Forums > General Industry > 1 year of MM - Good Bad Ugly experiences ??



Posts: 2835

Austin, Indiana, US

Just noticed it's been 1 year to the day since I have been on MM.
What are your Good Bad and Ugly experiences ??

Mine ...

Good - the networking is like most intense of modeling sites

Bad - the bugs are just as intense as the networking

Ugly - a model and B.F. tired to break into my studio and cause mayheim while I was on out of state shoot {because she was not selected as spokeswoman}

Any one got a wild story like the ugly above ??


Aug 18 06 10:32 am Link



Posts: 2534

Toledo, Ohio, US

EL wrote:
Just noticed it's been 1 year to the day since I have been on MM.
What are your Good Bad and Ugly experiences ??

Mine ...

Good - the networking is like most intense of modeling sites

Bad - the bugs are just as intense as the networking

Ugly - a model and B.F. tired to break into my studio and cause mayheim while I was on out of state shoot {because she was not selected as spokeswoman}

Any one got a wild story like the ugly above ??



It's been just about a year for me too! I also have some Good, Bad and Ugly experiences........

Good ~       I have made some great friends and have had some good times. I've gone 10 times further with all of this than I could ever have imagined when I got started. I've done some commercial work and have realized one big goal.....being featured in a major fitness publication......and a few other things with more to come!

Bad ~     Some people I've met who I thought were my friends....well......I guess I was wrong! Amazing the power some photogs have over some people (models!) because they can take pretty pictures of them! I don't need those losers in my life anyway..........

Ugly ~     Well well well..........a certain photog who I don't know...but know of.....likes to run his fat mouth about me. Saying some pretty nasty things........all lies mind you....he has his little stable of models....who did want to work with me before.....but he's put the "vibe" out to "Stay away from Leo"....he probably wouldn't work with them any longer if they did.........and to think I use to talk highly of this a**hole!! Sadly this guy is going to have to be taught a lesson.........the hard way!

.........and there you have it!

Aug 18 06 10:34 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

These MM sirens were amazing, sweet, professional, on time, courteous, and hot and I am constantly singing their praises:

Elisaveta 11939

Melissa 36075

Adriana 88472

Alana 46404

Aug 18 06 10:35 am Link



Posts: 1015

Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden

Good - As Eric mentioned, I also met Melissa and up to a point Alana thru here.. And they are both very special along with a few other models. I made a few REAL good friends off here.. A lot of the posts in the forum make me crack up..and become even funnier when they are shared between some of us.. It gives a couple of my haters a place to follow up on me.. yeah there are a couple who have to know what im doing and who im doing etc.. well mm allows them to get a lil glimpse into what Im doing.

Bad - It gets addictive,

Ugly - A lot of the girls who sign up and think they are models, 75% of the girls who send me requests for tfp... Some of the tags ppl leave.. on a totally horrendous picture " great shot ".

Aug 18 06 12:05 pm Link



Posts: 9594

San Francisco, California, US

Good - Shoots happen.

Bad - Some shoots don't happen.

Ugly - The typical. Photographer drama. Image thiefs.

Aug 18 06 12:10 pm Link

Clothing Designer

Ray Vincente

Posts: 96

Trenton, New Jersey, US

Been great for me and it's been less than a year.  More exposure than I've ever gotten and networking is amazing.  I have a fashion show this November and just about the entire crew, inclusive of models, MUA, and stylist assistants all come from MM.  Bugs are more of an annoyance than anything else but the benefits definitely have outweighed the deficits.

Aug 18 06 12:11 pm Link


All Kinds of Photos

Posts: 428

BlindMike wrote:
Good - Shoots happen.

Bad - Some shoots don't happen.

Ugly - The typical. Photographer drama. Image thiefs.


I've made some friends through here but sometimes I feel like HS all over again with all the drama.

Bad - Seems like so much work just to set up a shoot with most models.

Aug 18 06 12:15 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

ALL good... NO bad... and ugly?!?!?... come on... we all know there are NO ugly models on MM... wink

(For a preview of dozens of smokin MM superbabes who have attended SM shoots in the past few years, checkout the 4 photo pages)

Aug 18 06 12:15 pm Link


Andre Knudsen

Posts: 206


I had to go and look at my own port as to when I signed up. Almost 1.5 years and counting. Most of the time I spent in New Orleans and it doesn't happen much down there. Good to be back in  the big apple.

Good: I've got a lot of models of this site compared to others.

Bad: A few falls short of showing etc.

Ugly: Have not had any ugly experience yet

Aug 18 06 12:17 pm Link


Dr Molly Black

Posts: 663

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Same for me: A little over a year.

The good: I've met some great people and shot some gorgeous models.

The bad: I've not had luck meeting stylists through here.

The ugly: I met somebody I trusted implicitly and had them do something terrible so that I haven't felt safe working with models for a month. Maybe safe isn't the right word. More like I haven't felt comfortable and like there's any point continuing.

But I've learned a LOT in the past year and have had more opportunities than somebody with a disability could dream of. And I've been lucky for 80% of the time with my choices in who to trust and work with.

I want to branch out and start doing editorial work...but glamour seems the most easy way to go. If I wasn't disabled I would do weddings and force George Diego to be my team leader...see? I've met great people. Plus I'm going to start modeling again and that's a neat feeling. This site has made me feel as though it's possible.

Aug 18 06 12:18 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

A year and a quarter for me.

The Good - someplace to relocate after getting fed up with OMP.

The Bad - ratio of shoots that actually happened has been relatively small.

The Ugly - getting flamed by know-it-alls in the forums is way too common. Usually they don't know what they are talking about. It has gotten to the point where I really don't think it's worth even starting a thread anymore, because people will take whatever you say out of context.

Aug 18 06 12:25 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Good - I enjoy the Forums.

Aug 18 06 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 301

Cary, Illinois, US

The good - The networking is wonderful.  I've learned a lot, and it has kept me from making many of the beginner mistakes.  Met and worked with many great photographers.  Support from friends I've made along the way has helped me take this to a different level - many times.

The bad - slightly addictive.  I can't go to bed without checking in.

The ugly - Photographers that won't send you the proofs or edited work after hours in front of their camera and months of empty promises...

Aug 18 06 10:59 pm Link


Tiffany Morgan

Posts: 264

Santa Monica, California, US

Just got on here recently ;-)

Oddly enough I relate to most posters on this thread...

Good - Endless networking with great photogs, and the ability to expand my portfolio tp beyond what I imagined. (referencing OMP that was mentioned earlier: good riddens ;-)

Bad - Very addictive...worse than caffeine ;-(

Ugly - Let's hope never!


Aug 19 06 02:07 am Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

Good- I've gotten 2 photoshoots in a span of 6months where as on OMP I got no photoshoots and lots of flakes in the span of a year. 

BAD-  Both shoots turned out to be not so good experiences for me.

ugly- One model threatened to sue me and another threatened to beat me up.

I'm just 10days shy of my 1yr anniversary on MM.  I love this post as it shows that I'm not the only one with a range of experiences.

Aug 19 06 07:58 pm Link


Muse Anya

Posts: 344

Sunnyvale, California, US

Good.... I found my niche in the modeling world, met some amazing people, some of which will be friends for life.

Bad.... Dealing with money.  I wish it wasn't involved at all and that I didn't need it.  I hate talking about it, yet the fact stays that I need paid jobs and therefore discussions of them are inevitable.

Ugly.... Having one's ego hurt unintentionally by me... causing them to quit photography... :-(((

Aug 21 06 09:11 pm Link


Thomas Landon

Posts: 516

Aden, Alberta, Canada

Good ~ Have worked with some amazing models and made some wonderful friendships that i hope will last a life time! So many wonderful comments and support from models and other photogs! I learn from every shoot i do and keep progressing!

Bad ~ Money... im poor as dirt.. its hard to keep creating when you cant afford to eat! i have so many ideas and no funds to bring them into being.. I want to build crazy sets.. I want to get crazy props even if just from the swap meet or local thrift store.

Ugly ~ People into this just for the money.. I understand to some this is a business and they want to make money.. but thats not what im doing this for... i do this to create beauty.. i do this to express myself.. as long as i can eat.. and pay rent.. i dont care about money and the people that do kind of bum me out.. because they are a cut throat bunch.
also..... FLAKES break my heart.. i put my heart and soul into my work and when i built a set and use the little money i have for the setup.. and someone flakes.. its enough to make me wanna give all this up.

Aug 21 06 09:26 pm Link


Blackmirror Photogenics

Posts: 198

New York, New York, US

Good - networking with great people and job opportunites from the networking.

Bad - Very addictive...worse than drugs. ;-(

Ugly - Not yet!

Aug 22 06 11:52 am Link



Posts: 172

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Good: The forums are fun, though a bit repetitive at times.  It’s reassuring knowing that others are having similar experiences and problems.   

Bad: MM models in my area apparently do not care for my work. sad 

Ugly: People sucking up and praising poor quality work. tongue

Aug 23 06 04:28 am Link