Forums > General Industry > Inadvertently Inspired...


Les Sterling

Posts: 439

Kansas City, Missouri, US

A couple years ago, I checked into Matthew Barney's Cremaster series of conceptual art installations, after hearing about them from some friends. Generally, I'm rather dismissive of 'conceptual art' - but was impressed, anyway.

Then earlier this year I saw "Destricted", which was a Matthew Barney driven film-work. (Look it up for a description, as I couldn't hope to describe it adequately.)

So, tonight I happened across a model's portfolio that had some exceptional imagery in it, that for all the world, reminded me of Matthew Barney and his conceptual whirlwind.

And just now, I was working on some photos from a shoot I did earlier in the week, and realized that parts of the work echoed some Barney-like elements that apparently were in my subconscious somewhere, and managed to work their way to the surface.

So, apart from this barely cohesive string of thoughts are a few questions:
Have you discovered that you were inspired without realizing it?
What was it that inspired you?
What is up with Matthew Barney?

Aug 31 06 04:40 am Link


Zinzi Graham Photograph

Posts: 47

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

I'm constantly inspired by things without realizing it - I get inspired just walking out my front door!

Aug 31 06 04:57 am Link


Les Sterling

Posts: 439

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Oh, I do understand that. Maybe the question is better posed as whether anyone has been inspired subconsiously by something that they disliked.

I think when I see something of extraordinary beauty, I'm obviously inspired..."the breath of god", as it were. But in what ways can rejection of an aesthetic inspire you?

Aug 31 06 02:08 pm Link



Posts: 460

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

I'm constantly inspired by the work of Joel-Peter Whitkin. Sometimes his work disgusts me and some times it scares me but it never, ever leaves me feeling good.

Aug 31 06 02:14 pm Link


Les Sterling

Posts: 439

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Ah, Joel-Peter Witkin... I'd kinda forgotten about him.

I can see that... adequately distubing, but ultimately quite skillful...

Aug 31 06 06:34 pm Link



Posts: 13509

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Matthew Barney's show is still up at the SF MOMA.

My ticket in was the biggest waste of my friend's $12, ever. I sure as hell wasn't going to pay to get in, but she really wanted to go, so I suffered through it. She wasn't exactly pleased with his work, either.

Sep 01 06 04:43 am Link