Forums > General Industry > Music during a photo shoot


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Detroit Style wrote:

oh yea PS, I'm feelin you using graf in your work.  I'm about to start doing that myself soon.

Thanx. it's here in the bay area, but lacking that industrial feel. I'm trying to get a vacation next summer to do some industrial shoots in Detroit. I know a few models back there and Toronto who are down for the shoot. Mayhaps we can hook up on the clothing tip? I have like a total of 6 models back there via MM who emailed me to work with me. I know of a few places back in Detroit that I want to shoot at.

Aug 16 06 04:25 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Music. Yes. If at all possible.

Aug 16 06 04:29 am Link


James Morris

Posts: 36

Detroit, Michigan, US

Koo just hit me up when your in town.  I'm sure you know about the caves at St. Aubin right?

Aug 16 06 04:32 am Link


Legacys 7

Posts: 33899

San Francisco, California, US

Detroit Style wrote:
Koo just hit me up when your in town.  I'm sure you know about the caves at St. Aubin right?

not off hand I don't. It's been awhile. I wished that I could get back inside the Michigan Central Train Station to do a shoot. I use to shoot in there before they fenced the place up. This was before my move to here.

Aug 16 06 05:31 am Link



Posts: 1577

Los Angeles, California, US

I try to make my shoots as fun and cozy as possible like having guests over for a small party. Lights are low, candles are burning, there's food and drinks and iPods and CD's.
I've often have models saying it's one of the most fun shoots they've had and would love to come back. Music is definitely KEY!  As my preshoot talk or email, i tell the models to bring their iPods or Cds.  Current faves at the studio: THEIVERY CORPORATION during makeup, Linkin Park & Jay Z or Fort Minor, All the girls LOVE Gwen Stefani, and Beasties and DeeLite never get old.
But beware of typecasting too... I've had sista's ask for Slipknot, and southern girls ask for Ice Cube/ NWA.

Aug 17 06 03:29 am Link


Robert Winn Photography

Posts: 2097

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Music if at all possible. Definatly. Usually the choice is up to the model unless it really conflicts with the mood of the shoot. (ie: I.C.P. for a romantic, candle lit series)

Aug 17 06 04:10 am Link



Posts: 18

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Doug Lester wrote:
To the best of my knowledge, during a very long career I've heard negative feedback from only one model I worked with, She had a complaint about me. She told a mutual acquaintace that I "made her listen to boring music". OK, I confess. I did it! I don't regret it and I'll do it again.

I hate the assumption that softer music is "boring". I'll take my "boring" Sigur Ros over any radio crap.

Aug 17 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

I MUST have music.  Mainly because I talk A LOT.  Music makes me focus and keeps my mouth shut.  Nobody wants a bunch of shots of a model talking, right?  I've also been to a shoot where there was just me & the photographer and no other sounds.  The photographer was very quiet, so there was also no conversation.  That may have been the longest three or so hours of my life.  My favorite music is Madonna (of course), everything Aerosmith, and pretty much any hair band.

Aug 17 06 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 8049

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I don't shoot models per sey, but I listen to House MusiK via streaming audio, while shooting, editing, eating, etc..

Aug 17 06 04:10 pm Link


Pamela Sally H

Posts: 21

Boston, Massachusetts, US

i have a bit of ADD and music helps me so helps me stay still for makeup and hair and it puts me in a great mood for the shoot.  I do fine without it but i love having it!

Aug 17 06 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 209

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Sirensong wrote:
I agree that it depends on the type of shoot it is.
Fetish and Alt seems to call for loud shouty and aggressive type of music or even dance tunes but fashion/commercial shoots seem better with more everyday lighter music .

Cliched as hell but Art nudes are pretty good when listening to classical but funnier when listening to 80's hair rock.

I just want you to know I hate that kind of music... I would totally listen to digital by orgy (no its not that shouty at all) or new order/depeche mode... it puts you in a like a....fetish mood.

Aug 17 06 04:11 pm Link



Posts: 30

Joplin, Missouri, US

I agree, I find that I'm a little more creative when there is music playing... and relaxed smile


Aug 17 06 04:13 pm Link