
Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Has anyone ever heard of worldwide catalog? Its a really long story, but in a nutshell, here's what they sent me-
"Model has been selected to model for seasonal Fashion Catalog Ads. Model shall be postal mailed four fashions to model. This will cover the Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter season. Model shall get to keep the fashions. Fashions chosen for model will be ordered from the catalog....
.....Model has also been selected to model for Worldwide to help promote eight great affiliate stores. These stores shall be: Walmart ™, Dick’s Sporting Goods™, Target™, Kohls™, Macys™, Blockbusters™, FTD Flower Shop™, Home Shopping Network™......

This is the part that got me,

....Model will be postal mailed a Special Digital Camera to use to take the images for these assignments. These are not glamour type shots. These are plain and simple photo illustrations taken outdoors freelance style. Any one can be the photographer because this special Digital Camera allows you to easily delete any photos taken that is not up to par....

Then they said this,

.....Model shall also receive a fabulous Company Benefit Package second to none. This shall include a $1,000 Shopping Spree to be redeemed for: Group Discounted Health Benefits, Travel and Vacation Benefits, Free Gifts, Movie Ticket Discounts and much more. (Model only pays a small processing fee for each free gift and service. Models love this Company Benefit Package and many use it for Christmas presents for their friends and relatives.)...

And then the catch-

....There are NO FEES to sign this contract. However, model must pay a small one time Security Deposit of $289.00 to protect their assets. This $289.00 is GUARANTEED REFUNDED through the above Guaranteed Monthly Gross Revenue Share Plan....

Of course there's a lot more where that came from, but feel free to email me directly if you kno anything about this.
[email protected]

Thanks guys

Aug 18 06 01:32 am Link


Done and Gone

Posts: 7650

Chiredzi, Masvingo, Zimbabwe

Ridiculous scam!! Are you supposed to send the money to Nigeria or Indonesia?

Aug 18 06 01:36 am Link



Posts: 6129

you already know the answer

Aug 18 06 01:42 am Link



Posts: 20642

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Aug 18 06 02:48 am Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Michael L. wrote:
Ridiculous scam!! Are you supposed to send the money to Nigeria or Indonesia?

Lol, actualy here's what they had to say about that-

"Model may pay the $289.00 by any major credit card by going to: If model does not have the $289.00 to pay in full to get started right away, model may pay a first non-refundable payment of $50.00 to reserve the position until at that time model can pay the $239.00 balance to get started. Model is given only THREE DAYS TO SIGN this agreement once receiving. CONTACT YOUR MODEL RECRUITER WITH ANY QUESTIONS!"


Aug 18 06 07:34 am Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

oldguysrule wrote:
you already know the answer

U are so right! I knew all the long, I just wanted to do some research.

Thank you all so much!!!

Aug 18 06 07:37 am Link

Aug 18 06 12:08 pm Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US


here's a convo i had with the guy supposedly affiliated with the company...(read from bottom to top-it was like pulling teeth...)

he wrote-
Not very comfortable? No, the problem is, I have already given you all
the information I have access to, we're NOT a multi-million dollar
corporation with headquarters everywhere throughout the United States.
We're a very simple company, with very simple ways of doing things.
And, until now, our models have understood everything that we propose.
As far as your other source, please use them all you want, but after
speaking with the boss and forwarding your emails to him, we've decided
that if you do sign with us, you will be too much of a hastle through
the duration of our contract, so we will have to retract our offer, I
wish you all the luck in the future, and hope that you can find a
business, and/or agency that will pass your lines of questioning.

I wrote:
I am already aware that you are not registered with the BBB, how long
you have been in business, and the validity of your contract- this is
why I am asking you these questions. I do however, see that I am
speaking with a person who is not very comfortable with giving out too
much, or the wrong info about the company they are affiliated with. I
appreciate your attempt to answer some of my questions, but I have found
another source that will be assisting me in my research on your company.

Thank You for your time,


he wrote:

What kind of department would you like to have references from?  We are
our own company.  We are not with the BBB, as it takes 1 year of
business to be with them. We have affiliate stores, such as Wal-Mart and
such, as far as contacting them, and getting a reference, you probably
would have better luck than we would.  I understand you have worries
about signing with us, but like I said, if you do NOT receive your
security back, and everything stated in the contract, it is ground for a
lawsuit against us, which has NOT happened yet.  You have actually
surpassed your (3) days on acting upon the contract, all of our models
who sign, do so within the allotted time, because they realize what we
do, and understand fully what we supply them with.  Other than talking
to me in person, and making your decision, please note that by midnight
tonight, I will consider the contract I sent you null and void. 

I wrote:
Ok, im not sure you are understanding my request. Ive read  most of the
written testimonials, but are you not able to give me any information on
a department in connection to worldwide, due to legality issues?


He wrote"

Yes, that is MY direct line, the company's order number for clothing and
such is 1-877-WOR-WIDE, but 724-763-2404 connects to me

I wrote:
That's your contact number?


he wrote:

The number is stated in the contract, it is ***-***-****, and as far as
the references, the model testimonials are listed on the contract as

"Wilkerson, Kemberly"  wrote:
If you would give me a few verifiable references and that I could speak
with over the phone and I will get back to you about my decision, and we
can go from there regarding your payment.
Thank You

Aug 22 06 02:59 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Delete it, they simply want your money. That sort of scam has been around fro at least 1o years. BTW, he started, "it takes 1 year of business to be with them". For what it's worth, when I first opened my studio, the day after my first ad appeared in a weekly nespaper, I received a call from the BBB. Two days later I was a signed up member in good standing. That was before I even had my business license. The one year thing is total crap.

But you really knew the answer before you asked the question.

Aug 22 06 06:32 pm Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Doug Lester wrote:
Delete it, they simply want your money. That sort of scam has been around fro at least 1o years. BTW, he started, "it takes 1 year of business to be with them". For what it's worth, when I first opened my studio, the day after my first ad appeared in a weekly nespaper, I received a call from the BBB. Two days later I was a signed up member in good standing. That was before I even had my business license. The one year thing is total crap.

But you really knew the answer before you asked the question.

aha.....he couldnt even give me any refrences!!

Sep 02 06 02:25 pm Link


Cardillo Photography

Posts: 1360

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Dont send the money to them....make a trip to fla and hire a photographer with the  just kidding

This scam has been around for many years....first time i saw it was 5 years ago....

Sep 02 06 03:59 pm Link


Kemmie T x10

Posts: 7489

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Cardillo Photography wrote:
Dont send the money to them....make a trip to fla and hire a photographer with the  just kidding

This scam has been around for many years....first time i saw it was 5 years ago....

Lol, um on my way.... Do u take cash or check? big_smile

Sep 02 06 04:48 pm Link


Sweet Emotion 68

Posts: 456

Oldsmar, Florida, US

Hello.............I was also contacted by them via my Agency in Chicago..........seems that they even fooled my agent who usually spots scams like a bloodhound..........but it happens and its very frustrating. I didn't sign the contract because I always do my homework, I have been the victim of a scam and it still pisses me off!!.......but you have to live and learn....................

Sep 08 06 05:15 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Ah...the Return of W.I.S.H.

Will they ever at least take "Worldwide" out of ther name? Oh, they did once... (

On to better things...

Sep 08 06 05:22 pm Link

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

You know what they say, it sounds too good to be true..... We all are getting hit these days.  Photographers, stylists, hair and makeup artist.  For a while I was getting booked from Calif.  What no hair and makeup artists there?  They said they would pay whatever my fee was.  Then the scam was to tell you that the bride died.  Oh boo hoo. Yea right.  Hoping we would send back the deposit they sent.  Of course the checks were held up from their bank bla bla bla you get the idea.  We spotted that scam coming and posted all over the boards about it.  Gotta look out for one another.  R-

Sep 09 06 06:37 pm Link


Lauren Jedneski

Posts: 14

Atlanta, Georgia, US


Sep 09 06 08:01 pm Link


Lauren Jedneski

Posts: 14

Atlanta, Georgia, US


Sep 09 06 08:02 pm Link