Forums > General Industry > Is your one attribute your only asset?



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US

There was a discussion last night amongst a few of us models. One woman made a point that more african american women are modeling their asses and nothing else. She stated that their portfolios are full of pictures of themselves looking over their shoulders.

The topic then turned to men in general who model nothing more than their chest. The finger was pointed to me but I had to assure them that I have more to offer than a pecs.

Are we seeing more women model boobs and butts and not overall natural beauty? Are men out to model only biceps and pecs and nothing more? My reply was, "Why not model what you're blessed with?"

Any thoughts?

Sep 01 06 04:24 pm Link


Andrei Ku

Posts: 83

New York, New York, US

Glamour(or glammer) concentrates on showcasing best-looking/sexiest attributes to the detriment of others (not a bad thing, just a convention of style).  So for these, essentially modeling just one, and the best aspect of the body image is all good and fair game.

That said, for the portraitish "art" photography I do, model's whole person's integral image is you see in my port I do a lot of topless portraiture where a key aspect is harmonizing the feminine lines of the breasts and bare shoulders with the position of a head, facial expression, careful choice of a background, lighting etc...

Breasts (or feminine lines of waist/hips/buttocks/legs) are wonderful for strengthening the femininity aspects of my imagery, but would not, and do not, stand on their own as responsible for the main pull of the image.

Model's face is super important and emotionality and energy level and pose and capacity for movement and many many other things.   It's really sweet when everything comes together though, and the visual candy can still be enjoyed in addition to the overall beauty and depth of an interesting shot...

Sep 01 06 04:34 pm Link



Posts: 275

Detroit, Michigan, US

depends on the niche and genre you associate with or operate in. I shoot artist just as much or more than models, but, on sites liek this, you NEVER see a singer or rapper looking for pictures. So, I post what is attetion grabbing, but still my style of photography. If you go to sites, or stay off line to do yoru hiring, etc, you won't see the same type of "portfolio's" on here, you'll see ass shots, shadowy shots, ass and tit shots before you se a conventional face shot, which is the staple of any portfolio, "the face!"

but, you must notice, for 1, the most viewed pictures are always..........ass shots....tit shots...nude shots..."  All the photogs on these sites that claim to be above that, or in a different arena, are stilll viewing, and commenting, and trying to "hire" these models that do "more" than just play "dress up" in clothes.

More models that do topless/nude = racy pictures get more $$ offers than anyone or anything else on here, and will get tfp offers from photogs who claim not to do so.  When you hire from free sites, you get 99% of people who don't even have a clue of how to put a port together, have little to no clue about the business, and just load up "some pics" and try to get noticed, and no one cares, if she's 1/2 nekked or more, she's gonna have a long list of people trying to work with her, and the only people who are mad, are the ones who are overlooked because of it.

**My suggestion, to those that are pissed cause chicks show skin and get paid, up yoru game and level of assosiation, and physically do agency work. If you are truly fire, talented, and have the look you shouldn't be on any of these sites to begin with, these spots are for beginner models and photogs that wanna shoot them. established models have no need for this if they feel they are above whats here.

Sep 01 06 05:30 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

DeMark wrote:
"Why not model what you're blessed with?"

Any thoughts?

Because that is too easy! Anybody could do that!
I too, make sure that all my weak sides are showing (not that I have any)... And when I go for the job interview, I tell them that I am horrible worker.
Oh, and I always buy the food that tastes the worst too.

Sep 01 06 05:38 pm Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

I dunno, I always figured anyones best features can be found in thier mind and spirit....
perhaps I am idealistic
Making this show naturally through film is always the goal unless being directed to just "pose"....

Sep 01 06 05:57 pm Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I know I have more than one attribute, but i also know a few of them may be more interesting and bring money faster than others.

Sep 01 06 06:20 pm Link



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US

dee740 wrote:
I know I have more than one attribute, but i also know a few of them may be more interesting and bring money faster than others.

And that was another point someone made. I guess to some, its about what will pay the bills first.

Sep 01 06 06:46 pm Link



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US

Andrei Ku wrote:
Breasts (or feminine lines of waist/hips/buttocks/legs) are wonderful for strengthening the femininity aspects of my imagery, but would not, and do not, stand on their own

This is all too true. This can bring unwanted and redundant requests.

Sep 01 06 06:51 pm Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

I often wonder about this. It seem to me that my face is my strongest attribute, and my best shots area almost always face shots. I tend to want to diversify, but I sometimes wonder if I might be better off just focusing on what I do best.

Sep 01 06 07:22 pm Link



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US

_Cinnamon_ wrote:
I often wonder about this. It seem to me that my face is my strongest attribute, and my best shots area almost always face shots. I tend to want to diversify, but I sometimes wonder if I might be better off just focusing on what I do best.

What stops you from diversifying?

Sep 01 06 07:47 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

_Cinnamon_ wrote:
I often wonder about this. It seem to me that my face is my strongest attribute, and my best shots area almost always face shots. I tend to want to diversify, but I sometimes wonder if I might be better off just focusing on what I do best.

well, why not do both?

Sep 01 06 07:49 pm Link



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US

Treagen Kier wrote:
established models have no need for this if they feel they are above whats here.

This is all too true. How did some of the established models get to where they are is the question.

Sep 01 06 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

DeMark wrote:

What stops you from diversifying?

I do. It's just that in any given shoot, the best shots are usually the ones that focus on my face. Not always, but usually.

Sep 02 06 12:03 am Link



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US

_Cinnamon_ wrote:

I do. It's just that in any given shoot, the best shots are usually the ones that focus on my face. Not always, but usually.

I think you'd do well with any look you desire.

Sep 02 06 07:15 am Link



Posts: 175

Brighton, Alabama, US

I like my headshots best, i do love my body to though, but i just think it depends on the person and what works i guess, if you got it, why not show it off?

Sep 02 06 07:30 am Link



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US

Kimberley wrote:
I like my headshots best, i do love my body to though, but i just think it depends on the person and what works i guess, if you got it, why not show it off?

This is true Kimberley but someone made an earlier post stating that body arts will never stand alone. There's got to be some substance along with a good physique to make it in this industry.

Sep 02 06 07:48 am Link



Posts: 175

Brighton, Alabama, US


Sep 02 06 07:56 am Link



Posts: 3591

Dayton, Ohio, US

DeMark wrote:

This is true Kimberley but someone made an earlier post stating that body arts will never stand alone. There's got to be some substance along with a good physique to make it in this industry.

what INDUSTRY are you talking about.. ???

I know THIS site only focuses on commercial glamour, but that isnt the "INDUSTRY" that this site likes to pretend modeling is..

There are a handfull of KNOWN models, but thousands upon thousands of MODELS.. too much focus on one TYPE of modeling is the problem as I see it.. Like glamour is the be all to end all..

But that is my two cents..

Sep 02 06 08:00 am Link



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US


what INDUSTRY are you talking about.. ???

I know THIS site only focuses on commercial glamour, but that isnt the "INDUSTRY" that this site likes to pretend modeling is..

There are a handfull of KNOWN models, but thousands upon thousands of MODELS.. too much focus on one TYPE of modeling is the problem as I see it.. Like glamour is the be all to end all..

But that is my two cents..

Excellent point. Glamour isn't the be all to end all. I was asked, "How far do you think your chest will take you?" I told her as far as it can and then I'll move to something else BUT I don't want my portfolio or name to be associated with chest shots alone. The same was directed to a friend who uses her butt in all of her pictures. She's getting a lot of work but she said that more than half of the work isn't professional at all. I'm guessing she's talking about the people she's working with.

Sep 02 06 08:26 am Link



Posts: 12100

Atlanta, Georgia, US

DeMark wrote:

Excellent point. Glamour isn't the be all to end all. I was asked, "How far do you think your chest will take you?" I told her as far as it can and then I'll move to something else BUT I don't want my portfolio or name to be associated with chest shots alone. The same was directed to a friend who uses her butt in all of her pictures. She's getting a lot of work but she said that more than half of the work isn't professional at all. I'm guessing she's talking about the people she's working with.

well see that's the problem. your friend shoulkdn't use her butt in all of her pictures. She should show what she can do, diversify. I would hate for anyone professional to think I could only show my ass or only show my face.

Sep 02 06 09:23 am Link



Posts: 175

Brighton, Alabama, US

I like to do a mixture of poses, and styles, i think its important to use all of your body, and image in your photos, unless of course your shooting body parts.

I guess, that everyone has different opinions and views on what they should shoot, and what works best, there fore no- one will ever agree!

Sep 02 06 09:29 am Link



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US

dee740 wrote:
well see that's the problem. your friend shoulkdn't use her butt in all of her pictures. She should show what she can do, diversify. I would hate for anyone professional to think I could only show my ass or only show my face.

I tried to tell her that Dee but my advice went in one ear and out of the other. There are people who are afraid of change yet she won't give me an answer to why she won't try anything different.

Sep 02 06 10:23 am Link


Gabrielle Helms

Posts: 613

Phoenix, Arizona, US

DeMark wrote:
There was a discussion last night amongst a few of us models. One woman made a point that more african american women are modeling their asses and nothing else. She stated that their portfolios are full of pictures of themselves looking over their shoulders.

The topic then turned to men in general who model nothing more than their chest. The finger was pointed to me but I had to assure them that I have more to offer than a pecs.

Are we seeing more women model boobs and butts and not overall natural beauty? Are men out to model only biceps and pecs and nothing more? My reply was, "Why not model what you're blessed with?"

Any thoughts?

I try to have an overall portfolio of different styles & poses... but I want to be able to reach to all people not just ##### men. = D I like the fact I can show my children mommy's work!

Sep 02 06 10:28 am Link



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US

Gabrielle Danielle wrote:
I like the fact I can show my children mommy's work!

This is hilarious yet oh so true in many respects. I wouldn't want my kids to say after looking at my pictures, "Uhh dad...we have to talk." LOL

Sep 02 06 10:57 am Link


Gabrielle Helms

Posts: 613

Phoenix, Arizona, US

DeMark wrote:

This is hilarious yet oh so true in many respects. I wouldn't want my kids to say after looking at my pictures, "Uhh dad...we have to talk." LOL

LOL!!! Definately!!

Sep 02 06 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 39

Kettering, Maryland, US

CareLyn Anita wrote:
I dunno, I always figured anyones best features can be found in thier mind and spirit....
perhaps I am idealistic
Making this show naturally through film is always the goal unless being directed to just "pose"....

I wish it was that easy Carelyn. yikes)

Sep 02 06 07:00 pm Link


Gabrielle Christine

Posts: 4

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I'm sorry but some of what people are calling modeling these days isn't. I think all models should try to work on versatility in their portfolio. There's so many different kinds of models out there and yes you may make it off of your apple bottom but please give us another pose. That's just my opinion. I know I'm only a beginner in this industry, but best belive my next portfolio shots will be completely different from what I have in there now.

Sep 05 06 02:32 pm Link