Forums > General Industry > Compromising your ethics.


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Okay, I'll admit it. 

When I began doing photography 2 and a half years ago, there was one thing I said I would not shoot under any circumstances.  A guy has to retain his dignity, you know.  I felt like there are some things that truly are beneathe me and I need not whore myself out simply for a paycheck. 

But... because I'm greedy and have a flexible code of ethics I did the one thing I said I'd never do.

Yes, last weekend I shot a wedding.

Damn!! I felt so dirty!  Not to mention it was a disaster and I should've charged far more.  But nothing could compare to that filthy feeling I had knowing that I did something I hated to do for money.

So there's my story.  I feel better now...

Aug 31 06 07:51 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Oh, don't worry. I've done it too. It's been years. Like 10 years ago. It wasn't for money, either, rather a favor for a family friend. Horrible experience. Out of some 300+ guests, I was the only person who didn't get a thing to eat.


Aug 31 06 07:54 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Jay Bowman wrote:
Okay, I'll admit it. 

When I began doing photography 2 and a half years ago, there was one thing I said I would not shoot under any circumstances.  I guy has to retain his dignity, you know.  I felt like there are some things that truly are beneathe me and I need not whore myself out simply for a paycheck. 

But... because I'm greedy and have a flexible code of ethics I did the one thing I said I'd never do.

Yes, last weekend I shot a wedding.

Damn!! I felt so dirty!  Not to mention it was a disaster and I should've charged far more.  But nothing could compare to the dirty feeling I had knowing that I did something I hated to do for money.

So there's my story.  I feel better now...

wait until a guy with gold teeth asks you to photograph his "employees"
they pay cash !   dilemna ?

Aug 31 06 07:55 pm Link



Posts: 3004

Toledo, Ohio, US

I too am going against my ethics for money... Not shooting a wedding but something way worse....and the messed up thing is I cant tell anyone I am doing it... sad

Aug 31 06 07:56 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US

Shot two weddings this year, really didn't want to do it, but when good friends asked...  *sigh*


Aug 31 06 07:57 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
wait until a guy with gold teeth asks you to photograph his "employees"
they pay cash !   dilemna ?

P'leez.  Be happy to shoot that.  No dilemma, no hesitation whatsoever.

Aug 31 06 08:02 pm Link


little apple blossom

Posts: 7617


I don't think it's so bad for friends it just shows that you love them more than your art to do that for them and that's not a bad thing, but loving money more...
I can't talk. I paint and do commisioned paintings for people all the time as well as sell my art. I just think of them seperately. There are still things I won't do but I don't consider my commisioned work art either. It's a creative interpretation of what the client wants.

Aug 31 06 08:03 pm Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Jay Bowman wrote:
Okay, I'll admit it.   

But... because I'm greedy and have a flexible code of ethics I did the one thing I said I'd never do.

Yes, last weekend I shot a wedding.

Damn!! I felt so dirty!  Not to mention it was a disaster and I should've charged far more.  But nothing could compare to the dirty feeling I had knowing that I did something I hated to do for money.

So there's my story.  I feel better now...

OMG Jay... you are going to go straight to hell for that.

Studio36 smile

Aug 31 06 08:04 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
Oh, don't worry. I've done it too. It's been years. Like 10 years ago. It wasn't for money, either, rather a favor for a family friend. Horrible experience. Out of some 300+ guests, I was the only person who didn't get a thing to eat.


Yeah, I can totally relate.  I didn't get anything to eat there either.

Ironically, that was by choice.  The food just didn't look appealing at all...

studio36uk wrote:
OMG Jay... you are going to go straight to hell for that.

Studio36 smile

Damn!!  I knew this would happen...

Aug 31 06 08:06 pm Link


Satan Bug

Posts: 127

Hell, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway

Or is it doing what you love to do to make money that really makes you hate it?

Aug 31 06 08:06 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Dee wrote:
I too am going against my ethics for money... Not shooting a wedding but something way worse....and the messed up thing is I cant tell anyone I am doing it... sad

dont get the lubricants on your lens !

Aug 31 06 08:07 pm Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

Satan Bug wrote:
Or is it doing what you love to do to make money that really makes you hate it?

lol, no i think its just that the hair and make-up artists are always so bad, and they dont allow wind machines in the church   wink

Aug 31 06 08:27 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Did it as favors three times.  All horrible.  That wedding photography takes talent, experience and motivation, and I lack all three.

No money either.


Aug 31 06 09:00 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Why does everyone make wedding sound like a disease. I shot weddings for over twenty years and made a very good living at it.

I admit it's not the easiest work. You're on your feet all day, dealing with high strung brides, mothers, drunk relatives, poor food and worse. But it does teach you to think fast, move fast and get creative in a very short amount of time.

I no longer do weddings but that's because I'm 59 and weddings are pretty much a young guys thing. Can't deal with the stress anymore. I've been asked to shoot on occasion for friends which I have done and it was still fun for me.

I realize the weddings are not "high fashion" but then again how many of you are making a living shooting fashion? You can make a living shooting weddings.

There are a lot of areas in photography that may not be glamours or exciting but still pay damn well. These days I'm shooting architechture. Pretty basic stuff. But today I made $250 for about and hours work. I could have made 700-800 if I wanted to work all day but I didn't. It's called semi-retirment and I don't feel that mad rush for big bucks. So I shoot when I like. Make enough to keep under the IRS radar and everyone is happy.

So when someone mentions weddings....please it's not a's a profession....

Aug 31 06 09:17 pm Link


Ken Rieves Photography

Posts: 934

Avon Lake, Ohio, US

When someone asks what kind of photographs I take, my standard response is anything but weddings and porn. smile

That said, I have shot weddings (but no porn) but don't enjoy doing it. For the record, I am not speaking negatively about wedding photographers. I think it takes a unique skill set to be good at wedding photography.  I have seen some wedding work that is absolutely amazing on many different levels. 

It's just that, at this stage of my career, weddings are not for me.

Aug 31 06 10:20 pm Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

I have done a total of about 15 wedding in my life. Hated every one of them. Not enough Rolaids on the planet to get the "What am I going to do if I screw this up, Call 300 friends and family back for a reshoot?" knot out of my stomach.

Edit: There was one wedding that I did that was fun and non stressful. At least from my perspective. It was a Wiccan Handfasting... (pagan wedding) and it was performed "skyclad" aka... nude. Everyone... not just the happy couple but all in attendance. (about 75 people in all.) Have to admit, not often you have 30 or 40 naked people dancing around a bonfire under a full moon at the reception.

Sep 01 06 02:46 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

DUDE..take a shower and cash the check..I hate weddings....Just cant do em..Too much drama..I am glad you survived!

Sep 01 06 02:50 am Link



Posts: 6129

survival instinct supercedes prideful ethics definitions.
squalor and malnutrition are vastly over-rated as character builders... far more romantic in novels and film than in reality.

plus... the images you provided your wedding client are more valuable to them than almost any other work you do will be to their clients/purchasers/audience. you could do many worse things than provide a permanent memory of a significant event in a family's life.

relax, and buy some groceries.

Sep 01 06 02:54 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Marko Cecic-Karuzic wrote:
Oh, don't worry. I've done it too. It's been years. Like 10 years ago. It wasn't for money, either, rather a favor for a family friend. Horrible experience. Out of some 300+ guests, I was the only person who didn't get a thing to eat.


Somehow I've never eaten when I've shot a wedding.  On the other hand, I always seem to spend a significant amount of energy convincing the bridesmaids that I don't need another drink...

Sep 01 06 03:01 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

oldguysrule wrote:
survival instinct supercedes prideful ethics definitions.
squalor and malnutrition are vastly over-rated as character builders... far more romantic in novels and film than in reality.

plus... the images you provided your wedding client are more valuable to them than almost any other work you do will be to their clients/purchasers/audience. you could do many worse things than provide a permanent memory of a significant event in a family's life.

relax, and buy some groceries.

YOu are so smooth....You shold be a polititian...Hmmm, a woodchipper in the White HOuse...Now that's what I'm talkin about!

Sep 01 06 03:02 am Link



Posts: 6129

Vance wrote:
Hmmm, a woodchipper in the White HOuse...Now that's what I'm talkin about!

bullshit clogs a chipper. politicians are best disposed of in the Jersey swamps, buried with a few bags of lye.

Sep 01 06 03:05 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Ken Rieves Photography wrote:
When someone asks what kind of photographs I take, my standard response is anything but weddings and porn. smile

I don't do weddings.... but shooting the honeymoon might be interesting. wink


Sep 01 06 04:35 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Winn Photographics wrote:
I have done a total of about 15 wedding in my life. Hated every one of them. Not enough Rolaids on the planet to get the "What am I going to do if I screw this up, Call 300 friends and family back for a reshoot?" knot out of my stomach.

I can tell from years of experience....that thought is ALWAYS on your mind.

Just a couple wedding horror stories to lighten the mood.....

A friend of mind used a Hassie for wedding work. Apparently the film backs don't lock the shutter as with the Bronica I used. No film, shutter locks. Apparently he relied on the word of his assitant that all the backs were loaded. They were not!

He had 8 backs. I think on the Hassie in 120 format that's 8 or 10 exposures. Not sure since I never used one. But even at the 10 exp. level he missed all the church formals and most of the ceremony. Formals can be re-staged.....ceremonies are another thing all together. Try telling the bride and her mother that one!!!

I shot a wedding in Atlantic City. The groom and his 6 groomsman took him to NYC the night before the freaking wedding. The groom had been off the wagon for something like 12 years but everyone thought it was a good idea to get him plastered for his last night as a "free" man.

So here we are at the groom, no groomsman.....things began to get ugly when they all run in.....still drunk!.....ok....they go ahead with the ceremony and during the part where the bride and groom face each other.....the groom starts to wobble, slurring his speech and finally in one big burp....HE PUKES ALL OVER THE BRIDE!!!!....Oh Man! make it worse the groomsman see him pukeing and they all run out the side door of the church and start heaving their guts up....

The bride is going absolutely fucking crazy.....yelling at the top of her voice....I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE YOU ASSHOLE!...puke is dripping all over her....the priest is so stunned he can't even move.....the guests....half are crying....half are laughing....I'm standing there in the middle of all of this just shaking my head.

Thankfully I always get paid BEFORE the wedding not after. But would you believe they went ahead and got married anyway.....after the puke was cleaned up the best they could of the bride....what a circus!

One more.....another Atlantic City wedding....the bride was Italian....the groom was they held the ceremony at one of the most expensive places just outside of AC....The Blackhorse is or at least was beautiful....the kind of place where the servers wear tuxedos and white gloves.....

Anway each set of guest sat behind the respective couple.....Italians on one side....Jewish on the other.....all they did during the combined ceremoney was glare daggers at each other......the hostility was so think you could cut it with a knife.....ceremony goes off fine.....everyone goes inside to a very expensive and elegant reception.....about an hour goes by and all of sudden I hear from the back.....YOU FUCKING WOPS!.....then I hear.....FUCK YOU JEWBOY! Next thing I see are chairs flying.....guests all jumping into the fray....fists, legs, teeth......and this is in a place where governors dine...LOL

Ended up with the police arresting about 60 people.....bride and groom however lived happily ever after.

Sep 01 06 12:45 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
The bride is going absolutely fucking crazy.....yelling at the top of her voice....I HOPE YOU FUCKING DIE YOU ASSHOLE!...puke is dripping all over her....the priest is so stunned he can't even move.....the guests....half are crying....half are laughing....I'm standing there in the middle of all of this just shaking my head.


Sep 01 06 01:12 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
One more.....another Atlantic City wedding....the bride was Italian....the groom was they held the ceremony at one of the most expensive places just outside of AC....The Blackhorse is or at least was beautiful....the kind of place where the servers wear tuxedos and white gloves.....

Anway each set of guest sat behind the respective couple.....Italians on one side....Jewish on the other.....all they did during the combined ceremoney was glare daggers at each other......the hostility was so think you could cut it with a knife.....ceremony goes off fine.....everyone goes inside to a very expensive and elegant reception.....about an hour goes by and all of sudden I hear from the back.....YOU FUCKING WOPS!.....then I hear.....FUCK YOU JEWBOY! Next thing I see are chairs flying.....guests all jumping into the fray....fists, legs, teeth......and this is in a place where governors dine...LOL

Ended up with the police arresting about 60 people.....bride and groom however lived happily ever after.

Now that's a wedding I'd love to shoot...

Sep 01 06 02:25 pm Link



Posts: 208

Mustang, Oklahoma, US

I like the wedding biz. I was a Wedding reception DJ for 10 years and am planning on getting into wedding photography now.
Yes, it is a hectic and crazy scene and I can imagine quite the misery if you dont have the personality for it but I find the wedding biz to be fun and challenging.
And, as you can see above, the wedding biz gives you such stories. I have many like that myself!

Sep 01 06 02:36 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

StevesPhotography wrote:
Yes, it is a hectic and crazy scene and I can imagine quite the misery if you dont have the personality for it but I find the wedding biz to be fun and challenging.

This is it exactly.  Just doesn't line up with the way I do photography (I prefer environments where I have more control). 

Nothing against people who do it and do it well.  Just not for me.

Sep 01 06 02:42 pm Link



Posts: 116

Chicago, Illinois, US

dude, don't worry about it...take the money...just set a high price, if they bite, go for it, if not, enjoy your saturday...what's unethical about doing some nice pictures for people, in the digital age, where's the stress anyway?  besides, after a few drinks, hop on the dance floor and shoot and move, it's pretty fun, make the most of more thing a stressed bride is no worse than a stressed art director or client, the same line of bullsh*t mellows both just the same.

Sep 01 06 02:57 pm Link