Forums > General Industry > Who pays who?


Visuals Nu

Posts: 10

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

This is a topic I've never been able to get my head around. 

How do you determine whether the model pays the photographer for a shoot or if the photographer pays the model for a shoot?  I've seen this go both ways and have never understood what governs this. 

Anyone able to shed some light?

Aug 14 06 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 235

Austin, Texas, US

a general principle here is "who needs the pictures" and who gets the value?

If the photographer needs the pictures - for portfolio, stock, etc... Then he would perhaps hire a model for the job. The photographer pays and gets the value (of the model's skill, etc).

If the model needs portfolio pictures, or something specific for a portfolio (or whatever), then they hire a Photographer to get what they want. The model pays and gets the value (of the photographer's skill, etc).


Aug 14 06 11:27 pm Link


Bill Bates

Posts: 3850

Payson, Utah, US

StevenNoreyko wrote:
a general principle here is "who needs the pictures" and who gets the value?

If the photographer needs the pictures - for portfolio, stock, etc... Then he would perhaps hire a model for the job. The photographer pays and gets the value (of the model's skill, etc).

If the model needs portfolio pictures, or something specific for a portfolio (or whatever), then they hire a Photographer to get what they want. The model pays and gets the value (of the photographer's skill, etc).


Sounds pretty close to right to me.

There is another possibility that is even better...the client needing the photos pays the photographer, the model and pretty much everyone else involved in creating the image.


Aug 14 06 11:30 pm Link


Les Sterling

Posts: 439

Kansas City, Missouri, US

In simplest terms, whoever made the phone call is the one who pays.

Most of the time, a model wants to build a portfolio, calls a photographer and wants him/her to photograph him/her because they like the photographer's style and feel that it would benefit their book.

In some cases, artists (in MM's case, photo-artists) will hire a model to pose for them for a specific project. This is rarely the case except on the internet, somehow.

In most commercial endeavors, it's neither the photographer nor the model who is shelling out cash for the other. It's an agency or an art director of some kind that hires both for work, and pays both.

Let the dissenting opinions commence...   smile

Aug 14 06 11:31 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Aug 14 06 11:37 pm Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

I agree with the argument that whoever "needs" the pictures or experience more should pay, if anyone does. However, plenty of photographers seem to feel that they deserve to be paid right off the bat - hey, I paid for this expensive camera, right? You people owe me! And at least a few models feel the same way - hey, you get to look at these tits, right? Gotta pay up first!

Who actually does pay is often a whole different kettle of fish, as God only knows how many rampantly inexperienced, not-that-attractive models with portfolios full of MySpace self-portraits expect everyone to be willing to pay or TFP with them, and God only knows how many clearly point-and-shooting photographers who wouldn't know good lighting or composition if it bit them in the face expect experienced models to be eager to "build their portfolios" by paying or doing TFP with them. Who pays? If you can't find anyone worthwhile who will pay or do TFP with you, you do. Ta-da.

Aug 14 06 11:44 pm Link


Visuals Nu

Posts: 10

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Thanks a lot for the insight, guys.  So it's similar to modern dating ettiquette.  Whomever asks for the date pays...unless some tv show comes along and pays the two to go out on a Blind Date so they can make fun of them with bubblecaptions throughout the show.  =-)~  Silly metaphor...I even hate that show.

Thanks again, and sorry to bring up an overused & recylced topic yet again.  ;-)

Aug 14 06 11:51 pm Link


Michael Kirst

Posts: 3231

Los Angeles, California, US

The clients usually pay both of us. Unless it's a model (usually not an internet model) looking to build up the 'ol book. Then the model pays me. I have never paid a model and under the circumstances in which I work I don't ever see myself doing that. The big question you have to ask yourself is, is it internet modeling or real world modeling? The internet takes on a life of it's own and governs no specific set of rules. The rest of the world is pretty clear cut and if you search the internet (ironically) long enough, you will find all the info you need to be well informed.

Aug 15 06 12:08 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

the service seeker pays the service provider. does that clear anything up?

Aug 15 06 12:26 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US

theda wrote:
the service seeker pays the service provider. does that clear anything up?

Only if I'm looking to get serviced..

Aug 15 06 12:37 am Link


Mann Made Imagery

Posts: 5281

Lubbock, Texas, US

blameshifter wrote:
This is a topic I've never been able to get my head around. 

How do you determine whether the model pays the photographer for a shoot or if the photographer pays the model for a shoot?  I've seen this go both ways and have never understood what governs this. 

Anyone able to shed some light?

well, it's simple.  you see a model you want to work with right? and they don't do free work.  ok, so you hire them, then you pay them.

senario reversed! she wants to work with you, but there is no hope for a TFP or free testing at all.  well, so she pays you for an actual shoot or testing.

so, it's basically whoever hires who is the one that pays if that makes any sense at all.

Aug 15 06 12:41 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

blameshifter wrote:
This is a topic I've never been able to get my head around. 

How do you determine whether the model pays the photographer for a shoot or if the photographer pays the model for a shoot?  I've seen this go both ways and have never understood what governs this. 

Anyone able to shed some light?

If you've ever been involved with business, you know that the best business deals are the ones that are struck as a "win-win" situation. Both parties receive something of value that they desire.

Now, superimpose this general principal over the endless variables that one photographer and one model can bring to the table. Some photographer's images are more desirable than others. Some models are more talented and attractive than others. These variables can produce a wide range of business agreements. What is acceptable and fair with one combination of photographer and model would be completely unacceptable with another.

So really, there is nothing to figure out. Sometimes the model pays. Sometimes the photographer pays. Sometimes there is a barter arrangement. And sometimes a client pays everybody. It all depends on the unique circumstances of the individuals involved.

What makes this all SEEM complicated is that there are a lot of people with agendas who are trying hard to portray one particular business model as the only "fair" or "smart" or "professional" one. These people simply don't understand or care that other photographers and models, in different circumstances than their own, may have a legitimate reasonable need for a particular business model.

I too am "spinning" here -- I have an agenda myself. My agenda is to encourage people to accept that there is diversity in business agreements, and that diversity is not bad.


Aug 15 06 12:58 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

I really wish I could change the title of this thread to "who pays whom."

Brian Diaz will understand.  Well, a lot of people will, but not like Brian. Thread hijack over.  Continue.

Aug 15 06 01:20 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

theda wrote:
I really wish I could change the title of this thread to "who pays whom."

Brian Diaz will understand.  Well, a lot of people will, but not like Brian. Thread hijack over.  Continue.

Kinda makes you cry, doesn't it?

Aug 15 06 12:10 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Some of us get paid not matter what.
We live on both sides of the camera.

yes usally the person needing the service pays the person providing the service as theda and others have said.

If I need to have a certain photographer shoot me because I can't live without their images in my book I pay them.

If a photogropher wants me in his/her book or to use me for gallery art he/she pays me.

If a local jeweler needs new posters and flyers for her shop she pays me to shoot her jewelry .

If I see a model I really want to shoot for my own book or a project I have in mind I will pay here or him.

If a local girl wants some fun pretty sexy images for her boyfriend as a gift she pays me to shoot her.

Aug 15 06 03:27 pm Link