Forums > General Industry > Does anyone know much about this


kiana's place

Posts: 572

Citrus Heights, California, US


We have very serious reasons to warn wannabe an professional models
to don't send pics and bios to a man named John Depew and/or Global
Extreme Marketing (GEM), who is promoting a calendar that is a scam
and we believe has dark personal interest.

These days there seems to be a whole industry that has developed to
take advantage of those who would like to become models. They are far
removed from the world of actual professional modeling. This modeling
scam and rip-off industry makes its money by alluding to or promising
great careers in modeling.  It may not be easy to recognize a
modeling scam because many of the advertising claims and practices
may resemble those used by legitimate companies, but we have
completely identify Global Extreme Marketing as modeling scam.

We view these company as falling into three categories: the scam, the
rip-off, and just bad business. All cost a wannabe model and give
little or nothing in return.  The scam is a fraudulent and illegal
activity. This type of companies has no intention of delivering on
what it promises - and it usually makes big promises and guarantees. 
Modeling scams have hit the internet. No surprise, really, since the
internet affords cheap ways to operate while concealing identity.
Shill bidding and other auction scams proliferate the internet.
People use fake ids on usenet all the time.

Please keep in mind:  No legitimate, respected, and significant
company would search for models for a calendar or anything else on
their own. They would seek a legitimate, respected, and significant
modeling agency.

We got from one of our models a GEM models calendar contract that
this man is emailing models, we have already took action reporting
him and/or Global Extreme Marketing to The Federal Trade Comission. 
(FTC) is a U.S. government organization which has already dealt with
modeling scams.  He had been notified and hopefully this scammer will
be out of business soon

If your goal is to become a professional model, then all of the
scams, rip-offs, and bad businesses that promise to take you to that
goal, in fact, stand as barriers to it.

Our advice to all of you: - The first step to becoming a model is
finding an agency. Choose carefully in order to start off on the
right foot.

Girls, Don't believe everything you read on the internet, don't trust
men or start-up companies just for promissing gaining "international"
explosure and recognition and having your trust by saying they are
happily married men with kids. "Please be smart and stay away from

Ramsey and Jessica Roberts
JR Modeling Agency
New York, NY

Apr 26 05 05:45 pm Link


Zero Dean

Posts: 139

San Diego, California, US

Posted by CurvaceousModel: 
Please keep in mind:  No legitimate, respected, and significant company would search for models for a calendar or anything else on their own.

Um, not entirely true. There are some of us who produce & publish our own work... be it books, calendars, or posters.

I can't speak for other photographers, but my own postings regarding such matters are legitimate.

Such as this one for a 2006 calendar

Just use common sense and be cautious. Not every photographer is out to get you or take advantage of the unsuspecting.

Apr 26 05 06:00 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Posted by CurvaceousModel: 
Girls, Don't believe everything you read on the internet, don't trust
men or start-up companies just for promissing gaining "international"
explosure and recognition and having your trust by saying they are
happily married men with kids. "Please be smart and stay away from

Ramsey and Jessica Roberts
JR Modeling Agency
New York, NY

Yes, I agree. It's good to beware of scams. Everyone gets scammed and it's something that's not exclusive only to models. You have good points about going to talent agencies too. What I don't agree with and kinda pisses me off is the last paragraph where you used the example of "married man with kids". I'm a married man and I have kids AND I tell that to models. Your weird example is just one more item added to the bucket of scam paranoia affecting the wrong bunch of photographers.

Apr 26 05 06:16 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Let me try a different approach to get my point across. Let me take your little advisory and turn it around on you.

Models, we want to bring to your attention a scam that we believe is circulating on the Internet. We have reason to believe certain entities are trying to misdirect and confuse you by instilling false paranoia that may, or may not be factual.

The purpose of this scam is cleverly designed and intended to herd and drive you as confused sheep to their agency doors. One of the many ways they do this is hone in on a certain group of photographers and manipulate you into thinking they are dangerous men. For example, Photographers who are forthcoming about being married men with children. Another popular tactic used to drive models like idiot sheep to the agency's door has been the digital versus film debate. By tapping into a consumer craze, these clever marketers can influence masses of young and inexperienced models into thinking that the only photographers they should ever model for are those who own digital cameras and are quite possibly on the same agency's approved list authorized to do test shoots with their models.

We at Globo Mento Talent Agency believe this is a practice called, "Establishing a Monopoly".

Be wary of these clever marketing ploys. Do your homework prior to agreeing to, or signing any contract. Don't trust any women who use the nickname CurvaceousModel purporting to give out 100% good advise, because it could be a clever marketing ploy to turn you into frenzied and paranoid schizophrenic sheep left with the feeling that there's only one place to go to - that agency.

We at Globo Mento Talent Agency believe that many will be turned away in the hundreds, because many Test Shooting Authorized Photographer Representatives of said agencies have said in many online Internet communities, "...more than half of these models are web hoes and don't fit the fashion agency mold" This causes us, your friendly neighborhood married men with children to ask the question, what's the friggin point then of trying to scare models into not shooting with married men who have kids and camera equipment?

See what I mean? The written word can be a muthafucka to the wrong crowd if used improperly.

Apr 26 05 06:43 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

There's certainly enough distrust to go around out there.

Apr 26 05 07:46 pm Link


Ted Dottavio

Posts: 36

Brooklyn, New York, US

People can just pick up the phone and talk to other models, and other photographers involved. Anything legit should have a few people for refrence. That's a funny example with the text!

Apr 26 05 08:02 pm Link