Forums > General Industry > Models: What is your Agency doing for you?



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

Is your agency getting you work?

The only way they make money is by getting a commission off of work they get for you. If you are not at photoshoots or events then they are not making money.

So, are you getting any work from your existing agency?

If not, why are you there?


Sep 04 06 12:11 pm Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

Dont have an agency and probably won't ever sad

Sep 04 06 12:22 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

If i get one, i'll let you know.

**I made my rounds(open calls/submissions) in july, no dice. I'll try again like oct, nov.But most likely as a fashion model(I'm getting too small for plus). hmm

Sep 04 06 12:50 pm Link


Renada Nicole

Posts: 281

Albany, California, US

In the process of meeting with agancies as we speak..hopefully i will get signed and make some money doing this..lmao

Sep 04 06 12:53 pm Link


Emma Rice

Posts: 30

London, England, United Kingdom

I'm not exclusive to any agency - thats the good thing about not living in London and living in northern England! So I work for several different agencies throughout the UK, all of which I work for regularly and have a good working relationship with.

The only thing they could do more for me is to get me more foreign agency placements - but its not a huge problem as I can do that myself it just takes a bit of work!


Sep 04 06 12:58 pm Link



Posts: 2253

Columbia, Missouri, US

...hmmm...My trouble is in the fact that the 2 shoots I did immediately following signing (not a "big" agency, but it is Chicago) were not quite what they wanted to put on the profile page. I've gone months between shoots and I've never had the money for $500 professional professionals who take a month to do the prints/CD like everyone else.

Sep 04 06 08:01 pm Link


E Patrick Williams

Posts: 74

Los Angeles, California, US

This is a really good thread hopefully some people who are with an agency will come in and give us some feedback. I'm gonna start going to casting calls in the coming weeks and hopefully get with an agency before the year end.

Sep 04 06 08:12 pm Link



Posts: 989

Brewster, New York, US

I'll get RIGHT back to you .........just as soon as I get an agency  wink

Sep 05 06 02:10 am Link



Posts: 6129

the mistake that most make is to assume that once signed a model just sits back and the jobs come. nope. your self-promotion never stops. your relationship with your booker has to be massaged.

the idea that your agent is gonna do much for you but send you on castings if you happen to be on the phone when they're thinking about it is a fantasy until you are important to the agency. its up to YOU to make it happen.

Sep 05 06 02:18 am Link


Juliette Tinelle Ollie

Posts: 140

Los Angeles, California, US

talked about this before, signed with an agency and they haven't been giving me work, sent me on a few castings when I first joined and one test shoot, that's it...

Sep 05 06 02:22 am Link


Brittney Harrington

Posts: 372

Los Angeles, California, US

My agency is ok-they send me on a good amount of auditions, go-sees, meetings with CD's  and that's all you can really ask of them. But I agree with oldguysrule, 110%. Many feel once they sign with an agency they are set, but in reality it is quite the opposite. Your work has just begun.

All the best,

Sep 05 06 02:27 am Link


Jason D.

Posts: 207

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

oldguysrule wrote:
the mistake that most make is to assume that once signed a model just sits back and the jobs come. nope. your self-promotion never stops. your relationship with your booker has to be massaged.

the idea that your agent is gonna do much for you but send you on castings if you happen to be on the phone when they're thinking about it is a fantasy until you are important to the agency. its up to YOU to make it happen.

True words.
  Personally, I really have no complains with my agency, they're good about getting me stuff.  But, I did have to work hard even after I was signed to get myself consistently on their radar.

Sep 05 06 02:29 am Link


Juliette Tinelle Ollie

Posts: 140

Los Angeles, California, US

I guess I definately need to try harder!!

Sep 05 06 02:34 am Link



Posts: 1237

New York, New York, US

oldguysrule wrote:
the mistake that most make is to assume that once signed a model just sits back and the jobs come. nope. your self-promotion never stops. your relationship with your booker has to be massaged.

the idea that your agent is gonna do much for you but send you on castings if you happen to be on the phone when they're thinking about it is a fantasy until you are important to the agency. its up to YOU to make it happen.

I feel your exactly right. They teach you and send you out to land the job.You have to be out there pushing all the time.

Yes, my agency is getting/sending me on the castings and I have had one big job within this first month. Im just getting started with them but very happy so far!

Sep 05 06 11:13 am Link


ang m

Posts: 511

Chicago, Illinois, US

As a commercial model I have non-exclusive contracts with three agencies.  Each are great for different reasons.  All three send me to castings as well as direct book.  I've been busy all summer with paid bookings - at least three a month - not bad for my time schedule and expectations.   

I would say each of my agencies is definitely worth the % taken.

Sep 05 06 11:52 am Link



Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

Absolutely nothing.  My agency sucks.  And I'm there for both acting and modeling.

Sep 05 06 11:55 am Link


Zachary F

Posts: 287

New York, New York, US

Yes, I am very happy with work from my agency. 

Actually I am with three agencies right now, one in NY and two in Europe.  NY agency keeps me pretty busy and have booked quite a few big jobs.  I agree that once signed, you need to have relationship with bookers to keep busy.

Sep 05 06 03:20 pm Link


Charity T

Posts: 179

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I have been with several different agencies over the years and it is true that you have to have a great relationship with your booker or they won't push you as hard as others. Also in a lot of places you really like your booker and then they leave to go to a different agency and so you follow them you have to be careful because they go where the money is for them, but that doesn't neccessarily mean that it is better for you too. switching agencies a lot is a bad idea, it confuses the clients.
You have to also make sure that your relationship skills with the MUA, photographer, and stylist are great. Because word will get around that either you are horrible to work with or great to work with.
The industry is smaller than you think.

Sep 05 06 03:42 pm Link


Amy J Jones Photography

Posts: 524

Fallston, Maryland, US

oldguysrule wrote:
the mistake that most make is to assume that once signed a model just sits back and the jobs come. nope. your self-promotion never stops. your relationship with your booker has to be massaged.

the idea that your agent is gonna do much for you but send you on castings if you happen to be on the phone when they're thinking about it is a fantasy until you are important to the agency. its up to YOU to make it happen.

Ditto with oldguysrule.
Agencies send out your card, send you on calls but have very little if anything to do with whether you actually get the job or not.  The most successful models I know have agencies and also take it upon themselves to send out comp/zed cards to ad agencies and photographers with their agency sticker on it.  There are a tremendous amount of photographers/ad agencies that would never book a model unless they were with an agency.  So don't be so quick to dump your agency!  Small markets (like mine) don't ask models to go exclusive so you can have 6 or 8 agencies and that's fine too!

Sep 05 06 03:50 pm Link



Posts: 1398

Trumbull, Connecticut, US

The reason I bring this up is that YOU as a Model Need to be aggressive on your own self-promotion.

Non-exclusive contracts mean NOTHING! Nothing, because if they REALLY wanted you they would lock you up with an EXCLUSIVE contract.

Unfortunately it is mass pimping on their part. They throw a large net for Models hoping to get one great one. I am not saying Agencies are bad, you just have to realize that unless you are on the top 10% of talent you will be ignored immencely. Yes you have to constantly message you booker, shower them with gifts just to keep on the their radar.

But, if you are not going to make them any money they will not push you out much.

You need to self-promote, market yourself and push yourself hard and daily. It is a full time job...Unless you are not the slimmest hottest Model you will have to promote hard.


Sep 05 06 08:01 pm Link