Forums > General Industry > Getting into pinup as a photog.. Advice?



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

I think I've pretty well settled on my main area of interest for photography..  I won't call it art..  Maybe Figure work through photoshop: is my best current examples..

That's fine and all, and gives me lots of room to grow... But it's not the kind of work that screams, "Come TFP with me!"  And while it's what gives me the most room to explore and learn while dealing with the confines of the equipment I have (and don't have)..  I would also like to start pursuing a style of photography that's more popular and more models like to try..

Fashion is beyond me.. And with DigitalCMH and Stan Schutze in my area the market for glamour is pretty well cornered (and I don't think my ego could stand the drubbing, they're really good at what they do..)

So I was contemplating pinup.. In it's way, pinup is almost a style of figure-work unto itself. 

Bettey Page was iconic to me before I ever picked up a camera, and it seems like a lot of women are really intrigued by the style.. 

But I've yet to try it..

Beyond the obvious advice of know your equipment and study the field.. Do any of the wonderful pinup people on MM have any suggestions on how to get started?

Aug 25 06 01:03 am Link


tommy nikon

Posts: 138

Seattle, Washington, US

You already have an eye...just redirect it.  Make it more commercially viable to what you seek.  By showing samples of what you seek...guess what?- you get more models seeking the same.

Best of luck...

Aug 25 06 01:14 am Link


Bret Harte

Posts: 283

Green River, Utah, US

When I was just a kid, Alberto Vargas hit the limelight with pinups. Every woman in the world wanted to look like that.

Aug 25 06 10:21 am Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Talk to Viva.  She's the queen of the pinup universe, and from what I have seen she's really approachable.

Aug 25 06 10:32 am Link


Tony Kinard Photography

Posts: 479

Biloxi, Mississippi, US

I'm trying my hand here and there with pinup style art and people seem to really like it.  It's fun to do, but you really have to put in your plan and prep.  I use the following sites for ideas and inspiration:

Aug 25 06 05:08 pm Link


Vera van Munster

Posts: 4095

Belmont, North Carolina, US

I can't even stress that enough.If you're going to spend the money on a makeup artist and hair stylist, or even wardrobe, do it correctly.Find someone that knows what they're doing.Slicked back hair in a pony tail just kills the photo.Espcially if the girl is even wearing a modern pair of shoes or a modern set of panty hose, it just kills it.Use models with a vintage figure.Which means at least  9 inch difference or more between the waist line and hips.I personally dont like to see tattoos on a pinup model.I know it's just absolutely everywhere these days( I have seven,but I hide them!) but to me it just automatically makes the photo too modern.I like classic pinup, not rockabilly or psychobilly pinup.Oh,and study the lingerie back then and the fabrics used , ruins the look you were set out to achieve.Study the classic hollywood images,do your research.
If you're going for a modern version,then you dont need to do as much research.

Aug 26 06 04:57 pm Link


Bonita Photography

Posts: 402

Bonita, California, US

Dude, having Stan or anybody else in our market area doesn't affect our ability to get shoots.  (Although Stan is one OMG good Tog) What afects our ability to get shoots is our vision, our technical capabilities, and our personalities.(There might be something I've forgotten but you get the point) I've got more TFCD offers than I can handle. Every model I've worked with would do it again if I come up with and idea that sounds interesting and fun.  I'm turning down TFCDs remotely resembling Diva or Drama.  And I ONLY shoot nudes.

You've meet me, I'm a bumblef*ck.  If I can set my mind to do something, anyone can.  Let me try to nudge you a little in another direction.   

An artist is an individual on a quest, a self exploration, searching to grow develop.  Photography, painting, music, acting, and all forms of expression are just by products of this quest.  Make this quest the focus of your photographic endeavers and models(who are also artists) will be attracted being a part of it.  kevin

Aug 26 06 04:58 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

To me pin-up is about styling and technique combined.  It's also the more fun type of shoot to do.  Models really get into it, MUA's love doing them, hairstylists love to cut the bangs of the models making them cry... well.. not really..

Wardrobe is key in my books.  Like one of the posters above said, get those vintage clothes and materials.  Personally however, I like seeing updated versions of pin-up.  DigitalCMH has a classic example of what I'm taking about here.  It's the red-head looking up at the camera doing the snarl.  It's such a fun shot that it's fun just looking at it.

Then there's the hollywood glam style pin-ups.  Betty Page is a great example.  Thing is, do you want to keep that pastel color palette thing happening or do you want to modernize with brilliant color?

My next port shoot is going to be either a high fashion style or hollywood glam.  I'm thinking hollywood glam cause I have all the hotlights I need to do it.  Lighting is key to these types of images as is a stellar MUA.  This is where the technique comes into play.  Lighting and spending a crap load of time setting up each shot.  Plus... I get to get away with using a wronkled sheet in the background if lit properly wink


Aug 26 06 06:42 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Who doesn't love the charm and nostalgia of pinups? 

I have lots of ideas Bill. Come over for a beer meeting and adventure strategy session. I have lots of resources here that I'm happy to share with you. I'll clear the storyboard and open a fresh box of pins.

Click Hamilton

PS - Stan Schutze is overloaded with too much work and he's hiding in an undisclosed location. So I'm sure there are lots of nubile women available for the rest of us.

Aug 26 06 07:03 pm Link



Posts: 21678

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Click Hamilton wrote:
Who doesn't love the charm and nostalgia and history of pinups?  I have lots of ideas Bill. Come over for a beer meeting and adventure strategy session. I have lots of resources here that I'm happy to share with you. I'll clear the storyboard and open a fresh box of pins.

He's left MM.  That cinches it.  I'm going to have to get down there soon.

Aug 26 06 07:05 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Sita Mae Edwards wrote:
He's left MM.  That cinches it.  I'm going to have to get down there soon.

Sita Mae, I know where he lives. Let's go there and pound on his door to demand a photo shoot.

Call me if you are interested. I'm available to escort you.

Click Hamilton
Freelance Concierge for San Diego
619-889-8166  24/7

Aug 26 06 07:18 pm Link