Forums > General Industry > Another sad, "where my pics fool" thread.


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

So, I had a photoshoot at the end of June, it was a group photoshoot and the images were supposed to be submitted for a magazine. So, the day of the shoot all goes well its fun, hip hip hooray yadadaa. So I ask her when, should i recieve the final images...She says by the end of july.About 1 week later she sends me about 5 or 6 unedited images and a note for me to sign the release. My mom told me not to send in the release until i recieved my images. I'd say about 2 weeks later she calls me, asking if i could pick up the image on specific date. I told her that I couldn't, and she said it was i'd say 2 weeks go by and i send her a myspace message asking her if my mom could pic of the cd and give her the release...basically whenever was good for her...I never heard from her. I spoke to another girl who actually traveled 12 hrs for the shoot. She hasn't recieved hers either...

Did I do something wrong, should i have just handed in the release?

Aug 22 06 08:33 pm Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

Electra T wrote:
"My mom" told me not to send in the release until i recieved my images.

I'd say about 2 weeks later she calls me, asking if i could pick up the image on specific date. I told her that I couldn't, and she said it was fine i'd say 2 weeks go by and i send her a "myspace message" .

Did I do something wrong, should i have just handed in the release?

Thats where you went wrong. Two fatal mistakes.

Aug 22 06 08:42 pm Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

Girl, I'm still waiting for pics from a shoot I did on December 3, 2005 and for pictures I did at a group shoot in April.

tick tock...tick tock...the mouse ran up the clock

Aug 22 06 08:44 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

DigitalSwede wrote:

Thats where you went wrong. Two fatal mistakes.

Well, I dunno. My mom gives good advice usually..So i should have given her the release with recieving my images first?

and yah she ignored my pm here(forgot to as that).

Aug 22 06 08:45 pm Link


Beatbox Jeebus v2

Posts: 10046

Palatine, Illinois, US

Electra T wrote:

Well, I dunno. My mom gives good advice usually..So i should have given her the release with recieving my images first?

and yah she ignored my pm here(forgot to as that).

Shit you are 17. Listen to your Mom. I was over simplifying the situation. You should have discussed this with the photographer prior to the shoot and signed a release accordingly to what was discussed.

Aug 22 06 08:49 pm Link



Posts: 667

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Woo One momma hater stopped by the awesome power of logic and non-insane moms!  Yeah, I've had similar circumstances.  I kind of see it as, unless you paid for it, just let it go.  Some people are just scam artists.  Then if you do see the prints, you'll be pleasantly surprised as opposed to waiting by the email box in vain.

Aug 22 06 08:59 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

perhaps ma might feel differently though(she's a pitbull).

Aug 22 06 09:40 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

ET, releases are signed prior to a shoot.

go over the release with the photographer before the shoot.
If you are comfortable, sign; if not, dont sign , dont shoot.

Aug 22 06 09:43 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Electra T wrote:
perhaps ma might feel differently though(she's a pitbull).

Sound like your mom is very smart, though you could be more pushy if you wanted your pics.

Aug 22 06 09:44 pm Link



Posts: 667

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Madcitychel wrote:

Sound like your mom is very smart, though you could be more pushy if you wanted your pics.

Yeah pitbull or no definitely smart.  A word though about the other post: I've never left a shoot with a release unsigned.  The times when they weren't signed before shooting, they were signed right after.  I wouldnt spend time making pictures with someone unless you had a piece of paper stating what was going to happen with them, but I mean.. even then, some people are just sketchy, and it costs a lot to go after someone legally (and from what I hear depending on the release that can be relatively ineffective).

Aug 22 06 10:17 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:
ET, releases are signed prior to a shoot.

go over the release with the photographer before the shoot.
If you are comfortable, sign; if not, dont sign , dont shoot.

I've seen alot of photographers say at the end of the shoot...Ok, I'll email you the release, and you can print it out, sign it, and mail it back....

Aug 22 06 11:19 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Iris Swope wrote:

I've seen alot of photographers say at the end of the shoot...Ok, I'll email you the release, and you can print it out, sign it, and mail it back....

I draw crazies to me like a magnet; I get stuff SIGNED first. period !

Aug 22 06 11:34 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

mama mia.

Aug 23 06 09:17 am Link


Lyndzi Joy

Posts: 171

Waterford, Michigan, US

I had a shoot on Fathers day of this year, and still haven't received all of my images. She told me I would have them by Friday (the shoot was on a Sunday)...On Friday she sent me an email saying they were all edited and asked for my Email address again to send them over. And then she disappeared for a month. She has sent me some after her month of disappearing..but everytime I have gotten ahold of her she tells me she's sending the rest, and then she disappears again! It's pretty frusterating to go to a shoot all day and only receive a few images. And the images I did receive weren't good enough to put up on my port!

Aug 23 06 09:27 am Link