Forums > General Industry > IMTA - Barbizone



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Have anyone heard anything about this?

Aug 18 06 06:34 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Yeah, the Barbie-Zone is sneered upon by brick and mortar agencies and ridiculed in the real modeling industry.

Thanks for posting this one, since it's written by a former instructor for them and hence shows the money generating side of that "school".



Aug 18 06 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

UdoR wrote:
Yeah, the Barbie-Zone is sneered upon by brick and mortar agencies and ridiculed in the real modeling industry.

Thanks for posting this one, since it's written by a former instructor for them and hence shows the money generating side of that "school".



I am glad you've responded.  Isn't there is something could be done?  The trick with IMTA are teenagers (only up to 22y.o.) and the fact that they use all these other agencies to work through - so the name would never get "dirty".

Aug 18 06 06:40 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

UdoR wrote:
Yeah, the Barbie-Zone is sneered upon by brick and mortar agencies and ridiculed in the real modeling industry.

Thanks for posting this one, since it's written by a former instructor for them and hence shows the money generating side of that "school".



Hey, weren't those pictures done by you? smile))))))))))))))))))))))))))) see my profile!

Aug 18 06 06:45 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Madcitychel wrote:
I am glad you've responded.  Isn't there is something could be done?  The trick with IMTA are teenagers (only up to 22y.o.) and the fact that they use all these other agencies to work through - so the name would never get "dirty".

The only thing that can be done is to educate people.

I used to participate on MySpace modeling groups, and got disenchanted by all those 14 and 15 years old converts, who discuss how great the experience is and how much they learned and how good the instructors made them feel about themself.

No matter what kind of real life advise you provide those gIrLs/mOdEls, they just know better.

There was even a "model" who inquired about Barbizon, because she was about to sign up, with her mom writing the check ("My daughter is going to be a model... she is sooo pretty!") weeks after former graduate, real world industry insiders etc. gave her advise after advise and she still signed up, going through the motions.

I think that there is nothing anybody can do.

Madcitychel wrote:
Hey, weren't those pictures done by you? smile))))))))))))))))))))))))))) see my profile!

Sorry, wasn't me... there is another German photographer named Udo in NYC... this town becomes too small for the two of us... LMAO.

Aug 18 06 06:53 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Good post, but from my own experience most will ignore it. Most will also ignore the fact that the national success rate (those actually offered representation by real agencies) for those conventions is between 2% and 5%. They will ignore the fact that many if not most of "call backs" are from model schools and/or agencies in your area. If they are in your area, why not contact them directly and save the convention money?

So you live in Short Arm, Nebraska and actually get a call back and a serious offer from a legitimate NYC agency, are you going to move to NYC? Are you prepared to support yourself in NYC for 6 to 12 months? If you are under age, will one of your parents move there with you? Ladies, do what you wish, but first - THINK!

Aug 18 06 06:58 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

UdoR wrote:
Sorry, wasn't me... there is another German photographer named Udo in NYC... this town becomes too small for the two of us... LMAO.

Hehe! Is that right?! I guess Germany is known for producing not only great cars (beamers "BMW"), but also great photogrphers (Udos)?

Aug 18 06 10:31 pm Link


Maria T

Posts: 514

Lambertville, New Jersey, US

Hahaha,been there. Done that! I've done IMTA,Fashion Rock and all the above=bs!

Aug 18 06 10:35 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Greek-Italian Model wrote:
Hahaha,been there. Done that! I've done IMTA,Fashion Rock and all the above=bs!

What do you have to say about it?

Aug 18 06 10:37 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

I dont wanna make an impression of some maximalistic altruist, but I am just saying that I do want to make an effort to change that - I am going to be seeking legal advise soon, but if there are any of you who have the information or the opinion I would be greatfull to hear it.
I understand that probability of changing something like that is like the looking for an oasis in a desert, but I am willing to try - cuz if you don't try you wont know.
Why not to try - maybe something good will happen even though not significant.

Aug 18 06 10:42 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Doug Lester wrote:
Good post, but from my own experience most will ignore it. Most will also ignore the fact that the national success rate (those actually offered representation by real agencies) for those conventions is between 2% and 5%. They will ignore the fact that many if not most of "call backs" are from model schools and/or agencies in your area. If they are in your area, why not contact them directly and save the convention money?

So you live in Short Arm, Nebraska and actually get a call back and a serious offer from a legitimate NYC agency, are you going to move to NYC? Are you prepared to support yourself in NYC for 6 to 12 months? If you are under age, will one of your parents move there with you? Ladies, do what you wish, but first - THINK!

I know but they are just kids - sort of like blind kittens driven to become who the think they want to be.  It is hard for them to be able to understand things like that yet.
Also it is sort of like me shopping when I see it - I want it, I don't think, I just want it smile
The more ppl voice the issue the more it will get around and become obvious.

Aug 18 06 10:46 pm Link


Ava Laurynne

Posts: 79

Petersburg, Virginia, US

I actually went to "Barbizon Modeling School" when I was 16. I thought I was learning a lot, but it did nothing to help me in the real world. The only thing I really got out of it was a whole new sence of confidence and something to do on the weekend. I got accepted to compete in the IMTA competition too. But I had to pay $400  to go and my mother could not come with me. She had to pay $400 too. So I never went. Im not going to say it was a waste of time cause it was really fun and it kept me out of trouble, but I will say that you spend unneccesary money for something that doesnt help you get signed. Just my thought.


Aug 18 06 10:48 pm Link


timea szabo

Posts: 3

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hey just thought id reply to dis
I acually went to imta about 2 years ago it was in l.a
And its right theres no point of it its an amazing experience but you get nothing out of it ..You can take it as learning since there are alot of competitons i acually won a theatrical headshot award for 3rd place and even though i won it it styll didnt mean i got something out of it but a good feeling
So i agree it is a waste of money And barbizon dont even let me go there when i first started modeling i went to that school and they have odnw nothing but rip people off but anyways just thought id let you know

Aug 18 06 10:50 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

I was offered to go to IMTA in NY this July, but scooped all my brains that I pretend I have in my blond head and didn't go.
But I have become friends with the other ppl who went, young, broken, inspired, talanted, fooled.  I just strongly believe that this "whole deal" isn't legal - and I am looking for the way to find out what can one do to stop that scam - it is nothing like scam. Like the Niggerian scam just worse, cuz it is builded on someones dreams.

Aug 18 06 10:58 pm Link


Ava Laurynne

Posts: 79

Petersburg, Virginia, US

Madcitychel wrote:
I was offered to go to IMTA in NY this July, but scooped all my brains that I pretend I have in my blond head and didn't go.
But I have become friends with the other ppl who went, young, broken, inspired, talanted, fooled.  I just strongly believe that this "whole deal" isn't legal - and I am looking for the way to find out what can one do to stop that scam - it is nothing like scam. Like the Niggerian scam just worse, cuz it is builded on someones dreams.

I agree. Were you offered some contract with barbizon saying they will help you find work if you pay a certain  fee? I wanted to be a model so bad I begged my mom to sign up for it. She did and I was  ONLY offered  auditions and competitions held by barbizon. A waste of my mothers hard earned money. They called be twice for auditions and never called me again. I guess they figured they would move on to the little girl whose parents have more money, since they took all of my mothers.

Aug 18 06 11:06 pm Link


Ivy Jo

Posts: 2188

Amarillo, Texas, US

I did enjoy IMTA, but lets be clear IMTA is not about barbizon and attendents from other schools laugh at the barbies. If you do want to go to IMTA, you should go with an AIM school or just don't waste your time. I know of one school that attends that is actually fully acredited. (Can't say I'm familiar with all school, but I betcha they didn't bother.)

Yes, I went to school, but I went to the one school I know of that is acredited. And going to IMTA is how I got signed. But keep in mind, if you don't know what you're doing, you wont get signed. If you've got it, go for it on your own. If you're cluless, find yourself an AIM achool/agency.

Aug 18 06 11:30 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Broadway baby wrote:

I agree. Were you offered some contract with barbizon saying they will help you find work if you pay a certain  fee? I wanted to be a model so bad I begged my mom to sign up for it. She did and I was  ONLY offered  auditions and competitions held by barbizon. A waste of my mothers hard earned money. They called be twice for auditions and never called me again. I guess they figured they would move on to the little girl whose parents have more money, since they took all of my mothers.

That is so dirty of them to rip off the $ using ppl's hopes.
I actually got an offer from The Rock Agency, to go to IMTA.  Yes, we all signed a contract, but that contract is extremly unspecific.  I don't know that much what I am talking about yet, but I believe that if the contract isn't being specific enough the regulations set by the State/Feds would take place then.  In the circumstances where both parties arent satisfied and the contract doesn't describe the situation or regulate the dispute the State's contract law would take place.
According to the contract law there is such a term as ambiguity of contract - that is when the fact were incomplete or misrepresented.  In this case I think that there were huge misrepresentation of facts - but that wasn't documented, which isn't good, but not bad also.  Parties also legaly engage into contract w/o verbally or even by the abcense of action in certain cases. So my though is: that if one could prove that promisee's initiation of contract was done with the intentions of ambiguity - that would fall under the "Law  of torts" - this way the agencies would have to pay back the fees they have collected or else provide the services they made people believe they would provide.

Aug 18 06 11:32 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Ivy Bressler wrote:
I did enjoy IMTA, but lets be clear IMTA is not about barbizon and attendents from other schools laugh at the barbies. If you do want to go to IMTA, you should go with an AIM school or just don't waste your time. I know of one school that attends that is actually fully acredited. (Can't say I'm familiar with all school, but I betcha they didn't bother.)

Yes, I went to school, but I went to the one school I know of that is acredited. And going to IMTA is how I got signed. But keep in mind, if you don't know what you're doing, you wont get signed. If you've got it, go for it on your own. If you're cluless, find yourself an AIM achool/agency.

I think that BBZN actually does have smthg to do with IMTA - do you know what is the percentage of models from the during the convention?
There are opinions and versions that they are getting paid for each provided model - and especially from BBZN - there is some wierd situtation with the IMTA manadgment and BBZN management.  IMTA registered with AZ State Department of Labor - take a look - the don't have any annual reports or anything, and their information about the President and contact information just doesn't mach to some of the other information they've got going on.
"Great experience" - yeah I had one of those when went to Great America though the ride in six falgs was much smoother then the ride those gals get for $5000 only - on special....

Aug 18 06 11:40 pm Link



Posts: 950

Dallas, Texas, US

Doug Lester wrote:
So you live in Short Arm, Nebraska and actually get a call back and a serious offer from a legitimate NYC agency, are you going to move to NYC? Are you prepared to support yourself in NYC for 6 to 12 months? If you are under age, will one of your parents move there with you? Ladies, do what you wish, but first - THINK!

Technically...your parents don't have to go with you to New York... Alot of agency's contracts give them power of attorney, and they can sign anything instead of your parents... So unless your parents demand to stay the whole time you're there...they don't have to....

Aug 20 06 01:42 am Link


Lovely Little Lady

Posts: 41

BRONX, New York, US

I attended Barbizon, school of modeling (the one located on 34th st. @ the New Yorker Hotel). I did it more out of curiousity, because I wanted to know what attending a modeling school was like. It WAS a lot of money, which I thank my mother for being willing to pay even though she was going through rough economical times...My teacher was a really nice women. I learned from her. I didn't want to take the experience for granted, since after all my mother was paying for it. ...After a few classes, the routine of going there every saturday got boring. I didnt quit though because I had already started and I figured I was there for a reason....I knew the 1st day I went to Barbizon that they were all about the money. The lady that interviewed me and said I was talented, was the same lady that NEVER again spoke to me, no lie. I saw little girls walking in, with no clue of what they were doing, with no desire to model...Some were there because of their parents...Its all about who can pay..And with the poses, they dont help much, its really up to the model to be determined and dedicated...otherwise, You wont gain much. I have no regrets...because I know my mother didn't invest money for nothing...that Im 100% sure of.

Aug 20 06 02:06 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

stylist man

Posts: 34382

New York, New York, US

How is this pronounced?

Barbi zone?
Bar bizo ne?
Bar BI zone?
Ba rbi zo ne?

geez just the name give me the creeps.

Aug 20 06 02:23 am Link



Posts: 22000

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Ivy Bressler wrote:
Yes, I went to school, but I went to the one school I know of that is acredited.

OK, I have to ask.  What does this mean?  Accredited by whom, to teach what?

I don't know of any modeling school in the country that does a good job of selecting models, training them with the skills models actually need, and preparing them for a career in modeling.

I also don't know of any real agencies that recommend a model go to any modeling school, unless they have some kind of financial interest in the school.

Aug 20 06 08:10 am Link


North Pole Photography

Posts: 1935

Ivy Bressler wrote:
Yes, I went to school, but I went to the one school I know of that is acredited.

TXPhotog wrote:
OK, I have to ask.  What does this mean?  Accredited by whom, to teach what?

I don't know of any modeling school in the country that does a good job of selecting models, training them with the skills models actually need, and preparing them for a career in modeling.

I also don't know of any real agencies that recommend a model go to any modeling school, unless they have some kind of financial interest in the school.

Excellent!  And is the best site for a "new" model to vist.  It is packed with accurate and cogent information, if only people would take the time to read it.

Aug 20 06 08:50 am Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Kalene wrote:

Technically...your parents don't have to go with you to New York... Alot of agency's contracts give them power of attorney, and they can sign anything instead of your parents... So unless your parents demand to stay the whole time you're there...they don't have to....

That's true, but I was not really referring to contractual matters. I wonder how many parents would be comfortable sending their 14 to 16 year old daughter off to live in NYC alone.

Aug 20 06 09:29 am Link



Posts: 950

Dallas, Texas, US

Doug Lester wrote:

That's true, but I was not really referring to contractual matters. I wonder how many parents would be comfortable sending their 14 to 16 year old daughter off to live in NYC alone.

From what I've heard....aren't the model apartments filled with teenage girls, most without their parents...? They send 15 year olds to Milan, with no parents...

Aug 20 06 05:45 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

Ivy Bressler wrote:
I did enjoy IMTA, but lets be clear IMTA is not about barbizon and attendents from other schools laugh at the barbies. If you do want to go to IMTA, you should go with an AIM school or just don't waste your time. I know of one school that attends that is actually fully acredited. (Can't say I'm familiar with all school, but I betcha they didn't bother.)

Yes, I went to school, but I went to the one school I know of that is acredited. And going to IMTA is how I got signed. But keep in mind, if you don't know what you're doing, you wont get signed. If you've got it, go for it on your own. If you're cluless, find yourself an AIM achool/agency.

Do you think it is worth of going?
What did IMTA gave you?
Did you get what you paid for?
What was the purpose of your trip?

Aug 22 06 08:12 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

timea szabo wrote:
Hey just thought id reply to dis
I acually went to imta about 2 years ago it was in l.a
And its right theres no point of it its an amazing experience but you get nothing out of it ..You can take it as learning since there are alot of competitons i acually won a theatrical headshot award for 3rd place and even though i won it it styll didnt mean i got something out of it but a good feeling
So i agree it is a waste of money And barbizon dont even let me go there when i first started modeling i went to that school and they have odnw nothing but rip people off but anyways just thought id let you know

Thanks for sharing!
PS: I like your portfolio and your image.

Aug 22 06 08:13 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

MHana wrote:
How is this pronounced?

Barbi zone?
Bar bizo ne?
Bar BI zone?
Ba rbi zo ne?

geez just the name give me the creeps.

I think it is pronounced like: "Give me all your money and go to hell!" or something like that, not sure.

Aug 22 06 08:14 am Link



Posts: 85

Jamestown, North Dakota, US

haha..ya i was one of the smart 4500 people that went to the classes last year... sure they had some pretty people there but once i started the classes there were some people that generally you wouldnt see "modeling" or didnt even want to model. yes, it was a great experiance but once i graduated i was suppose to get into an agency. before they would consider me i had to do a photoshoot (1000 and i had to travel) then a few months later i recieved my IMTA invite, did the audition and actually wowed the half-sleeping judges. they wanted another 5000 dollars. so, needless to say, after the classes anything that sound remotely close to that i said no to and if anyone else that starts talking about barbizon i tell them exactly what it is-about an $8000 dept.

Aug 22 06 10:44 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

AmberULeda wrote:
haha..ya i was one of the smart 4500 people that went to the classes last year... sure they had some pretty people there but once i started the classes there were some people that generally you wouldnt see "modeling" or didnt even want to model. yes, it was a great experiance but once i graduated i was suppose to get into an agency. before they would consider me i had to do a photoshoot (1000 and i had to travel) then a few months later i recieved my IMTA invite, did the audition and actually wowed the half-sleeping judges. they wanted another 5000 dollars. so, needless to say, after the classes anything that sound remotely close to that i said no to and if anyone else that starts talking about barbizon i tell them exactly what it is-about an $8000 dept.

What is the agency, if I may ask - that you worked with?

Aug 22 06 11:51 am Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

TXPhotog wrote:

OK, I have to ask.  What does this mean?  Accredited by whom, to teach what?

I don't know of any modeling school in the country that does a good job of selecting models, training them with the skills models actually need, and preparing them for a career in modeling.

I also don't know of any real agencies that recommend a model go to any modeling school, unless they have some kind of financial interest in the school.

You are right, though it is hard to understand when one is being "brainwashed".  I thik there should be something else that people could do at least afterwards. 
Though Accredited Modeling School sounds just like Licensed Dishwasher.

Aug 22 06 11:57 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I agree with what several others here have said, I have TRIED to warn people away & they want to believe it SO bad that not only do they not listen, they get angry

Aug 30 06 01:58 pm Link



Posts: 3256

Madison, Alabama, US

SLE Photography wrote:
I agree with what several others here have said, I have TRIED to warn people away & they want to believe it SO bad that not only do they not listen, they get angry

and that is a part of the brainwash the get for 5,000 or so.

Aug 30 06 03:23 pm Link