Forums > General Industry > How to go to the U.S.?? Help!!



Posts: 2

Toronto, Iowa, US

Hi gang,

I'm an experienced Canadian model and I'm trying to propel myself to NYC and LA within the next year. I would like to sign with a U.S. modelling agency and move down to the States so that I can eventually move out to Hollywood to pursue my acting aspirations.

IF ANYBODY CAN HELP ME OUT WITH INFO REGARDING THIS PROCESS, PLEASE DO..... I know you need something like 20 tears, an agency willing to sign you etc.... but I'm not clear on the particulars.

Much thanks and love,


Aug 30 06 10:34 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

mgrazz wrote:
Hi gang,

I'm an experienced Canadian model and I'm trying to propel myself to NYC and LA within the next year. I would like to sign with a U.S. modelling agency and move down to the States so that I can eventually move out to Hollywood to pursue my acting aspirations.

IF ANYBODY CAN HELP ME OUT WITH INFO REGARDING THIS PROCESS, PLEASE DO..... I know you need something like 20 tears, an agency willing to sign you etc.... but I'm not clear on the particulars.

Much thanks and love,


Hi Marco,
You need to get an H-1B visa and start a PERM case (which would get you a Permanent Residence Status eventually).
That is not very hard to do, it's just a matter of finding a good lawyer, as mostly it's all about "wordy wording" for the USCIS people.
The H-1B petition is the I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, however based on that you could claim your exceptional abilities and talents (your look) and get your green cared easily.
As you said though, make sure you have done some "jobs" that you can proof and have a legitimate agency in the U.S. that could help you with that - they don't need to do much, just say that they'll hire you (they don't have to provide a salary for you or anything - just the contract, like you have with any other agency).
Lemmi know if you have more questions.

Aug 30 06 01:08 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Oh, A couple more things, that could help you to "get an idea"
You have to provide a proof of:
achieving national or international recognitiona and acclaim for outstanding achevement ih your field, as evidenced by reviews in major nrewpapers, trade journals, magazines, or other published material Iagain that is just a matter of wording if you pictures where published - that's not a problem)

that you performed and will perform services as a fashion model for employers with a distinguised reputation (same thing)

recieved recognition for significant achievements from organization, critics, fashion houses, modeling agencies or other regonized iexperts in the field of fashion ( same B/S)

commands a high salary or other substantioal remuneration for services evidenced by contracts or other reliable evidence.
(now that would be tricky, but again a lawyer would know - there are a few things that they can do, because the salary is a very various thing depending on the area you'll be located in the U.S.)
just to give a heads up, would not get a lawer either in NY or CA.

Aug 30 06 01:37 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Aug 30 06 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

TXPhotog wrote:
Read all about it:

Yeah, that's a good summary, if the guy wants to do permanent residence - it would take him forever (assuming that he will  be in EB 3 category). But if he could prove that he is an outstanding worker (model) he could get into EB1 category, that way he'll get it withing a year.

Aug 30 06 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

mgrazz wrote:
How to go to the U.S.?? Help!!

Claim that you committed a high profile and unsolved murder from a few years back...

You maybe in the US, faster than you can say "I was kidding!"


Aug 30 06 03:45 pm Link


Mark Brummitt

Posts: 40527

Clarkston, Michigan, US

UdoR wrote:

Claim that you committed a high profile and unsolved murder from a few years back...

You maybe in the US, faster than you can say "I was kidding!"


And you fly first class.

Aug 30 06 03:48 pm Link


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

UdoR wrote:

Claim that you committed a high profile and unsolved murder from a few years back...

You maybe in the US, faster than you can say "I was kidding!"


First class too!! Hope you like champagne and lobster :-)

Aug 30 06 03:48 pm Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

you can marry me smile that'll get you to north carolina.....

Aug 30 06 03:51 pm Link


Howard Garcia

Posts: 2210

New York, New York, US

As a Canadian you actualy don't need a VISA to come to the US.
I'd suggest you take a trip to scout for possibitlites, hook up with an agency and let them handle all the paperwork for you to come and live here permanently.

If you go any other route you risk falling under the fraud loupe and risk PERMANENT deportation from US.
That would blow your chances of getting a legit work permit or Permanent Resident Card (green card).

BTW USCBP and USCIS is cracking down on those phoney H1B's that claim to be with an agency but in reality are NOT.
Just be carefull (not that anyone from USCBP of USCIS is watching these boards).


Aug 30 06 04:00 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

UdoR wrote:

Claim that you committed a high profile and unsolved murder from a few years back...

You maybe in the US, faster than you can say "I was kidding!"



Aug 30 06 04:55 pm Link