Forums > General Industry > Help a model out!


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

Can anyone suggest to me somewhere to look for an online or promotional agent? I was told by a "famous photographer" (his words) that I could never really become a model and an online or promotional agent are my only choices. So can someone suggest where I can look for either of these types of agent.


Aug 29 06 10:53 pm Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

PLEASE smile

Aug 29 06 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 6129

not much of a modelling industry in albany

Aug 29 06 11:21 pm Link


Lotus Photography

Posts: 19253

Berkeley, California, US

i just googled

'model agency albany new york'

just for the heck of it, then there's always the yellow pages


Aug 29 06 11:31 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Just checked out your port, you are too much by half, cute and beautiful. Pretty soon everyone will come on here and mercilessly point out that you are too shrinky to be a "real model". They suck. oldguysrule hits a nail on the head with every line he writes. You have to go where the fish are biting, even with bait like your big juicy worm. Don't come to Bellingham, there is NOTHING here. If you wind up here anyway, come on by and I will try to do your loveliness justice. Google works, hop on and go!! Best to you, Michael L

Aug 29 06 11:49 pm Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US


Aug 29 06 11:49 pm Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

Barbizon seems like the only place around here. Is it worth checking them out?

Aug 30 06 12:02 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I saw your pics and you are quite hot when somewhat properly posed and halfway decently lit. I imagine you'd be even hotter when properly posed and well lit.  I would recommend keeping the following... going left to right, row by row...

#7, #9, #11, #19, and dumping the rest.

Then, try and get a few more shots done by competent photographers, hit the bricks, and send out comps.

Aug 30 06 12:10 am Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Miss Lindsay Sass wrote:
Barbizon seems like the only place around here. Is it worth checking them out?

Barbizon is a money mill. They will happily take yours and show you all sort of formula stuff that you can learn elsewhere. They don't make their money getting jobs for models, they make their money FROM model wanna-bees. Save that money for better things.

Aug 30 06 12:18 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

Do you have to pay them to join the agency?

Aug 30 06 12:27 am Link


Black Ricco

Posts: 3486

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

I corrected my previous post of going right to left to going "left to right".

You must have thought I was insane. wink

Aug 30 06 12:31 am Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Miss Lindsay Sass wrote:
Do you have to pay them to join the agency?

Their agency won't think you are "ready" until you have been to their "School of Modeling". You will need classes, photographs, experience (read freebies, they get paid you don't) and whatever else they can come up with to get their hooks in your wallet. Knowing this, approach them and prove me wrong! Just don't sign anything!! Have you used the browse on MM to see who's in your area? Start networking with the other models, MUAs photographers etc. If it's dead on here, get a free account on and browse just to see what's up. You will not be able to contact anybody on omp without a paid account but at least it might give you an idea what's out there.

Aug 30 06 12:38 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

Thanks everyone!

Aug 30 06 07:03 am Link



Posts: 548

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

stay away from barbizon and any other "agency that will ask you for any money.

Keep doing shoots and don't listen every photog that says you can't be a model there are many types of modelling you can do. Just keep at it and develop yourself
look for a larget market like New York or Toronto

Aug 30 06 07:37 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Miss Lindsay Sass wrote:
Barbizon seems like the only place around here. Is it worth checking them out?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Avoid Barbizon like the plague. The amount of money that you spend w/ the them would be better off search out photographers & hiring them that to do the stuff that you specifically need done for your port & for a considerable fraction of the price.

Aug 30 06 09:27 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US


Don't forget that Albany is only like 2.5 hours away from Boston & probably about the same amount of time if you take the train to NYC.

It also depends on what you want to do.

If you are looking to do runway, this "famous photographer" is about right. The runway designers are basically looking for tall, walking coat-hangers because the less material they have to use means more money in their pockets.

Print is a totally different story. Being tall is helpful but its not as critical as runway work. As in the rest of life, a lot of to depends on what photographer you hook up & what connections they have & what look is needed at the right time.

When you ask this:

Miss Lindsay Sass wrote:
Can anyone suggest to me somewhere to look for an online or promotional agent?

Are you looking for some sort of online manager who'll get you jobs? Or are you using the net as a resource to find brick & mortar agencies?

Because if its the former, you'll want to be wary of those. If you do a search of "managers" here in the forums, you'll see why.  From personal experience (from my own dealings w/ them to testimonies of people that I've worked w/ who used to have them), the managers can range from modestly helpful to completely useless.

If you DO decide to go that route, think about a nonexclusive agreement which'll free you to hunt for jobs on your own, especially if down the line you the manager isn't able to deliver on their promises.

Aug 30 06 10:26 am Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

Tzalam wrote:
stay away from barbizon and any other "agency that will ask you for any money.

Except if its for new headshots & a comp card. That's pretty standard.

I know there are a couple other reasons but I can't think of them.

Aug 30 06 10:30 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

Aug 30 06 10:43 am Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

Thanks for all your help everyone! And thanks again Matt for the help you've given recently. I am just looking for someone or someplace to find paying jobs. Not even looking for much money, hell, $40 would be something. I would just like to know what is out there and what is being looked for. I can't really boost my portfolio when I don't know what most people want. I'm not looking to become famous or be a runway model. I just want to do it for myself. I have a chronic illness and modeling makes me feel real in a way. I want to capture myself on film as much as possible! So thanks again everyone. Feel free to keep it coming!

Aug 30 06 01:52 pm Link



Posts: 7791

New York, New York, US

Miss Lindsay Sass wrote:
Barbizon seems like the only place around here. Is it worth checking them out?

Barbizon is a SHAM!!!

Don't go there, their sole purpose in life is to make money off of "Prospective Models".

Aug 30 06 02:00 pm Link


Miss Lindsay Sass

Posts: 85

Albany, New York, US

Guess I'll skip talking to Barbizon haha

Aug 30 06 04:40 pm Link