Forums > General Industry > Are models intimidated...


f4 Photo

Posts: 96

Morristown, New Jersey, US professional photographers?

Can you be TOO professional, to the extent that you scare models away?

Sometimes I get the impression that if I write to a model with all the details of a shoot, exactly how to get to the location (with maps), the terms and conditions of any release, the exact nature of what the model will receive either in payment or on CD, times and dates etc. that they get intimidated.

As a new model, would you rather shoot with someone who has a good portfolio, a businesslike attitude and who treats you like a professional, or are you more comfortable shooting with a GWC ("guy with camera") who has a portfolio of a few unremarkable (sometimes pretty dismal) images, shoots in his spare time and looks like he makes no more demands on a model than they stand somewhere in front of the camera and show a little skin?

I suppose with the latter there's very little chance you can do anything wrong, and even if you did the photographer might not even notice or care, so there's less pressure.

Do models think that way?

Aug 16 06 02:14 pm Link



Posts: 3083

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Is this a joke?  I don't know any models intimidated by pros...lmao...

Aug 16 06 02:17 pm Link


A Yetunde

Posts: 45

Miami, Florida, US

Well. Some people appreciate professionalism. I think the underlining factor is comfort. For me I notice to function properly at a shoot I need a team with a fun perona. No matter how serious a shoot it is. You can't get the best out of anyone if they feel uptight. So my suggestion keep it professional but don't be so uptight lol!

Aug 16 06 02:23 pm Link


f4 Photo

Posts: 96

Morristown, New Jersey, US

Obviously I'm not talking about experienced models, but maybe those who are new or have only done 1 or 2 shoots.

I'd assume that an experienced model would want to work with a professional.

Aug 16 06 02:30 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

I'm not imtimidated by anyone. They're just people.

Aug 16 06 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 467

Miami, Florida, US

Not for nothing in your initial post, you make it sound as if you arent a professional, all you are looking for is a girl to show some skin and that apparently you should have dismal images in your port.??? Id say thats a pretty big stereotype and that you may just be looking for reassurance?

Aug 16 06 02:37 pm Link


model 01

Posts: 55

Well I don't really feel comfortable with super serious photographers because I'm a bit goofy and I like to make jokes to ease the tension if there is any. I'm not exactly intimadated though. There's a way to be professional but remember that creativity flows easier from a model that isn't super serious herself if the atmosphere is relaxed. I like to have a few laughs with the photographer, it's important to me.

Aug 16 06 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 394

Brooklyn, New York, US

Pros on either end of the camera are usually not intimidated by pros on the other end. It happens in the early stages for some folks, but after a few shoots with nervousness and blushing, it's all business.

Aug 16 06 02:41 pm Link



Posts: 467

Miami, Florida, US

I hate quiet intorvert models who have nothing to say. I wont work with them.

Aug 16 06 02:43 pm Link


Collin J. Rae

Posts: 7657

Winchester, Virginia, US

I'd imagine more models are intimidated by Pro foot weirdos...and of course I understand completely

Aug 16 06 02:46 pm Link


Anna Taylor

Posts: 33

Olathe, Colorado, US

I appreciate professionalism, but with a casual attitude. Uptight, demanding, or cocky photographers I try to shy away from as well as any hit of GWCs. As a beginner I went for any photographer that contacted me, but I've learned my lessons doing that. Anymore, I try to avoid any photographer with any hint of sexual tones to their work. As a photographer too, I find sexually charged photographs to be quite unprofessional (at least many of the ones I've seen on MM, there are alot of very wonderful photographers who work with sex and nudity and do it beautifully) and "easy" because, let's face it, sex sells. I want to work with photographers who don't need sex for their images to sell.

Aug 16 06 02:49 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Professionals scare the crap outta me because they all have such big equipment.


Aug 16 06 08:52 pm Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Professionals scare the crap outta me because they all have such big equipment.


I've only been on this site a few days, but already I think you're my favorite poster on these forums...

Aug 16 06 08:59 pm Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

When I contact models, I usually send them a very casual, "would you be interested in working with me?" e-mail and a link to my OMP profile. The photos on my profile will tell them enough about me to determine whether they'd like to work with me or not. No need to go into a whole spiel with lots of details unless it's for a specific project. Besides, I love to hear what the model would like to do. They often have great ideas, particularly with respect to their own look.

Aug 16 06 09:04 pm Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

I wouldn't say I'm intimidated so much as in awe and honored to work with them.  I would never turn down a pro because I was too scared to work with someone of that caliber...unless they just wanted to see my boobies.

Aug 16 06 09:07 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Christine Summers wrote:
...unless they just wanted to see my boobies.

Pros want to see boobies too.  I did when I was a professional.


Aug 16 06 09:11 pm Link


Divo Models

Posts: 5469

Atlanta, Georgia, US

f4 Photo wrote: professional photographers?

Can you be TOO professional, to the extent that you scare models away?

Sometimes I get the impression that if I write to a model with all the details of a shoot, exactly how to get to the location (with maps), the terms and conditions of any release, the exact nature of what the model will receive either in payment or on CD, times and dates etc. that they get intimidated.

As a new model, would you rather shoot with someone who has a good portfolio, a businesslike attitude and who treats you like a professional, or are you more comfortable shooting with a GWC ("guy with camera") who has a portfolio of a few unremarkable (sometimes pretty dismal) images, shoots in his spare time and looks like he makes no more demands on a model than they stand somewhere in front of the camera and show a little skin?

I suppose with the latter there's very little chance you can do anything wrong, and even if you did the photographer might not even notice or care, so there's less pressure.

Do models think that way?

It's all in your head...photographers see different heads and models all of the don't be phased by the insecurities.

NOW on the other hand...I have been awe struck by a model's beauty.  While my brain is trying to process the phenomenal symmetry, I get all nervous and fidgety.  But I soon relax...  It's human nature.

Aug 16 06 09:19 pm Link



Posts: 1196

Pontiac, Michigan, US

To speak for self, and self only.  I am slightly sometimes intimidated when I see a photographer with an outstanding port and I may or may not build up enough courage to ask them if they'd like to test or even perhaps what their "affordable" rates are.  Most of my fear comes from the fact that most of the amazing photographers on here, or that I even run across don't have one "plus" or just for the sake of it "big girls" on their port.  This intimidates me!  I won't lie.  Just recently I came across the port of a photographer from Canada who'd I travel to work with, but I failed to contact him cause for one, there's all straight sized models in his port, and two, none of my work compares to his work.  But, at the same time I figure if I never ask, I'll never have that type of breath taking work in my book.

Aug 16 06 09:31 pm Link


Muse Anya

Posts: 344

Sunnyvale, California, US

f4 Photo wrote: professional photographers?

Can you be TOO professional, to the extent that you scare models away?

Sometimes I get the impression that if I write to a model with all the details of a shoot, exactly how to get to the location (with maps), the terms and conditions of any release, the exact nature of what the model will receive either in payment or on CD, times and dates etc. that they get intimidated.

As a new model, would you rather shoot with someone who has a good portfolio, a businesslike attitude and who treats you like a professional, or are you more comfortable shooting with a GWC ("guy with camera") who has a portfolio of a few unremarkable (sometimes pretty dismal) images, shoots in his spare time and looks like he makes no more demands on a model than they stand somewhere in front of the camera and show a little skin?

I suppose with the latter there's very little chance you can do anything wrong, and even if you did the photographer might not even notice or care, so there's less pressure.

Do models think that way?

Ever think that they don't want to work with you not because you are "too proffessional", but because they don't like your work?

Aug 17 06 01:50 am Link



Posts: 89

Orlando, Florida, US

Miss Anya wrote:
Ever think that they don't want to work with you not because you are "too proffessional", but because they don't like your work?


Aug 17 06 01:54 am Link



Posts: 6129

i dont understand 'too professional'
i get how intimidating individuals can be intimidating
if the question is does having the shoot organized intimidate models? i'm certain the answer is no. innundating an aspirant with paperwork, maps and a few dozen phone calls might be perceived as a bit more than the necessities of organizing a shoot.
just a thought

Aug 17 06 02:01 am Link



Posts: 89

Orlando, Florida, US

In all honesty, when I first joined MM I was approached by an outstanding photographer. I mean, he had Vogue quality images. Regularly shot for very big clients. He didn't really work with MM models- I guess he just threw up a port here in case. He messaged me for a test shoot and it took me a week to figure out what to do. As a newbie with only one semi photo shoot under my belt, I wondered why the hell he would want ME in front of his camera. I was afraid I wouldn't produce the quality of work he was looking for.

Didn't end up actually doing the shoot anyway, he got too busy with paid clients. But it was a nice ego boost smile Now I've become more comfortable shooting, so I wouldn't hesitate.

Aug 17 06 02:05 am Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

ANTyson wrote:
In all honesty, when I first joined MM I was approached by an outstanding photographer. I mean, he had Vogue quality images. Regularly shot for very big clients. He didn't really work with MM models- I guess he just threw up a port here in case. He messaged me for a test shoot and it took me a week to figure out what to do. As a newbie with only one semi photo shoot under my belt, I wondered why the hell he would want ME in front of his camera. I was afraid I wouldn't produce the quality of work he was looking for.

Didn't end up actually doing the shoot anyway, he got too busy with paid clients. But it was a nice ego boost smile Now I've become more comfortable shooting, so I wouldn't hesitate.

Then you should keep in touch with him.

Aug 17 06 05:57 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

D. Brian Nelson wrote:
Professionals scare the crap outta me because they all have such big equipment.


Professionals make me laugh for the same reason.  I just spent the weekend watching guys carrying gigantic camera/flash rigs around FetishCon...while I was busy shooting with my $300 digital and bag of toycameras.

Aug 17 06 05:59 am Link