Forums > General Industry > Is 5"11 to short for runway?


Gabriel Rendell

Posts: 20

Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom

Im really keen to get into it. But everyone say's im too commercial...?

Sep 04 06 08:29 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

5'11" and "too commercial" are not closely related concepts.

I don't know who "everyone" is, but if it includes all the fashion agencies in London, then yes, you are too commercial.  Or at least "not fashion".

Sep 04 06 10:01 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

What is "too commercial"?

Sep 04 06 10:03 am Link



Posts: 83

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Well, for Women 5'11 is defintely not commercial but not so sure about Men's requirments...

Sep 04 06 10:04 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

W.G. Rowland wrote:
What is "too commercial"?

1.  Generally, "too generic", not distinctive, or "pretty".

2.  Not right for the agency which is giving the answer.  Other than "no, go away" it is meaningless in those kinds of situations.

Sep 04 06 10:04 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

tx, i think tyra has gotten to him.

Sep 04 06 10:05 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

She's gotten to a lot of people, more's the pity.

Sep 04 06 10:21 am Link


Gabriel Rendell

Posts: 20

Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom

Tyra a fine lady, but i've never met her.
My agency just say's im more suited to comercial work and i wanna know what i could do to prove to them i can do high fashion too.

Sep 04 06 10:22 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Gare wrote:
My agency just say's im more suited to comercial work and i wanna know what i could do to prove to them i can do high fashion too.

Do high fashion.  Pay an excellent fashion photographer to shoot you in the style of the best fashion men.  Show the pictures to your agency.  It will work or it won't.

Sep 04 06 10:42 am Link



Posts: 6129

in addition, there is a well established/documented racial bias in the fashion inustry. things are better than they were, but the almost automatic response from the industry is to see black and say commercial.

Sep 04 06 04:23 pm Link


Sandy Ramirez

Posts: 6089

Brooklyn, New York, US

oldguysrule wrote:
in addition, there is a well established/documented racial bias in the fashion inustry. things are better than they were, but the almost automatic response from the industry is to see black and say commercial.

That is so true, and I work in the fashion industry. Some will even say "too ethnic" as the excuse

Sep 04 06 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 8075

Edgewood, Maryland, US

I was about to say that 5'11" is definitely not too short for runway, but then I noticed that you're a male model.  I'm not sure what the height requirement is for males, but I'm thinking that you might've just made it.  I'm not sure.  One thing I do know is that my little 5'2" ass can't do

Sep 04 06 04:32 pm Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

oldguysrule wrote:
in addition, there is a well established/documented racial bias in the fashion inustry. things are better than they were, but the almost automatic response from the industry is to see black and say commercial.

I have to say that this may not be true in the UK, or at least not to the extent it may be true of the US market.

I do also have to say that I think I'm quite a good judge of people's stats, and 5' 11" might be stretching things a bit...

Sep 04 06 04:35 pm Link


E Patrick Williams

Posts: 74

Los Angeles, California, US

Tikeya wrote:
I was about to say that 5'11" is definitely not too short for runway, but then I noticed that you're a male model.  I'm not sure what the height requirement is for males, but I'm thinking that you might've just made it.  I'm not sure.  One thing I do know is that my little 5'2" ass can't do

The requirement is 6'0 for males all the agencies i've been looking into have 6'0 for males as a requirement.

Sep 04 06 04:40 pm Link



Posts: 670

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

Tikeya wrote:
I was about to say that 5'11" is definitely not too short for runway, but then I noticed that you're a male model.  I'm not sure what the height requirement is for males, but I'm thinking that you might've just made it.  I'm not sure.  One thing I do know is that my little 5'2" ass can't do

lol! I too thought this was a girl posting and was like 5'11"! wth they arent short at all! I do believe 6' is the min for male runway models. He is so close to that, I'd say put some of those inserts in your shoe!

Sep 04 06 04:41 pm Link



Posts: 6129

RED Photographic wrote:
I have to say that this may not be true in the UK, or at least not to the extent it may be true of the US market.

Very encouraging to hear.
Yep, I neglected to notice the OP's location. Had it been Paris, I'd for sure have seemed a fool.

Sep 04 06 04:41 pm Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

The only thing I might add, Gare, is that you might have too much of a personality to be a robot clothes horse.

Sep 04 06 04:56 pm Link



Posts: 74

Toronto, Iowa, US

^^ what he said.

Sep 04 06 06:11 pm Link



Posts: 989

Brewster, New York, US

In my humble opinion

1. You have A LOT of personality in your pictures
2. Your pictures are very commercial, but I could definetely see you doing fashion. As previously stated before, get a great fashion photographer.
3. Based upon your pictures, I would not think that you are 5'11. Some of your pictures make you look shorter. I think that with a good fashion photographer, he/she could help you "photograph tall"

Is your agency getting you work even based upon your deemed "commercial looks"?
('cause we all know commercial is what pays ... lol)

Sep 05 06 03:19 am Link


Gabriel Rendell

Posts: 20

Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom

ashara wrote:
In my humble opinion

1. You have A LOT of personality in your pictures
2. Your pictures are very commercial, but I could definetely see you doing fashion. As previously stated before, get a great fashion photographer.
3. Based upon your pictures, I would not think that you are 5'11. Some of your pictures make you look shorter. I think that with a good fashion photographer, he/she could help you "photograph tall"

Is your agency getting you work even based upon your deemed "commercial looks"?
('cause we all know commercial is what pays ... lol)

Thanks Ashara

You are quite right, a bit of the work on my port makes me seem shortish mainly since im not heavily built. I havn't had a casting in two weeks. And fashion week is coming up, while my friends are being told to prepare for castings i feel like im being left in the dark(it seems) Is one of my agencies and they specialise in supplying runway models? I've thought about kicking up a fuss with them, but i realise that might be detrimental to my career. So im gonna take your advice and find a good fashion photographer(thank the lord for mm)

Thank you to everyone else for posting.

P.s. Im sure i can do the robot thing too, since theres not that much thinking required. Also its not so much a race issue(although its there=ratio of black to whites on top model agencies hence the creation of ) alot of clients want edgy looking instead of stereotype/generic models in the UK. And i havn't had a chance to portray that side of me. Will do soon though.

Sep 05 06 06:41 am Link


Emily Sarcos-Leonard

Posts: 73

Worthing, England, United Kingdom

Whenever i have looked on top agencies web sites in london, there requirments are as follows:

Women 5'9" and over

Men 5'11" and over

So you are the right hight, not sure what they mean by to comercial though?

Sep 05 06 06:09 pm Link