Forums > General Industry > Starting up paysites?



Posts: 9

San Francisco, California, US

How do models get their own paysites?  Especially if they know nothing about programming, designing a website, or running a business (like me)?  I'm really interested in having my own paysite.

I currently model for, which is great, except that it seems to be nearly impossible for me to get a new set up, now that there are thousands of girls.  I have shot something like 5 sets that are really good, but not up to SGs standards for one reason or another, and I wish they didn't have to go to waste, so it would be great if I could have my own paysite to put them on.  Plus I'm really interested in environmentalism, animal rights, DIY, social justice, and other activist-y type things like that, and it would be awesome if I could model for a site that focused on things of that nature.  (Ex: A site that would host a mud-wrestling event to raise money for an environmentalist charity.)  But since there aren't any sites like that (at least not that I know of), I feel like I should just start my own site & do that.

Anyway, bottom line:  Paysites, how do they work?

Aug 24 06 11:28 am Link


Visions Of Paradise

Posts: 379

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Aloha there well i looked at your port and i do have to say that you will need better shots than that for a commercial site. First thing is to go find you a pro photographer that like to shoot what you need, And pay for the the service so you can do what you want when ever you want with the images. Understand when you ask to get paid for someone to take your photo you are going to give up all rights to the images taken on the shoot. Second a commercial site will cost you arround $2000 to get started plus monthly fees to maintain the site content and other things that might arise sites are not cheap and i would sugest you look arround for a really good graphic designer to do this. It will be expencive to start but if you have clients then go for it ohh and marketing is a must who do you want to sell the images to remember being a model is about your image how do you want people to see you as work with allot of photographers at first so you can get allot of content if you do not have the kind of cash to pay for images then work out something with the photographer tfp or what ever but do not ask to get paid so you can sell the images on your site that's a big no no and will get you sued so watch out on that research is all i have to say and lots of it well good luck to you and go for it...

Aug 24 06 11:45 am Link


Goldblade Photos

Posts: 57

Knoxville, Tennessee, US

Since you don't have much experience with the design aspect of a website, I would recommend seeing if you had any friends who could help you with it. It's sort of hit and miss, but there are programs out there that can help you with the designing process.

The big things you want to look into are hosting and billing for the site. There are lots of hosting sites out there where you can get a pretty decent bang for the buck. On average, you can get a pretty decent sized space for between $10 and $20. I wouldn't bother with any place that charges more.

There are also tons of billing sites out there you can choose from. First and foremost, make sure to go through their TOS with a fine toothed comb for anything that may be in conflict with what you plan on doing with your site. I highly recommend staying away from PayPal because they are one of the biggest ripoffs around. They seem to be wishy-washy about what they will accept and what they won't, and lots of times they won't tell you until it's too late and you end up losing any money made through them.

I hope that helps at least a little.

Aug 24 06 11:56 am Link


Le Beck Photography

Posts: 4114

Los Angeles, California, US

Check these guys first.
You will still need to find a web designer who can build a commercial site. DHD Media has no restrictions on content, and they're built for e-commerce.

Aug 24 06 11:56 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Have you looked into start-up pay sites?

They can run $2K - $5K depending how mush you want to put into it and how nice you want it to look.

That does not include monthly fees and bank charges, not to mention the marketing that’s involved in these things.

Google alone can cost $500.00 a month, just to place a decent ad word campaign.

Another alternative is to find start-up adult Web sites who make them look like yours, just under a corporate blanket while you get a few bucks each month.

Aug 24 06 12:10 pm Link



Posts: 9

San Francisco, California, US

thanks for all the info!  too bad it's such an expensive endeavor, i have no money at all so that will not work for me at this point.  bummer!

Aug 24 06 12:37 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Your other option is to find someone experienced in setting up such a site and making a deal with them to share the profits. If they believe that you have enough of a draw to generate subscriptions, they'll likely agree.

I've done this for a few models (non-explicit sites, but they still make money) and it's worked out well in all cases.

Aug 24 06 01:42 pm Link


Gems of Nature in N Atl

Posts: 1334

North Atlanta, Georgia, US

check your email.

Aug 24 06 01:50 pm Link


Bret Harte

Posts: 283

Green River, Utah, US

Jeff Marsh wrote:
check your email.

Is he on Jeb's mailing list?  smile

Aug 24 06 03:02 pm Link



Posts: 10585

Chicago, Illinois, US

Check my page, I know EXACTLY what you're talking about, look at my credits section for some sites that I'm doing. I might be what you're looking for... no charge.  If you're interested, send me a message.


Aug 24 06 03:24 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

If you are a model for Suicide Girls, didn't you sign a contract stating that you would not model for any other competing paysite?  Your own would count.

Aug 24 06 03:26 pm Link



Posts: 9

San Francisco, California, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
If you are a model for Suicide Girls, didn't you sign a contract stating that you would not model for any other competing paysite?  Your own would count.

a paysite with only one model does not count as a competitor to suicidegirls.  only sites like fatalbeauty, burningangel, godsgirls & so forth count.  i could even model for another paysite that had lots of models like SG but a different focus, such as bondage or shoe fetish or whatever & it would not be considered a competing site.  lots of other suicidegirls do this.  i'm not an idiot, i read my contract.

Aug 24 06 04:32 pm Link



Posts: 2607

Germantown, Maryland, US

As someone who runs a bunch of paysites here in the eastern US, I can offer you a bunch of advice.  The first thing you need to do is decide whether you want to go with a membership site (such as SG), or a pay-per-view site like my sites.  There are advantages to both, but the membership site requires a lot more work in that you will need to provide new content on a regular basis, and you will need to have a significant backlog when you start.

You mentioned having 5 sets.  If each set is about 100 pictures, then you're about 1/2 way to where you need to be (1000 - 1500 photos is about right for starting, 2000 is better).  If you update regularly (and you need to update regularly to keep members and/or interest) you need to figure out how many photos you need per week.  A good starting paysite will have about 5-6 updates worth of content at the beginning with at least 4 updates of backlog. 

As far as costs go, you need to pay for hosting, and you need to perhaps pay for a merchant account.  Hosting is the easy one, go with an adult friendly host (I recommend, but there are a number of others out there).  If you're doing a pay-per-view site, you won't need the merchant account.  You can use or an equivalent microcurrency company (I recommend bee-tokens... it's a 75% payout per sale, about as high as there is out there, and the chap who runs the place is an honest businessman).

As for getting content, you need to do as many TFR (Time for Rights) shoots as you can.  I do TFR shoots every so often and the model leaves with a CD of her images that she can edit for her site, and that I can edit for my sites. 

If you have questions, feel free to message me here on MM.  smile

Aug 24 06 08:27 pm Link



Posts: 1912

San Francisco, California, US

I disagree with the previous posters' numbers. You need 100 sets to start a site.

Aug 25 06 09:12 am Link



Posts: 276

Tampa, Florida, US

you might want to read a TAD better what Moraxian WROTE. 100 images per SET. and he is right.. some models pay site post 50-75-100 depends on the shoot or what they get for images from a shoot..  and to start you better have IMHO better have 20 sets sitting there in wait.

But if your really doing a REAL pay site.. plan on shooting NON stop 5-6 days a week with REAL photographers and plan on PAYING them as well. Unless you work out TFR of some sort of Co copyrite ownership. But if you do then YOUR images will be seen on other sites and make your site less appealing if they can find your photos some where else cheaper.

on the UP side a well run TOTALLY DEVOTED this is her JOB modeling pay webite will not be a part time fun thing to do. It will be your JOB and you better look good and better like Flying ALOT to shoot with people all over the world if need be. Don't expect your local GWC who shoots for SG to be able to produce photos you can actually make money with.  Oh and don't forget hitting the gym and hair and nail salons every week or 2 and on and on and on and on. If your not willing to be as hot or wilder or crazyer then alot of models who are all ready doing this then don't bother.

Lastly your wasting your time with SG. I think what most models don't unstand about SG contract is Basicly they OWN YOU for 3 years. I would take it to your Lawyer. If you didn't take it to a lawyer then you might not be modeling to much for many people. If SG decides to exersize the power of the contract look out.  Frankly I don't think they have time to look at every model who is on there. But I bet if they did they could make a TON of money sueing models and Photographers. For posting images on the net.

Aug 25 06 02:59 pm Link