newsletter.


Boy, boys. The second I hit "Send" on that post I thought, "Watch, my fellow-computer geeks are gonna argue about MySQL and SQLServer."



(slaps forehead)

I should have known!

Apr 27 05 01:36 am Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

Every one has to put their two cents in the pot. I would rather  smoke that pot but hey it's just me. I love this site it's free and it's kewl and I love the people in here. I have met lots of proffesional models as well as photographers. A camera is a camera not matter what brand it is. If it's a point and shoot or SlR or Digital it's the Photographer behinde that camera that makes the differance. Yes I agree to a few other comments made in here. I hope that this site does not get clogged up with lots of wanna bees. But we can all learn from each other. When I first got into OMP I was thrilled to be on that site and then they went Global and began to charge. Not that I am cheep in any way. Then I went to MySpace and they had to many wierdos. I guess to them I was a wierdo aswell. But now I am here on ModelMayhem. I love this place and I would love to help out in any way possible. Bravo Magic Image Photography

Apr 27 05 02:10 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

It's taking me a while to figure this out.  When I first started using this site, I saw the request for friends and just kept hitting "no thanks"  I am just so used of saying "no" to everything on the computer I assumed it was some kind of spam... LOL!  so I guess I wasnt being very friendly sad  I still haven't figured out how to work everything but I'm working on it.

So just in case I insulted anyone here and said "no thanks" to your friend request....SORRY!!! I wont do it again. 

Apr 27 05 02:14 am Link



Posts: 137

Springfield, Virginia, US

I'd like to be on yer friend list Mary, bein that we're neighbors and all... we may want to do a project some day! ;-)

Apr 27 05 12:13 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Posted by rwspangler: 
I'd like to be on yer friend list Mary, bein that we're neighbors and all... we may want to do a project some day! ;-)

I just added you smile  you do nice work!

Apr 27 05 12:41 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Any wagers on how long before this site becomes a pay site?

I love it, and would probably pay for it if it proved to be worth it.

Of course then I would have to choose between my OMP subscription and here......


Apr 27 05 12:54 pm Link


FootNote Fotography

Posts: 18809

Gainesville, Florida, US

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
#2 - Non-Industry People. I love the fact that 90% of the models and photographers on here are REAL models and photographers with nice work and good portfolios.
What are your thoughts?

ok i am new to photograpy and the industry and i agree it would be shitty if random guys start showing up just so they can hit on some of the amazing models here but you cant say no to a guy just cuz he is new

Apr 27 05 01:03 pm Link


Michael Barrett

Posts: 1149

Upland, California, US

I've always shied away from OMP because of the cost. I'm not a professional photographer, I pay my own bills. So it's nice to have a quality free site to communicate with models and other artists. But if the fee was low enough I'd pay. Only because it's proved so useful already.

Apr 27 05 01:04 pm Link


Jack Dawes

Posts: 245

Asheville, North Carolina, US

There's a few things concerning me right now:
* Feature Creep - While being receptive to input is great, this site can quickly become a morass of questionably useful functionality that can make something that used to be elegant complex, hard on the eyes, and difficult to get standard with. Keep it simple.
* Lack of Professionalism - There is a mixture of talent here, which is fine. Not everyone is a Professional Photographer - but I think most people aspire to be one if they aren't already. A good starting point is to act in a professional manner. People who can't should be kicked off the system.
* Lack of Moderation - I've seen a couple threads locked, but in lieu of professionalism threads need to be more effectively moderated. This may be as simple as saying "Hey guys, chill" or removing individuals from the site or locking threads. Ideally forums moderate themselves, but unfortunately we live in an imperfect world.

Apr 27 05 01:05 pm Link


Thomas Lima

Posts: 18


Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 

Posted by Thomas Lima: 
:-) From a webmaster..... Configured correctly MySQL can actually out preform SQLServer. But PHP would not be my first choice for a site (sorry Tyler no offence) ;-)
It comes down to how well you optimize your SQL and site structure.

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 
Heheheh...Mwuuhahahah...Ahhhahahah...*buckles up his sleeves* Rrrright me the published benchmarks that shows MySql out performed SQL Server 2000 and I'll show you a backwoods computer club newsletter.


Boy, boys. The second I hit "Send" on that post I thought, "Watch, my fellow-computer geeks are gonna argue about MySQL and SQLServer."



(slaps forehead)

I should have known!

So is this going to lead to a thread of what do we do for our main income 8-P


Apr 27 05 01:42 pm Link


John Landers

Posts: 374

Miami Beach, Florida, US

Posted by Sam Bennett: 
Feature Creep

Sounds like a shady GWC showcase.

Seriously, though, I agree with your concerns regarding long-term MM functionality.

Apr 27 05 02:19 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

Unfortunately I think trolls are sort of unavoidable. Even if you make it a pay site, there are wannabes with money that will pay to play. (Think of all the GWC and flakes on OMP with paid subs.) Ultimately though, the professionals give any site its substance. Trolls may be an annoyance, but the core is always there- as long as everything stays "real".

I'd hate to see anarchy of any kind here. (I may be beckoning thoughts of a certain other site when I say that.)

Apr 27 05 02:27 pm Link


Hugh Jorgen

Posts: 2850

Ashland, Oregon, US

This site is so rad "yes tyler you are very hansome"..
My only concern is the shout-when we have 30 million users how we gonna keep up? i think the record users is somewhere at around 266

Apr 30 05 12:10 am Link



Posts: 319

San Diego, California, US

The true challenge that MM needs to overcome is to make it what most net photographers/models want to see, while still providing equal playground for the more mainstream community as well.  If that occurs successfully, not only can it beat out OMP... But can offer more than just the same old Net opportunities, but perhaps bridge the gap between Net and Land-based mentality.  I'm hoping for that, though won't cross fingers for too long.  Anything less than that, you know, will be just another online portfolio listing.  BRIDGE THAT GAP, MM.

Apr 30 05 12:20 am Link


Aperture Photographics

Posts: 310

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 

Posted by Thomas Lima: 
:-) From a webmaster..... Configured correctly MySQL can actually out preform SQLServer. But PHP would not be my first choice for a site (sorry Tyler no offence) ;-)
It comes down to how well you optimize your SQL and site structure.

Posted by Joe K. Perez: 
Heheheh...Mwuuhahahah...Ahhhahahah...*buckles up his sleeves* Rrrright me the published benchmarks that shows MySql out performed SQL Server 2000 and I'll show you a backwoods computer club newsletter.


Boy, boys. The second I hit "Send" on that post I thought, "Watch, my fellow-computer geeks are gonna argue about MySQL and SQLServer."



(slaps forehead)

I should have known!

Both mySQL and SQLServer have their place.  and in the hands of a good technical staff, both tools can be used to build amazing business solutions. 

If one has the budget and doesn't mind being sucked into the evil empire of Microsoft, SQLserver is a great choice.  If you're on a budget, and don't need the advanced features of SQLServer, then mySQL will work just fine.

Apr 30 05 12:48 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Udo R Photography: 

Posted by EricMuss-Barnes: 
The site is not overrun with a bunch of wanna-bes with disposeable cameras.

What are your thoughts?

What is wrong with my disposable cameras?

Wasn't there a high fashion photographer that was quite popular and in high demand that used only a basic 35mm point and shoot or disposables???  I read about it...  what was his name???

May 02 05 09:04 am Link


Wind On Tide

Posts: 32

Asbury Park, New Jersey, US

I think that a minimum requirement should be at least a few original images. I don't think someone should just post a picture of themselves with a web cam and claim to be a photographer with no sample photos of the work. I am not saying the work needs to be pro quality.. just a sample.

May 02 05 09:14 am Link



Posts: 394

hmm it could be an "end justifying the means" argument with the disposables? But I concur. I love this site and I hope the pics I place in my portfolio are okay LOL. I am still learning so bear with me smile

May 02 05 09:15 am Link



Posts: 1984

London, England, United Kingdom

With anything growth is good.....but more what is gain from this  site is in educating those in the industry to issues that confront us daily. I am sure you all thought about it, where were you 6 months ago without this site. Yes! Your answer will be somewhat the difference. So! You say....But look closer at some of the comments you get from models or photographers about your work or how that look is exciting. As shooters we are driven by our self goals and very competive breast we are all. So hearing from a fellow shooter about sometimes as simple as I love your lighting style can be a force that makes us stronger as a whole. I can only reflect on 28yrs of experiences, we all have a command ground, this passion that drives us all. Yes! We have those that will be weeded out as they fall to the wayside of this site. Now look what you have gain from the experiences and knowledge that wil only move us all forward.

May 02 05 09:37 am Link


Shawn Kuck

Posts: 407

Columbia, Tennessee, US

Posted by Sam Bennett: 
There's a few things concerning me right now:
* Feature Creep - While being receptive to input is great, this site can quickly become a morass of questionably useful functionality that can make something that used to be elegant complex, hard on the eyes, and difficult to get standard with. Keep it simple.
* Lack of Professionalism - There is a mixture of talent here, which is fine. Not everyone is a Professional Photographer - but I think most people aspire to be one if they aren't already. A good starting point is to act in a professional manner. People who can't should be kicked off the system.
* Lack of Moderation - I've seen a couple threads locked, but in lieu of professionalism threads need to be more effectively moderated. This may be as simple as saying "Hey guys, chill" or removing individuals from the site or locking threads. Ideally forums moderate themselves, but unfortunately we live in an imperfect world.

This is Big Brother, if anyone is caught having fun or enjoying themselves in general on this site, we will have your spleen removed as a first warning. If you are caught being jovial a second time you will have your head removed and it will be placed on a pike at the entrance to the website.

You know it's just too bad noone can enjoy themselves anymore, "We must be professional, never let that down and one day when you get completely starved creatively and can stand it no longer, just shoot yourself in the friggin head and put yourself out of your misery." No thanks


May 02 05 09:55 am Link