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Posts: 64

Springfield, Colorado, US

Has anyone heard good/bad things about this site?  Please tell me if it's pointless or not.  Thanks!

Aug 22 06 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

How much money did you save by not posting the url?

Aug 22 06 02:04 pm Link



Posts: 64

Springfield, Colorado, US

Aug 22 06 02:06 pm Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

I looked at it for one minute. just my opinion, but I don't like it.

Aug 22 06 04:36 pm Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Whats the point of the site? Like what're you trying to get out of it? I can't see it getting you and speaking roles, but if you want extra work maybe..but you can find extra work for free. Also, most ppl on there don't seem to have real headshots and they aren't in locations where films and television are casted. My suggestion would be stick to sites that work., rossreports....

I don't think an reputable talent agencies go through this site.

Aug 22 06 04:39 pm Link


Jack North

Posts: 855

Benicia, California, US

Electra T wrote:
I don't think any reputable talent agencies go through this site.

yes, that was my thought as well, which implies the types that do go there.

Aug 22 06 04:48 pm Link



Posts: 64

Springfield, Colorado, US

thanks!... I didn't know.

Aug 22 06 08:10 pm Link



Posts: 74

Toronto, Iowa, US

you'd be better off subscribing to don't post a profile on there, you get access to auditions... most of them in new york or l.a (based on a semi-educated assumption.)

Aug 23 06 11:43 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Elisha E. wrote:
you'd be better off subscribing to don't post a profile on there, you get access to auditions... most of them in new york or l.a (based on a semi-educated assumption.)

yah, thats pretty much it. but they cast for student films and theatre a lot.

From my experience though, if your a teenager trying to get an agent, your better off getting loads of training to put on your resume than 1 or 2 speaking parts which are extremely hard to get without an agent. They really don't expect a young person to have much experience anyway, but training is something they do look for. Also, whatever school plays you've been in, community theatre, special skills...fill your resume with that stuff....your like 17 not 25...

Aug 23 06 12:04 pm Link


J Merrill Images

Posts: 1412

Harvey, Illinois, US

My opinion of this site is that it is totally worthless as a means of gaining opportunities in the film/video industry. If you read through all of the fine print you will discover two things - they will attempt to get you to upgrade your membership to paid status and they will use the information that they collect about you to sell to advertising/marketing companies. While their privacy policy says that they do not sell personally identifiable information about their members, they state that they do sell info on an aggregate level.

As someone else said, no one is going to go looking through this site for actors and/or extras. Extras casting on the typical movie is conducted by an extras casting director, who will probably place ads in local media. The casting calls are typically done at malls. Some of the more astute "hopefuls" will show up with an industry standard "headshot" but you really don't need to. Extras casting directors understand that most of the people they see will not have them. As such, they will have production assistants with digital cameras taking the photos for addition to a personal information sheet on each candidate. The usual drill is to form a line in the atrium of the mall with tables where the personal info sheets are handed out. The sheets are filled out while in line and the applicants are fed into a room about 50 people at at time. A short presentation will occur on what it is to be an extra, what the pay (if any) will be and what the expectations are. After each person has been through the presentation, they will stand in another line for the headshots. When that step is done, the aspiring extra will be thanked and told to await further information, something that usually will not occur unless the person is actually selected. BTW - don't ever pay one of these schlock agencies money for access to lists of upcoming films, etc. You can find out the information on your own by surfing and any number of other sites.

As for those who are trying for "SAG eligible" roles, this sort of web site is even more worthless (if it is possible to be more worthless than worthless). Getting a speaking role can happen in a number of ways but all of them involve having some credits or having some other way of getting in front of the "regular" casting director. This is not going to happen via some dopey web site. The best advice I can offer to those who want to get into the business is to network, network, network! Get known, get seen and get a real agent if you can.

Good luck in your career!

Aug 23 06 10:19 pm Link