Forums > General Industry > Scams in abundance



Posts: 1438

Niles, Michigan, US

I saw a few threads recently regarding email scams and thought I would share my latest.
I received an email from a yahoo account inquiring about renting my studio for several days late August, what my rates are, etc. The language style was stiff, as if written by foreigner, so I was already suspicious, as I have had these emails before.
My reply was look,  I know you are a scammer, but if you are sincere, call me at this number, else F.O.
Well, he called late in the evening when I was not home (normal business hours in another part of the world, maybe?)  and left a voice message from the "relay operator" who read the message to me.
I had to laugh, since this confirmed what I already suspected.
There has been no follow up email since. Oh well, I think I will reserve some studio time for someone in Nigeria that REALLY needs it.

Aug 16 06 02:15 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Scams on the Internet?

You’re paranoid dude!

Every time I provide a Nigerian Artist my bank information, I immediately receive 10 emails from his friends asking for the same thing along with free penis enlargement pills, free credit reports, hot dates with Internet Super models, free time-shares in Bombay India and free life time supply of Viagra.

It’s obvious you need to be a little more gullible  big_smile

Aug 16 06 02:26 pm Link