Forums > General Industry > Vintage Shoots



Posts: 8

Griffin, Georgia, US

I have been wanting to do a vitage type shoot, but I lack in the field of what I should wear and where to get it from, and a location.  Any one have any suggestions?  I would like some ones thoughts on the idea.  Thanks

Aug 20 06 07:22 pm Link


Dave Redden Photography

Posts: 37

Lexington, Kentucky, US

Hi Brandi,

Not sure what time period you are aiming for but anything 1900-1950's should be easily picked up by a visit to an area renowned for antiques.  Many of these stores will carry clothing from yesteryear as they get much of their stock through estate sales.

As for location, try an old church or courthouse, maybe you can find a house that fits the era that you are aiming for.

If you were nearer to me I'd love to work with you on this project.

Good luck and make sure I see the finished article!


Aug 20 06 07:26 pm Link



Posts: 8

Griffin, Georgia, US

Thanks for the advice, as I need it sometimes.  What I am going for is the BIG "POOFY" type dresses and maybe something like the BIG "BOTTOM" swim suits, and just things of that nature.  Great idea with the churches and Court Houses.  Thanks for the help and if the search goes will I will be sure to share the photos on MM smile Thanks again.

Aug 20 06 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 8

Griffin, Georgia, US

Thanks for the advice, as I need it sometimes.  What I am going for is the BIG "POOFY" type dresses and maybe something like the BIG "BOTTOM" swim suits, and just things of that nature.  Great idea with the churches and Court Houses.  Thanks for the help and if the search goes will I will be sure to share the photos on MM smile Thanks again.

Aug 20 06 07:30 pm Link



Posts: 8

Griffin, Georgia, US

Aug 20 06 07:30 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Susan Verdugo

Posts: 904

Los Angeles, California, US

See about approaching someone with an 'out-of-the-closet' set-up.

I have 30s+40s pieces that I rent out under 'Gloved Girl' / 'Vintage Vixen' (lingerie). 

I now only allow them to be photographed if the shoot is on-site (my home) where I can better babysit them.  While rental includes dry cleaning fees, too often clothes come back missing buttons, snagged hems, etc.


Aug 20 06 07:44 pm Link


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

Try some local community theater groups, especially ones that do older, period plays.  They'll have wardrobes and, with a little gift of gab, will probably loan you a few.

Aug 20 06 07:47 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Outside in a 'natural' setting, or on a bed with a wooden bedframe and relatively plain bedsheets is pretty easy for any era you're going for, since some things just don't change much. Another option for vintage..hit up car shows. Talk to someone with cars from that era, and see if maybe they will 'loan' you the car for the shoot..i.e. drive it to a specific location, hang out or leave it there keyless, then take it back. A lot of vintage car owners will do that, they like to show off their cars. (because their cars do not suck)

Aug 20 06 07:50 pm Link


Jahrome Photo

Posts: 56

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Here ya go Brandi check out this site..alot of my rockabilly friends and i shop from websites such as this one to style our look...cheers and good luck..
too bad u live far i would love to shoot


Aug 20 06 07:53 pm Link



Posts: 8

Griffin, Georgia, US

Thanks.... TO ALL OF YOU!  I have never did a forum before I don't know if it was quite on subject lines as it should have been but I do thank you all for the helpful information, I will be sure to share the work with you all of I get the props and ideas that I have in mind.  Thanks so MUCH! smile B

Aug 21 06 08:22 am Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

Just save your money and hire me....I shoot retro 24/7,  have an extensive wardrobe and access to millions of dollars worth of cars/planes and props and have fantastic locations here in Florida!

A photoshoot experience you will never forget with photos to cherish for a lifetime

Aug 21 06 07:15 pm Link


Studio M Photography

Posts: 86

SOUTHWEST, Pennsylvania, US

Nothing like a shameless  You do very nice work.


Aug 22 06 08:53 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Glamourpuss Make-UpHair

Posts: 475

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Hi Brandi,

I've been amassing a collection of vintage clothing for ideas and projects I have in mind.  I started out locally, with my thrift stores...Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc.  Then I went to a more rural area in the mountains (near where my parents live) and did the rounds of thrift stores there.  I had much better luck there.

Apart from that I've been picking up some things here and there on eBay.  Those floufy, frothy 50's dresses are expensive, so you have to shop around! 

Best of luck to you!

Aug 22 06 09:04 pm Link



Posts: 11804

Sun City, California, US

For what it's worth - props are great.  Try hard to get "correct for the period" or at least "Great copies of the period"  Suggestion, seek out a local funky retro kind of antique store, get to know them, and simply be honest and ask them if they would be interested in allowing you to use a few items for a shoot - offer a deposit and some nice prints if they come out well.  They might just say yes.  I have just 2 recreations posted here and all the props came from a local antique store - Including a birdcage and carved wooden parrot that are not posted at the moment.

But honestly, a lot of the vintage shots lacked - well, that many props in the first place.  Remember that it's a huge percentage of the models' attitude in recreating the "feel" of a vintage set.  If you are planning on recreating shots that are campy and cheesy looking today - then you have to commit to remembering why many were created in the first place.  (coy and flirtacious poses and setups, for example)

Hope this helps some.  VintageV

Aug 22 06 10:15 pm Link