Forums > General Industry > Models that don't email you back or call you back



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

I've had TWO models within the past 2 yrs that I did TFP/TFCD work with.

Both Models never got their prints and cds! I've emailed them both plenty of times, saying I have their prints and disc ready for them. I even said I'd mail it to them if I got their home address. Or meet halfway for their conveince to pick them up!

One lives practically 10 mins from me.
The other, about 45 mins away, and that one, had excuses, like models do not to come to a shoot. She said yea..sauturday, we can meet up to get her pictures....came up with excuse..."oh i have a party to attend", can we do it another day? Then that "another day" turned to weeks. So I emailed....want me to just mail them to you? Never responded!
Well, I came across her link on MM, just emailed her again yesterday...after a year, still holding on to her prints/cd. We'll see if I get a response now!  If not...should i just trash them?? I already have my copies that I wanted for my book.

Aug 26 06 03:06 pm Link


Jon Tiffin

Posts: 1041

San Antonio, Texas, US

Just another level (or lacke thereof) of professioanlism in your (their) actions. Don't kill yourself over it. As long as you get what you need out of it don't go too out of the way. If they really wanted the images they'd be buggin the shit out of you.

Aug 26 06 03:11 pm Link


tri delta photo

Posts: 241

Arlington, Texas, US

NEVER trash originals. I wish I could find my CD with all of my original shots I've done over the years, but I can't. Even though 2 of the girls didn't respond to me either (like your case) I still wish I had the origs. for me to use.

If you have originals, toss the copies. It's cheap enough to make them, and personally, I wouldn't have held on to them for anyone that long. Let the models come to you, don't waste your time and energy trying to give them something. If they want it, they'll make arrangements to get it.

Aug 26 06 03:11 pm Link



Posts: 20640

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

FosbreStudios wrote:
Well, I came across her link on MM, just emailed her again yesterday...after a year, still holding on to her prints/cd. We'll see if I get a response now!  If not...should i just trash them?? I already have my copies that I wanted for my book.

While I understand your frustration about the lack of contact from models that you are pursuing, you shouldn't hold her photos hostage.  That's just not right.

If for some reason she doesn't want to work with you, or if she doesn't want to ever come near you again (for whatever reason), you should still attempt to get her photos to her via another method (maybe give 'em to a friend of hers that will forward them on to the model?).  That would be the more professional thing to do.  You've agreed for TFP, she gave you the T... now give her the P.

If your efforts seem totally futile, it would be best to let her know that after such & such a date, the photos will be disposed of... kind o' like what businesses and gov't entities do with unclaimed or abandoned property.

Aug 26 06 03:20 pm Link


Marilyn Nieves

Posts: 10

Atlanta, Georgia, US

She's not holding her photos hostage. Sounds like she's been trying to get rid of them but the model doesn't care enough to pick them up, get them mailed to her or anything for that matter.

I'm sure if they needed or wanted them they'd be pounding on your door.

Aug 26 06 03:55 pm Link


Bonita Photography

Posts: 402

Bonita, California, US

Don't take it personally. I've run in to this a couple of times also.  I've even drove to the models houses a couple of times to deliver the CDs.  I know it wasn't anything I did because the models have subequently shot with me again.  What I had to realize is that models have lives outside being models and sometimes have other priorities.  Do diligence in trying to get the images to them and move on. kevin

Aug 26 06 04:07 pm Link


House of DL

Posts: 523

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Glad to know I am not the only one!!!  Finally got a mailing address for one!!! Two more CDs to go!!!

Aug 26 06 04:17 pm Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

FosbreStudios wrote:
I've had TWO models within the past 2 yrs that I did TFP/TFCD work with.

Both Models never got their prints and cds! I've emailed them both plenty of times, saying I have their prints and disc ready for them. I even said I'd mail it to them if I got their home address. Or meet halfway for their conveince to pick them up!

One lives practically 10 mins from me.
The other, about 45 mins away, and that one, had excuses, like models do not to come to a shoot. She said yea..sauturday, we can meet up to get her pictures....came up with excuse..."oh i have a party to attend", can we do it another day? Then that "another day" turned to weeks. So I emailed....want me to just mail them to you? Never responded!
Well, I came across her link on MM, just emailed her again yesterday...after a year, still holding on to her prints/cd. We'll see if I get a response now!  If not...should i just trash them?? I already have my copies that I wanted for my book.

Dude, you sound desperate.  Dont worry about it.  You shot women who were not professional, so let it go.

Aug 26 06 04:18 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:

While I understand your frustration about the lack of contact from models that you are pursuing, you shouldn't hold her photos hostage.  That's just not right.

If for some reason she doesn't want to work with you, or if she doesn't want to ever come near you again (for whatever reason), you should still attempt to get her photos to her via another method (maybe give 'em to a friend of hers that will forward them on to the model?).  That would be the more professional thing to do.  You've agreed for TFP, she gave you the T... now give her the P.

If your efforts seem totally futile, it would be best to let her know that after such & such a date, the photos will be disposed of... kind o' like what businesses and gov't entities do with unclaimed or abandoned property.

It doesnt sound like a hostage situation to me. It sounds like the photographer has done enough, throw them in a drawer and move on. Your comment makes it sound like this photographer has done something inappropriate with the model and that is un called for by you. Why should the photographer have to give them to anyone else to transfere to the model? _uck that. She wants them, come get them. If not oh well.

Aug 26 06 04:18 pm Link


Miguel Book 1

Posts: 1473

Washington, District of Columbia, US

FosbreStudios wrote:
I've had TWO models within the past 2 yrs that I did TFP/TFCD work with.

Both Models never got their prints and cds! I've emailed them both plenty of times, saying I have their prints and disc ready for them. I even said I'd mail it to them if I got their home address. Or meet halfway for their conveince to pick them up!

One lives practically 10 mins from me.
The other, about 45 mins away, and that one, had excuses, like models do not to come to a shoot. She said yea..sauturday, we can meet up to get her pictures....came up with excuse..."oh i have a party to attend", can we do it another day? Then that "another day" turned to weeks. So I emailed....want me to just mail them to you? Never responded!
Well, I came across her link on MM, just emailed her again yesterday...after a year, still holding on to her prints/cd. We'll see if I get a response now!  If not...should i just trash them?? I already have my copies that I wanted for my book.

I do not shoot with any model without a release and ID. So I have their names and address in addition to their email address. Plenty of information for me to deliver the CD, prints or files.
What do you do in this regard?
Do you use any documentation?
Do you ask for ID?

I am curious to see how you manage this part of the shoot.

Aug 26 06 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Yes, I've done everything in my part, it's not like i've been hounding them for 2 years, just within the first couple months when I left them emails, phone/voicemail...text messaging on their cell...and just blaintly never respond back!

First few times, they did, saying yeah..saturday will be good to pick them up....but something always comes up....

Aug 26 06 04:27 pm Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

these obviously aren't the models that complain on here that they never got their prints or photoCD from the photographer.  You've gone way beyond the call of duty to try to get these models their pics.  I say trash and leave it alone.  Just a note for future reference, I've had that happen to me and now I have a clause in my model contract that states models have 30days from the time that the photos are ready for the model to make arrangements for delivery, otherwise photos will be discarded.  That way you don't have a year of frustration

Aug 26 06 04:34 pm Link



Posts: 20640

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Hadyn Lassiter wrote:
It doesnt sound like a hostage situation to me. It sounds like the photographer has done enough, throw them in a drawer and move on. Your comment makes it sound like this photographer has done something inappropriate with the model and that is un called for by you.

I agree!  You agree... but maybe the model doesn't agree!?!?!?

What I mean is that the photographer is most likely totally legitimate and on the 'up and up', and has done more than required to try in an attempt to deliver the photos.

Maybe, just maybe... for whatever reason... the model does not feel comfortable facing the photographer again, and is making excuses for not coming to pick 'em up, or not giving her personal address for delivery.  Many people would rather give excuses than to decline for fear of offending or fear of retaliation.

I'm not stating or implying the 'excuses' she's giving are valid, but it's possible that the original photographer may have done something to scare her... or maybe a different photographer did something to scare her which is causing her to react the same way to all photographers.  Maybe she simply doesn't want to give her home address out... I don't know, but something is causing the model to not want to get the photos under the conditions presented, whether her suspicions are warranted or not.

That is why, instead of trying to meet to give her the photos, I would have put the ball in her court and ask "What would be the best way to get the photos to you?".   Instead of asking for her home address... I would instead request a mailing address ... making it very clear that I'm not neccessarily asking for her home address.

If you step into the models shoes for just a moment, you can see how a simple act of generosity by some can appear to be a creepy encounter by others.

Aug 26 06 05:00 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Decadence D

Posts: 719

Chicago, Illinois, US

I feel you on this one. I put together a shoot and was trying my darndest to get the images to the MUA/Hair person after I retouched them.  We set up a time to meet and they didn't show, waited 45 minutes. I called them and told them they could call me to come get the photos from me whenever they are free to do so.  They said they would in a couple days from that date. They have not contacted me since, but had the nerve to complain to a mutual acquaintance that they hadn't received their photographs from me yet.  Same thing with clothes or jewelry sometimes. I gotta get on them to give them back "their" (sometimes expensive) items.

I have a policy for when I do a shoot now that I share from the get. I allow myself to be flexible with schedules of those I need to return things to or get pictures to for a maximum of seven days after our predetermined date of release, sometimes ten.  After that they are on my time and it is up to them to reach me and work around my schedule. 

I have to say you are very nice to go through all that.  TFP, is a trade. You both are agreeing to receive something from the shoot, so it is really the model's responsiblity to make sure she gets the photographs from you when you make them available. What you did was above and beyond, and they don't realize how lucky they are.  I've had to hunt some photographers I styled TFP shoots with down in order to get my shots before, lol.  I applaud you.

Aug 26 06 05:15 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Just to keep my name in good health, i know for a fact there wasn't anything that I did to make her fearful or scared, because the shoot was on location on a beach, near a lighthouse, with hundreds of people being tourists, and including her Boyfriend that tug along for the whole 4 and a half hour shoot. I even did part of the shoot of both of them together as a "couples" that's where it blows my would think she would want the pictures of her and her boyfriend to put in frames and such???   My god!

And even if we set a place to meet, such as a burger king, she can bring that boyfriend again to get her pics and discs!

I haven't contacted her about it all year though, but everytime I do some house cleaning..i come across this bag, and when i open it up....Im like "oh these are those pictures for that model" Then I got to find a spot for them again in the house.

Yesterday's email consisted of....

I was doing some cleaning up around the house, came across your photos and cd you never got, if you want them, you can email me back, and I will send them to you"

But this is it! I've done all my emailing, voicemail leaving , and text more! lol!

Aug 26 06 05:59 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

I wouldn't sweat over it. You've done your part, the ball's in their court now.

Aug 26 06 08:44 pm Link


Ye Olde Photographer

Posts: 547

San Juan, San Juan-Laventville, Trinidad and Tobago

Don't worry about it. This has happened to me before but with prints instead of CDs. Sometime they knock on you door long after and expect you to find them in a minute.

Aug 27 06 06:43 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:

I agree!  You agree... but maybe the model doesn't agree!?!?!?

What I mean is that the photographer is most likely totally legitimate and on the 'up and up', and has done more than required to try in an attempt to deliver the photos.

Maybe, just maybe... for whatever reason... the model does not feel comfortable facing the photographer again, and is making excuses for not coming to pick 'em up, or not giving her personal address for delivery.  Many people would rather give excuses than to decline for fear of offending or fear of retaliation.

I'm not stating or implying the 'excuses' she's giving are valid, but it's possible that the original photographer may have done something to scare her... or maybe a different photographer did something to scare her which is causing her to react the same way to all photographers.  Maybe she simply doesn't want to give her home address out... I don't know, but something is causing the model to not want to get the photos under the conditions presented, whether her suspicions are warranted or not.

That is why, instead of trying to meet to give her the photos, I would have put the ball in her court and ask "What would be the best way to get the photos to you?".   Instead of asking for her home address... I would instead request a mailing address ... making it very clear that I'm not neccessarily asking for her home address.

If you step into the models shoes for just a moment, you can see how a simple act of generosity by some can appear to be a creepy encounter by others.

Dude, what are you reading?
The poor guy put every option on the table, I think you are readin gway to much into this.

Aug 27 06 06:50 am Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Aug 27 06 07:01 am Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US


Just wanted to make clear from this thread I started.
The photos and CD is not being held hostage. I've tried plenty of times to contact this model to get them to her, just basically being ignored.
And I know absolutely there was no fear of me from her at all. It was a shoot on a beach, near a lighthouse, with hundreds of tourists and locals walking around. Safety was not a factor. Plus she had her Boyfriend tagging along the whole time, he even helped carry my stuff around. I even took part of the shoot, and took photos of the both of them together as a "couples" shoot.
You would think she would want them pictures of her and her honey????
Thats where it blows my mind!
The other day was the first time I've emailed her for about a year, I saw her link this morning, and she has been on since that email, and again, no response from my message to her. She's even on my Friend's List!

Aug 27 06 07:11 am Link


Anderson Artwork

Posts: 493

Kansas City, Missouri, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:

While I understand your frustration about the lack of contact from models that you are pursuing, you shouldn't hold her photos hostage.  That's just not right.

If for some reason she doesn't want to work with you, or if she doesn't want to ever come near you again (for whatever reason), you should still attempt to get her photos to her via another method (maybe give 'em to a friend of hers that will forward them on to the model?).  That would be the more professional thing to do.  You've agreed for TFP, she gave you the T... now give her the P.

If your efforts seem totally futile, it would be best to let her know that after such & such a date, the photos will be disposed of... kind o' like what businesses and gov't entities do with unclaimed or abandoned property.

DO NOT give those photos to anyone else to deliver for you, unless you have proof that that is what the client wished to have happen. There are some serious liability issues doing that. However, the last suggestion above, worded politely but firmly should be a good solution to your situation. I have at least 30 sets of photos on CD that are in my "Dead Letter" file. Some are 6 years old, now.

Aug 27 06 07:30 pm Link


Sublime Images

Posts: 9

Baltimore, Maryland, US

I agree with UnSeenYou, “Dude, you sound desperate.” I have always heard of models not showing up but never models not wanting their images.  I usually hold on to stuff for about 2-4 months wedding, portraits, fashion, whatever & let the clients know how to proceed.  If they don’t its trash.  I also never print unless there is money involved; if the model paid for the prints more than likely they would have gotten them.

Aug 27 06 08:58 pm Link


Vincent Vega

Posts: 941

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I hate irresponsible models and photographers this just sounds like they don't why should you... I can't believe I'm only 17 and am more responsible than someone whos 25 or 30... what does that say about the person... screw them after a year of trying to contact them don't contact them anymore...sure keep the images if you just havea  gut feeling they MIGHT come back for em, but stop contacting them..... HEY maybe if you whisper in their ear "I have a photoshoot for you" they might run back...sad but it might just work than you can just throw the CDs at em and say well I have a "party to go to maybe we can do it later"...... no don't do that, that will just cause more problems all I can say is don't worry about it because obviously they don't care.....

Aug 27 06 09:12 pm Link



Posts: 3607

Medford, New Jersey, US

Sublime Images wrote:
I agree with UnSeenYou, “Dude, you sound desperate.” I have always heard of models not showing up but never models not wanting their images.  I usually hold on to stuff for about 2-4 months wedding, portraits, fashion, whatever & let the clients know how to proceed.  If they don’t its trash.  I also never print unless there is money involved; if the model paid for the prints more than likely they would have gotten them.

Hello, it goes.

Not desperate at all, I could give two shits if she gets them or not.
I only made my attempts to get them to her last summer within the first couple months, calling, emailing, texting...the first few times, we did talk, saying yeah this saturday, blah blah blah...then another time I mentioned, how bout this day or that day...none were good for her, then she disappeared. I heard back a couple months later...saying...oh sorry, I got real sick and was in hospital for 3 weeks. Ok..... so eventually I just said, whatever, she'll contact me she wants them.

The shoot was in May or June of 2005, I did the contacting part that summer up until Sept. or something like that.
So since then...I forgot all about it...

So just the other day...Im doing some cleaning and came across this bag in my closet...i opened it up to see what was in it, and bam....there they were....her photos ! A couple hundred 4x6s, about 3 8x10s and the cd.
So since I remember she hasn't touched her omp account for 230 some odd days, I remember she was on MM, just like I was, and boom, there she is on my friends list.

Well, since NOW its fresh in my mind....I check out her link, says she was on last aug. pretty fresh, so I decided to once again, "hey...just came across your photos, if you still want them, I have them!
That was like 2 days ago, well, she been on since then, still never wrote back.

She's even using two of the photos from that shoot on her link. Because I did email a couple that I worked on at the time. But she still has hundreds more for her to keep!!

Ok now? Do you have it straight? I haven't contacted this girl since last Sept. until 2 days ago!

And once again, her boyfriend was there, he was really enjoying the whole shoot too, and helping out. I even took time out to get both of them in Romantic style on the beach as a "couples" shoot.
You would think she would want them? Since its them together as lovebirds holding hands and kissing???? So again, there was no fear in her, she was loving the shoot, I was actually her first shoot!

I know I certainly would...especially getting hundreds of free 4x6s and the files on cd!

I started this thing probably in the wrong way on the thread, maybe it shouldve been put like this.

"Why wouldn't they want the photos"? you're b/f is in them, why ignore my attempts to get them to you? Even a yr later since i found them again, why still not reply to a message? I just need REASONS, COMMUNICATION, not, IGNORANCE.

If I drop off my suits at the dry cleaners, and they ask, when would you like to pick them up? Do I ignore them? Do I not come back for my suits? Do i not answer my phones cuz i know its the dry cleaners calling? Does the dry cleaners make attempts for 3 months to contact me that my suits been here for 3 months, come get them! Then call me 10 months later, hey..still got your suits!!! LOL!

The whole thing just boggles my mind, why ignore people?? So RUDE!

Oh maybe the couple broke up, wanted no memories of that day? Only reason I can think of.

And the other that I went out PAID for the prints, so she can have her first photo shoot right away! i had them done within days!

Waste of GD money!

Aug 27 06 10:09 pm Link