Forums > General Industry > Nudity and Morality


Ana Yacubic Photography

Posts: 13

Riverside, California, US

Whether or not a person decides to pose nude has little to do with morality and all to do with fear. Fear of what may happen to their career, fear of what their parents will think, fear that their body will be digitally manipulated into a porn photo, fear that one day their grandkids will see them.

I also think the reasoning can also be a trust issue between model and photographer. A model may not let a professional photographer photograph her nude but she may let her boyfriend--someone she trusts with the stewardship of those photos. In our digital age, ultimately it boils down to not wanting to lose control of the image.

Aug 21 06 02:01 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Mike Walker wrote:
PS I liked Brian Diaz's Comment best BTW!

Together we'll be fine!

Aug 21 06 02:20 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

AYP wrote:
Whether or not a person decides to pose nude has little to do with morality and all to do with fear. Fear of what may happen to their career, fear of what their parents will think, fear that their body will be digitally manipulated into a porn photo, fear that one day their grandkids will see them.

You can deduce all of our emotions to either rage or fear.  But that's too simple.

It takes diff'rent strokes to move the world.

Aug 21 06 02:29 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

There is a male model on MM who who will pose nude, but he will not show his front side, only his back side.  It did occur to me that he may not have thought that one through.

Aug 21 06 02:44 am Link


Brian Stewart Photo

Posts: 313

Houston, Texas, US

What the hell does any of this matter, if a model doesn't want to shoot nude and you do then find a different model. Why would you bitch about someone not wanting to shoot nudes, unless you have an alternative motive....

Aug 21 06 02:51 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

Brian Stewart Photog wrote:
What the hell does any of this matter, if a model doesn't want to shoot nude and you do then find a different model. Why would you bitch about someone not wanting to shoot nudes, unless you have an alternative motive....

If you read the OP you'll see that the poster wasn't bitching about people not posing nude, but was asking for opinions on what he saw as an interesting moral inconsistency, that it's okay to show violence and violent behaviour in the media, but it isn't to show an inch of flesh that has been deemed to be offensive.

I do remember seeing an American tv report on a recent conflict somewhere, and there was more bare flesh on shown than would normally be permitted on US tv.  But the naked people were dead, and they'd had their clothes burned off them, so it was okay to show on television.

Aug 21 06 03:58 am Link



Posts: 102

Holiday Heights, New Jersey, US

Morals have more to do with the way you live your life, not your level of shame toward the naked human body.

Aug 21 06 04:19 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

Jay Bowman wrote:
Again, most of the people (read: male photographers) would never ever pose nude themselves.  I'm just waiting for the day that a model says to a photographer "Okay, I'll pose nude for you if I can take some nudes of you and post them online."

On the internet? Hell, Jay, a few years ago I appeared nude in a television drama about a nudist family and their friends. But, then again, it was BRITISH ota-TV, not cable either. Funny thing was when models come along and comment that they had seen me on TV... my standard answer is that I would never ask them to do anything that I wouldn't do myself. LOL


Aug 21 06 05:24 am Link



Posts: 49

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Although i make no statements about my reason for not doing nudes, i can explain myself pretty easily. My body is sacred to me, my naked self is something i only wish to reveal to a lover i connect with. I don't mind doing classy glamour shots, hell i'm all for a steaming hot image, but once again, i just won't do nudes. I'm yet to do a bikini shot even, mostly due to personal insecurities as a fairly new model. My unwillingness to do nudes probably restricts me a little as a model, but i would rather stay inside my comfort zone. If one day i decide to branch out, then hoorah, but i'll only do it if its something i want to do, not because it might benefit my portfolio. I do believe some people come off a bit funny with their reasons why they won't do nude, but i believe society's reasoning for nudity being offensive is the fact that "nothing is sacred these days" and they are just trying to hold on to a little bit of wonder. Just my opinion though.

Aug 21 06 05:43 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

studio36uk wrote:
On the internet? Hell, Jay, a few years ago I appeared nude in a television drama about a nudist family and their friends. But, then again, it was BRITISH ota-TV, not cable either. Funny thing was when models come along and comment that they had seen me on TV... my standard answer is that I would never ask them to do anything that I wouldn't do myself. LOL


Yeah.... well, you're British and you Brits are a weird lot anyway ...  tongue big_smile

Aug 21 06 06:38 am Link



Posts: 14670

Fort Smith, Arkansas, US

I f a person personally has moral reasons for not shooting nude that's fine with me.

However, and I think this is what the OP was trying to get at; I have seen on portfolios statements like; "I am a moral person... so I will never shoot nudes." or "I am proud of who I am... so I will never shoot nudes."

Statements of this sort bother me because they in and of themselves brand people who do nudes as immoral or ashamed of themselves.

People who shoot nudes have as many reasons for doing so as people who don't. Some people (like my self) find clothing as an interuption or distraction to the art... Others i know find it morally reprehensible to be clothed when they are trying to express themselves (after all god created us without clothing... it is only our sin that caused us to want to cover the glory that god created.) Some find that posing nude is a cleansing experience.

Just because you shoot nude does not make you immoral... as much as just because you don't shoot nude makes you moral.

It is that thought process that I think the OP found stuptifying.

Other issues.... I have posed nude, quite a bit infact.. so I know what it feels like to be exposed in front of the camera.
I don't call any one who doesn't do nudes a prude, or closed minded... I do say often that they are not right for my work.
I don't think that americans are closed minded... or that the religious right morality crowd has it's talons in the media... I think for many americans... sexuality, sex, nudity, and the lot is a private and personal matter for them and thus... to them.... should be kept in the confines of their own bedrooms. What a person feels personally and specifically however should not be made into a general rule for the masses.

Aug 21 06 07:37 am Link



Posts: 997

New York, New York, US

John Hough Photographer wrote:
I have noticed when I am browsing models information about themselves that quite a few, both men and women make the statement that their morals will not let them do nude photos. Maybe not in this wording exactly but in essence this is what they are saying. We are not talking about erotic nudes, any photos that are in any way hinting at pornography but just plain nudes. I'm almost certain that this  idea comes from their parents and of course, they will probably pass this to their kids too. It is amazing in this day and age that people still equate nudity with being immoral or dirty. Something interesting, a friend of mine told me that his parents in their 40 year marriage never saw each other in the nude. The lights were out when they were having sex.
In America, it is fine for kids to watch tv or go to movies where untold numbers of people are being killed but dare one scene in a film show a body part that shows more flesh than a lot of people think is decent and all kinds of protests will be made against the film or tv show. If people profess to be moral, then why do a lot of kids and adults use language that would shock anyone 25 years ago and no one seems to be concerned about this. It has become the norm. So, if a person claims to have good morals, then it should be across the board, not selective morals

Think you need to check what the term Moral means, it surely has changed in 40 years.  Maybe it is comfortablity that is the issue, some are not sure of themselves naked, they feel exposed mentally also.

Aug 21 06 07:49 am Link



Posts: 1126

Hollywood, Alabama, US

Wes Hall wrote:

***This is not an attact on the quoted!!!***

A Model is a canvas. If you are not willing to be that, then you are just taking some expensive hobbie-shots. This is an ART, not an ego stroke. Morals don't really have much to do with this. It's really a manner of who is willing to grow, explore, and hopefully live in a world beyond the restraints of universal conformity.
In english, "Stop blaming your morals, you're just chicken-shit!!"

Think about it...if God had a problem with nudity, why weren't we born in "our Sunday Finest?"

I think Wes just wants to be naked.

Aug 21 06 07:53 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

AYP wrote:
Whether or not a person decides to pose nude has little to do with morality and all to do with fear. Fear of what may happen to their career, fear of what their parents will think, fear that their body will be digitally manipulated into a porn photo, fear that one day their grandkids will see them.

I also think the reasoning can also be a trust issue between model and photographer. A model may not let a professional photographer photograph her nude but she may let her boyfriend--someone she trusts with the stewardship of those photos. In our digital age, ultimately it boils down to not wanting to lose control of the image.

What they fear is what's termed "moral outrage" tho.  There are some who say they won't do it for their own personal morals, and most of the rest won't because they're afraid of their familiy's reaction (due to it offending the family members' morals) or of it costing them a job (for fear of he employer's or community's reaction based on THEIR morals).

Aug 21 06 11:19 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

RED Photographic wrote:
There is a male model on MM who who will pose nude, but he will not show his front side, only his back side.  It did occur to me that he may not have thought that one through.

I've seen a number of female models who emphatically post "NO NUDES, don't even ask or I'll report you" who do a lot of the Maxim implied type stuff who'll show the full crack.  Apparently butt crack is no longer naked.

Aug 21 06 11:21 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

ravens laughter wrote:
I don't think that americans are closed minded... or that the religious right morality crowd has it's talons in the media... I think for many americans... sexuality, sex, nudity, and the lot is a private and personal matter for them and thus... to them.... should be kept in the confines of their own bedrooms. What a person feels personally and specifically however should not be made into a general rule for the masses.

I would strongly disagree.  Most of this country is gripped by a sense of shame about the body, sex, and nudity and there're many groups actively working to push this even further with programs like the "abstinence only" education programs whic're back to teaching children they can get STDs thru simple masturbation.  Polls asking people why these things should be restricted or kept from public view invariably cite moral concerns, generally based on religious pressure.

Aug 21 06 11:25 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Sorry, but I fail to see any sort of relationship or connection between morality and nudity. On eis a system of ethics, a way of living one's life and dealing with others in an honest way. The other simply means one is not wearing clothes. I've done may shoots,both as models and privatge commmissions with very devout Christians and Jews, including one with a minister and his wife. None of them felt any sort of moral question was involved (Though one tried to convert me!). If someone does not wish to be photographed nude, that fine, it's their choice nd they should neveer be pressured into it, but morality just  does not enter into the question.

Aug 21 06 11:49 am Link


Mark Susan

Posts: 95

Phoenix, Arizona, US

oldguysrule wrote:
". . . but does that explain my using my penis as a monopod? . . ."

Are you serious?  I tried that too, but all my shots looked like I was using a "shoe-cam" so I stopped.  Also, the mosquitos didn't help, either...  sad

Aug 21 06 11:50 am Link



Posts: 6129

Mark Susan wrote:

Are you serious?  I tried that too, but all my shots looked like I was using a "shoe-cam" so I stopped.  Also, the mosquitos didn't help, either...  sad


Aug 21 06 11:54 am Link



Posts: 57

Germantown, Maryland, US

SLE Photography wrote:

I've seen a number of female models who emphatically post "NO NUDES, don't even ask or I'll report you" who do a lot of the Maxim implied type stuff who'll show the full crack.  Apparently butt crack is no longer naked.

Nope, butt crack is not nudity. Otherwise, there'd be a hell of a lot of plumbers getting the cops called on them.

Aug 23 06 09:43 pm Link


Benjamen McGuire

Posts: 3991

Portland, Oregon, US

Morals? What are 'morals'?

Aug 23 06 11:02 pm Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Again, most of the people (read: male photographers) would never ever pose nude themselves.  I'm just waiting for the day that a model says to a photographer "Okay, I'll pose nude for you if I can take some nudes of you and post them online."

Find me a worthy female model who is also a photgrapher and I will take up that challenge in December..


Aug 23 06 11:13 pm Link



Posts: 94

Sacramento, California, US

i suppose that's where the whole payment idea comes in. in most cases photogs give them money instead of letting them take pics.

one model just wanted me to BE nude in order to shoot her nude. she didn't want to take pics of me. when i said i would gladly oblige, she admitted it was a bluff anyway.

Aug 24 06 12:02 am Link



Posts: 862

Los Angeles, California, US

Morals are a social can judge it directly from close knit families or indirectly by stating that Americans in general generate this sense of "morality". Whatever the cause, nudity is not socially acceptable in North America...regardless of wheteher it is art, pornography, or other. Therefore, it shouldn't be a surprise that some models/photographers choose the crossroad more likely to be accepted within our society. I do. I simply have to ask myself if what I am doing is something that my Gramma would be ashamed of...and then I have my answer. Many artists push the social boundries into artistic nudity and further, since there is no clear cut divider between artistic nudity and pornography for the general public, lines become crossed. I think the general public has a hard time looking critically at an image to appreciate it...instead they are just critical. Thus, the social boundries are drawn once again...and models and photographers have to choose which lines to cross.

Aug 24 06 01:00 am Link