Forums > General Industry > Just curious


Steven Balcaitis

Posts: 101

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

I browse frequently and I see a lot of photographers who say that they have years and years of experience but they only photos that they have in the portfolio is with girls (some guys) doing bikini and nude (implied as well) shots.  I thought that to be a photographer that you would have to be well rounded.  I would like to see a bikini shot and a nude pose, but I would also like to see more formal and casual shots as well.  If you have these shots then why not display them? 

Just curious I know that alot of you won't like that question.

Aug 14 06 07:11 am Link



Posts: 1361

Huntington Beach, California, US

photographers, like doctors, can specialize

Aug 14 06 07:15 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Steven Balcaitis wrote:
I browse frequently and I see a lot of photographers who say that they have years and years of experience but they only photos that they have in the portfolio is with girls (some guys) doing bikini and nude (implied as well) shots.  I thought that to be a photographer that you would have to be well rounded.  I would like to see a bikini shot and a nude pose, but I would also like to see more formal and casual shots as well.  If you have these shots then why not display them? 

Just curious I know that alot of you won't like that question.

Actually, the advice that most photo buyers and editors give is exactly the opposite. They aren't really interested in seeing a "well-rounded" portfolio from a photographer. They want to see proof of a unique point of view, a creative eye, and the ability to develop ideas coherently. "Well-rounded" generally only comes up if you are hiring a staff photographer. . .

But then, I don't think most of the photographers here are putting up portfolios for photo buyers and editors. I assume they are showing the kind of work they are looking to do with MM's models.

In addition, there is insidious pressure caused by the view counter. Put a really creative photo on your port that doesn't show any skin, and you'll get four views a week. But put a sexy image, or one that shows a lot of skin, and you'll get 100 views the first day. So the market speaks, and a lot of people pay attention to that.

I'd like to think that I have a pretty "well-rounded" portfolio, covering a wide range of styles and artistic expression. But then, I'm pretty close to it, being my own work and all. . .


Aug 14 06 07:17 am Link


Steven Balcaitis

Posts: 101

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

But I see a lot of specializing with bikinis and nudes.  aren't any photographers specializing in formal or casul.  I think a Photographer should have at Least one or two of these shots in his port, and he shouldn't be gender specific either.

Aug 14 06 07:18 am Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

Steven Balcaitis wrote:
But I see a lot of specializing with bikinis and nudes.  aren't any photographers specializing in formal or casul.  I think a Photographer should have at Least one or two of these shots in his port, and he shouldn't be gender specific either.

OK, well whats your reasoning for that?  Just to show they're well rounded?  To who?

I put stuff up here to show what I like, and what I would like to keep doing.  I wouldnt turn down a casual or formal type shoot, but thats not what I'm looking to do.  So I dont get it -- what is my incentive to put up shots that dont showcase my preference?

Aug 14 06 07:26 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Steven Balcaitis wrote:
But I see a lot of specializing with bikinis and nudes.  aren't any photographers specializing in formal or casul.  I think a Photographer should have at Least one or two of these shots in his port, and he shouldn't be gender specific either.

Lot's of "should's!" You have to understand why most photographers are here.  Obviously, I'm speaking mostly for myself, not for my brother and sister photogs, but I don't think my situation is that different from the others.

IMHO, there is almost no paying work to be found on MM. Very few MM models are willing to actually pay photographers. If they were, you can bet that you would see more formal and casual work, and also a stronger attempt to incorporate male models. But since we have to go elsewhere to find paying work, our work here tends to be our personal, non-commercial work, and for their personal work, most photographers are more interested in shooting nekkid girls and bikini glamour than formal and casual work. Or to put it more charitably, a lot of photographers are interested primarily in personal artistic expression -- and that doesn't always translate into the kind of work a commercial model needs in his or her portfolio.

If you want photographers to cater to your tastes and needs, you have to give them an incentive to do so. Without pay, they'll mostly shoot what they want, not what you want. That's just human nature.

So, I'd turn the question around. What incentive are you offering photographers here on MM to shoot more male models, with more formal and casual work?

Aug 14 06 07:31 am Link


Danica Lee

Posts: 881

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Steven Balcaitis wrote:
But I see a lot of specializing with bikinis and nudes.  aren't any photographers specializing in formal or casul.  I think a Photographer should have at Least one or two of these shots in his port, and he shouldn't be gender specific either.

Some types of models are easier to access than others.

In some areas there are plenty of girls that can shoot nude or in a bikini but some areas can be a little dry on the fashion or art models.

I don't do bikini shoots for the pure reason there are enough girls in Sydney that do it already. Whats a pasty girl like me going to bring to the genre?

I can understand your frustration if you are looking for photographers to shoot with... Best bet is to post a casting notice and let the photographers who DO shoot the style you are looking for come to you.

Aug 14 06 07:32 am Link


Steven Balcaitis

Posts: 101

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

I am more or less talking about photographers who are asking models for money.  If you want to get paid then show me that you know how to take more than one style of photo.  I have seen a few that are well rounded that has a little of everything.  But when I see only pretty girls in a bikini on the beach 10,000 times different girls same beach,  that doesn't seem very artistic to me.  Just my opinion.

Aug 14 06 07:34 am Link


Steven Balcaitis

Posts: 101

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

Bang Bang,  I think your portfolio is one the better portfolio's on here.  You have a little of eveything so don't think that I am talking about you.

Aug 14 06 07:38 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Steven Balcaitis wrote:
I am more or less talking about photographers who are asking models for money.  If you want to get paid then show me that you know how to take more than one style of photo.  I have seen a few that are well rounded that has a little of everything.  But when I see only pretty girls in a bikini on the beach 10,000 times different girls same beach,  that doesn't seem very artistic to me.  Just my opinion.

Then ignore that photographer's work and move on. If I were looking for a fashion model here, I would have to ignore 95% of the model's portfolios. You, looking for someone to help you develop a commercial or fashion model's portfolio, will probably have to ignore 95% of the photographer's portfolios.

MM is not an agency, it's MAYHEM. There's a mix of pro and amateur, and every possible style. Right now, some model is saying, "gosh, I wish there were more photographers who know how to properly shoot fetish work." Another one is wishing he could find more photographers capable of shooting artistic nudes. Still another is hoping to find work as a commercial model.

Half the fun of the place is the diversity. If you want to cut to the chase and focus on just your specific area, you're probably better off going to an agency and using the photographers they recommend.

Aug 14 06 07:39 am Link


Steven Balcaitis

Posts: 101

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

This also goes to the models that only have bikini or nude shots in their portfolios,  Nytevision's looks great, but how many like she said almost eveyone is shooting these shots, show something a little different.

Aug 14 06 07:42 am Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Bang bang is throwing the answer in your face... 3 times now... and you're still not getting it?  It's starting to sound like you're bitter because you're not getting work.

You talk about photographers should have portfolios that show off what they can do in a well rounded manner.  So do you think my commercial images of say... a fork and knife on a plate should be on here?  What about the still life work that I do... things like hubcaps on the street.  How about any of the PJ stuff I've shot.. homeless people, people shooting heroine, people at a public festival, or a dog sitting on the corner.

This is, like Bang bang keeps saying... mayhem.  Do you honestly think art directors are looking here for photography/model talent? 


Aug 14 06 07:50 am Link


Steven Balcaitis

Posts: 101

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

Calm down PK,

I get what Bang Bang is saying, I am getting paid work, so I am not bitter, it was just an observation of mine.  I am not trying to intentionally knock someone else down,  I am just saying that I see the same shot's in alot of portfolios.  I would expect to see more from someone who has been doing this for years, but to consistently see the same photos, with different girls is not very artistic.  But you are free to disagree.

Aug 14 06 07:57 am Link


Linda Major

Posts: 40

Toronto, Ontario, Canada quick things get nasty...I don't think he's bitter, it is a valid observation with a valid explanation.

Aug 14 06 08:05 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

My final thoughts on this. I get what you're saying. But remember, if you grade on a curve, over half of the world is mediocre at best, and only the top 7% or so deserves an "A."

Then, when you factor in the people who are here for completely different reasons than you are, the number gets even smaller. So finding the right photographer is perhaps a lot more work than you thought it would be. There's no silver platter here, or anywhere else. Nowhere more than MM is the old saying true, "if it was easy, everybody would be doing it."

There's a lot to complain about in this world -- if we focus on the shit, we'll make ourselves crazy. There's just too much shit out there. My personal philosophy is to ignore the shit as much as possible, and focus on the good stuff. I'd rather complement someone for doing well than tear down someone with no ability or talent. And I try to always be aware that my definition of ability and talent is just that -- mine. What I consider to be crappy work may have a devoted following, and who am I to judge?

I'll shut up now -- hope you find what you're looking for!


Aug 14 06 08:10 am Link


Steven Balcaitis

Posts: 101

Daytona Beach, Florida, US

Thank you for your time Bang Bang

Aug 14 06 08:16 am Link