
DJW Photography

Posts: 623

Chicago, Illinois, US

ok, so this model tells me on monday she wants to shoot wednesday.  On Tuesday night she text messages me that she feels ill and wants to come on saturday with another friend who wants to model as well....Then she says she wants to shoot on friday night with a different friend.  OK Now it is friday....She told me she would be at my place by 5pm...she then calls and says 6pm i call her and she says "I meant we are leaving at 6pm....model finally arrives at 830 pm with her friend.  Friend is also not a model....IE not worth my time to photograph.  At about midnight I get a message from the friend's boyfriend that he wants to tell his girlfriend he is pissed at her.  I tell him I am not a messaging service and for him to contact her directly..He then sends a message again to me...I give same answer...His third message to me is that he is coming home on monday and I should expect him to stop by....I take this as a threat and forward the messages to the Chicago Police.  Now the friend is crying....I am a little pissed...and the model I want to work with is embarrased by her friend's situation, being late and hoping I will work with her again tomorrow.....Any suggestions on 1.  How to feel about all this.  2.  Were my actions appropriate.  3.  Suggestions on whether I should work with this model (not the firend) again?
Situation Normal All Fucked Up

Aug 26 06 02:04 am Link

Digital Artist


Posts: 6720

Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

haha how fun your life is big_smile

Aug 26 06 02:12 am Link


MelissaLynnette LaDiva

Posts: 50816

Leawood, Kansas, US

That whole thing sounds crazy.  I'm so so sorry.

Aug 26 06 03:09 am Link


Lindsey Marie

Posts: 214

Detroit, Michigan, US


Aug 26 06 03:11 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Cut and run! There is nothing but misery in your future if you continue to involve yourself with people like this. Forgetting about the friend for a moment, the "model" seems to have no respect for you at all. Why are you letting her walk all over you like this? She changes the days, shows up with someone you have never seen, LATE, and now you are tied up in her friends problems to the point of needed to contact the Police. Get these people out of your life FOREVER! The way you describe these two people reveals everything about their character and integrity. Why would you even consider working with her again? Do you enjoy pain?

Aug 26 06 03:17 am Link


DJW Photography

Posts: 623

Chicago, Illinois, US

i saw a picture of the firend, never really thought of the friend as a model, but was doing the photos for fun, but it really wasnt worth any of the troubles

Aug 26 06 08:42 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

1. ???  You feel how you feel.

2. Your response to the BF was appropriate.

3. I agree with Tim. Take a pass.

For all that you may think that it was no big deal to hike your life around her schedule cuz you had nothing else going (assumption cuz you did it), her actions bespeak an enormous amount of disregard for you.

But in the end, it's all on you. Your time, your decision.

Aug 26 06 08:45 am Link


DJW Photography

Posts: 623

Chicago, Illinois, US

well the model is already coming over today but I will not work with her after today.


I will be working with her in the future

Aug 26 06 08:53 am Link


Cyberhawk Studios

Posts: 387

Mount Vernon, Washington, US

I wouldn't call this a snafu, since it probably isn't normal for you. This is more along the lines of fumtu - f'd up more than usual smile

Aug 26 06 08:58 am Link


DJW Photography

Posts: 623

Chicago, Illinois, US

Cyberhawk Studios wrote:
I wouldn't call this a snafu, since it probably isn't normal for you. This is more along the lines of fumtu - f'd up more than usual smile

ah...i didnt know that one

Aug 26 06 09:00 am Link


Tim Little Photography

Posts: 11771

Wilmington, Delaware, US

DJ Watts wrote:
well the model is already coming over today but I will not work with her after today.


May God have mercy on you, I'm sure she won't.

Aug 26 06 09:13 am Link


Halcyon 7174 NYC

Posts: 20109

New York, New York, US

For situations like these, I recommend bathtub absynth.

Aug 26 06 11:16 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

DJ Watts wrote:
ok, so this model tells me on monday she wants to shoot wednesday.  On Tuesday night she text messages me that she feels ill and wants to come on saturday with another friend who wants to model as well....Then she says she wants to shoot on friday night with a different friend . . .

You absolutely screwed up by letting it go beyond this stage.

Aug 26 06 11:52 am Link



Posts: 551

Miami Beach, Florida, US

I would have been out on Wednesday. 

I guess the question is:  How much do you respect yourself?

Aug 26 06 01:03 pm Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Tell her to go home!

Aug 26 06 01:06 pm Link


Fotographic Aspirations

Posts: 1966

Long Beach, California, US

Forget it - move on !

Aug 26 06 01:07 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

DJ Watts wrote:
3.  Suggestions on whether I should work with this model (not the firend) again?

I'm stunned that you're even asking this question.

Aug 26 06 01:47 pm Link


Taboo Motel

Posts: 195

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Drama, drama, drama...I was talking to a model today that described another model breaking up with her current bf because she enjoyed acting out all the time...aka 'drama queen'...and he wasn't about to put up with people screw things up intentionally just to be the center of attention.

Aug 26 06 01:59 pm Link


DJW Photography

Posts: 623

Chicago, Illinois, US

some notes i left out.....1 the model is someone i have worked with before and is extremely nice.  2.  she really was sick on wednesday 3.  she was late on friday due to flash flooding in rockford illinois

Aug 26 06 02:22 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

DJ Watts wrote:
ok, so this model tells me on monday she wants to shoot wednesday.  On Tuesday night she text messages me that she feels ill and wants to come on saturday with another friend who wants to model as well....Then she says she wants to shoot on friday night with a different friend.  OK Now it is friday....She told me she would be at my place by 5pm...she then calls and says 6pm i call her and she says "I meant we are leaving at 6pm....model finally arrives at 830 pm with her friend.  Friend is also not a model....IE not worth my time to photograph.  At about midnight I get a message from the friend's boyfriend that he wants to tell his girlfriend he is pissed at her.  I tell him I am not a messaging service and for him to contact her directly..He then sends a message again to me...I give same answer...His third message to me is that he is coming home on monday and I should expect him to stop by....I take this as a threat and forward the messages to the Chicago Police.  Now the friend is crying....I am a little pissed...and the model I want to work with is embarrased by her friend's situation, being late and hoping I will work with her again tomorrow.....Any suggestions on 1.  How to feel about all this.  2.  Were my actions appropriate.  3.  Suggestions on whether I should work with this model (not the firend) again?Situation Normal All Fucked Up

I'm a bit confused by the chronology of events, but along about the 3rd change I would have bowed out. As for the threat, on the coupleof times I received them from sluggos, I usually just email this photo and mention that it's a couple of years old and Thelma and Louise are all grown now. Then I gie my address and comment that 'we' will be waiting for him with baited breath.

PS, Ralph, the dad, is about 120 pounds, the 'pups' are a bit smaller.

Aug 26 06 05:22 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

reminds me of a shoot in arizona i had set up a couple of weeks ago, 2 models i had worked with once previously, shoot was set for 11.00am, at 10.45am rang the lead models cell, turned off, rang again at 11.00am as models had failed to show,same result, rang again to say i was leaving the premises of the shoot, again cell off, took the crew for a scenic drive up to a local beauty spot took about an hour, driving back past the arranged location [studio] we saw the owner pull in stopped to thank him and advise that shoot did not go thru, this is like 12.25 midday-ish, low and behold another vehicle pulls in behind us out hops one of the booked models  , she informs us shes sorry shes late, main model has bailed because her boyfriend does not want her modelling anymore but was to ashamed to call, but she has sent a friend as a replacement, friend has more metal in her face than the average roadside bomb,a tatoo on her leg the size of texas,and wait for it, an armed goddamn escort, now you can guess my response to this one? GET IN YOUR CAR AND SOD OFF FOLKS, if it looks sus and smells sus it usually is sus, and sure as hell not worth the effort.

Aug 26 06 05:34 pm Link


Glenn Francis

Posts: 347

Los Angeles, California, US

Another day in the life of a photog dealing with models.......


Aug 26 06 10:42 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Glenn Francis wrote:
Another day in the life of a photog dealing with models.......


no, another day in the life of a photographer dealing with new models who do not take modeling as seriously as their social life, as opposed to models who commit all of their time to different aspects of the industry and therefore it IS the most important thing in their lives.

Every once in a while, there are screw ups, but as a model and a photographer, I have found being selective pays off.

Aug 26 06 10:47 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Very wierd!

You went a lot further than I would have.

If it was I in that sceaniro the first excuse would have been forgiven. The second excuse and it would have been "don't bother I hate having my time wasted, goodbye."

Why do people think their time is worth more than my time??? Or in this case your time!

Let me relate a story.

I had made a doctors appoint for a specific time. I showed up fifteen minutes early. The doctor had me waiting one half hour past my appointment time. So I informed the secretary I was leaving. A week later I got a bill for $50 for not notifying the doctor of my cancellation.

I made out a bill on my own form. Billed the doctor of one hour of my time, $100.

End of story.

Aug 27 06 12:09 am Link


DJW Photography

Posts: 623

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ok so the saturday shoot.   The model Lets call her "A" was actually on time at noon.  She brought her friend "B".  B is not the same friend as friday night.  "B" is actually a rather pretty young lady with stunning bone structure and figure.  "A" and "B" settle in read the releases and sign them.  "A" runs for food while B works on make-up.  A returns shortly(15 mintues) and begins to curl B's hair.  By the time the hair is finished it is 3pm....During this 2.5 hour time I play on my laptop and see if any other models care to come over since I have all my gear set up.  2 other models do come over. Models B,C, and D are patient, helpful, and having fun.  Model A starts to get tired and crianky.  Model A has worked with me before and has shot in most of her outfits with me already.  She wants to try a new idea which requires 1.  Spray painting then letting dry costume pieces...2.  Attaching these pieces with latex paint......3.  Long story short a full costume that will take at least 3 hours to build.....  Model A then gets very upset because she has run out of time and has to leave but never was able to shoot in her full decked out costume and one outfit on my pool table(this would require moving the backdrop and other furniture for a proper setup).  Model A in my opinion is also intimidated by her friend's Model B.  Now I explained to model A that while I like both models, Model A is definately more creative, just as pretty, and the model I prefer to work with.  Models C and D are in the meanwhile being patient and waiting for me to deal with models A and B who have to leave.  Model C's husband who was acting as an escort was wondefully patient and supportive with all this drama going on.   

So here is my decision as a result.

1.  Model A is still welcomed to shoot with me but not with a friend.

2.  Model B is more than welcomed back to work with me but not with Model A.

3.  Model C and her husband and welcomed back anytime.

4.  Model D is a model I have worked with at least a dozen times and will continue to work with.

5.  I will no longer shoot any model unless it is clear to them that their parents/spouse/friends do not get into my business.....If they don't like what you are doing....thats your business with them not mine.

6.  Models are not allowed to bring their melodrama into my do and you will be asked to leave.

7.  I am going to get an online calander for booking may readjust a shoot time with notice...but do it two times in a row and you are cut.

Aug 27 06 12:48 am Link


Vegas Alien

Posts: 1747

Armington, Illinois, US

DJ Watts wrote:
6.  Models are not allowed to bring their melodrama into my do and you will be asked to leave.

And some people wonder why I no longer allow escorts. Never, ever again unless the model is a minor or the person accompanying them is skilled with makeup or styling.

As long as you allow the possibility of drama, interference and bullshit into your world, it will exist. I used to fall prey to this when I was new. No more little amateur girlies telling me how the shoot is going to go, who they bring, etc. If you are to evolve, this is one part of it.

Just seeing you explain all this needless drama exacerbates itself in your world. Learn from it and move on.

Aug 28 06 01:50 pm Link