Forums > General Industry > Time 4 prints


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

This is funny.  Every one should Know what this stands for but if you want ot add your own like i did please do so and share your thoughts as to what TFP stands for:

1. That's Fairly Pretty (what a GWC Hillbilly photographer would say to you at his photoshoot.

2. Take Five Please (What you say to a model when she is holding the same pose for over an hour.

3. Twelve Freaken Pesos ( what you say when a Hooker Model in Tia Juana charges you.

4. Two Freaken Pizzas ( what you have to order for models at your private shoots.

5. Two Frucken Pretty (What Dumb Frucken Horny Photographers say to new models.

6. Travel For Pay. (What Porn site models charge you before you even begin to photograph them)

7. Tape, Film & Porn. (What photographers are doing with their Cam Corders durring photoshoots.)

8. Tomarrows Fake Pleasures. (What Models and Photographers do after every photoshoot.

9. Treamble, Fear & Pain (What photographers do after paying Models $1000.00 an hour for images they will never profit from.

10. Time For Prints. (What models think they will get by modleing for FREE. GOOD LUCK.ell.

Aug 28 06 08:54 pm Link