Forums > General Industry > What's One More. . .


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Thread about professionalism?  Why not!

Ok.  So there's TONS of threads about models behaving badly, models flaking out, models gone WILD, whatever. . .I'd like to throw my little PSA (public service announcement) in for today into the ring of chaos.

Perhaps it is KARMA that you experience such misfortune when dealing with models that no show, models that make outrageous demands, models that don't want to pay but want this that and the third. . .so. . .the next time you get one of the afformentioned, ask yourself
"Self. . .when was the last time I didn't respond to a model's email?  When was the last time I canceled on a model at the last minute?  When was the last time I told a model I'd get back to her and didn't?" 

Could it be that KARMA is catching up with you??  Hmmmm???  I ponder the possibilities.

Every time you decide that you want to be treated a certain way, be you a model, photographer, stylist, whatever. . .and you find yourself NOT being treated the way you "feel" you ought to be. . .ask yourself if you're putting out what you want to get back.  To "get" professionalism, one must first "be" professional and exibit the level of professional behavior that one requires of others.

If you want everyone you email to answer you, even if it IS with a "no thanks" then consider doing the very same thing on each and every email YOU get.  If you want everyone that cancels to give you some notice, then whenever YOU have to cancel a dentist appt, dinner with a friend, whatever. . .YOU do the same thing.  Etc, etc. etc.

That is all.

Aug 11 06 11:13 am Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Jayne Jones wrote:
"Self. . .when was the last time I didn't respond to a model's email?  When was the last time I canceled on a model at the last minute?  When was the last time I told a model I'd get back to her and didn't?"

Didn't respond to an e-mail?  Never.

Canceled last minute?  Never.

Didn't get back after I said I would?  Never.

Do I still get flakes?  Yes.

Unprofessionalism occurs on both sides of the equation.  The problem is that there sooooo many wannabe models who will flake and make the rest of the crowd look bad.  There's also the 'pro' photographers who take flakes wayyyyy too personally and hold grudges against said models.

It's a two way street that turns back on itself into a viscous circle.  I only deal with new possible flake models if there's nothing involved besides my time.  i.e. a TFP shoot.  But if I'm going to go all out and get a MUA/Stylist(s) involved, that model better show up or I'm going to be pissed.  The amount of planning required to get everyone organized is insane and to have a model flake on you is sooooo disrespectful to everyone else involved it's not funny.  Personally if I'm going to get this many people involved, I hire an agency model or a model that I've done a TFP with before who I can trust.

Photographers who complain about non-returned e-mails have a valid point in terms of it not being professional.  They also need to learn that it's going to happen and that sometimes the model just doesn't want to work with you.  The SAME thing applies to a model.  Not all photographers will shoot with just anyone if it's not going to help their portfolio/work.


Aug 11 06 11:25 am Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
Photographers who complain about non-returned e-mails have a valid point in terms of it not being professional.  They also need to learn that it's going to happen and that sometimes the model just doesn't want to work with you.  The SAME thing applies to a model.  Not all photographers will shoot with just anyone if it's not going to help their portfolio/work.


Wow. . .Kudos for never ever in life forgetting a single thing, never offending anyone or remotely being otherwise human.  If it's never happened in your professional life that's great and admirable. . .but I have to wonder if every single model you've dealt with, at this point in your career going back to when you first started out, would say the same.  If they would. . .like I said: Kudos.

You are correct.  It is TWO fold.  Just like there are models that don't answer emails, there photographers that don't answer emails.  What goes around comes around is all I'm saying.

Now me personally, YES I will make absolutely certain that I answer every email I get.  Because I'm new, know next to nothing and the person you screw over today may be the one holding the keys to the success of your career tomorrow.  I don't gamble.  On the same token, not every email I send gets answered.  Sometimes. . .if it's someone I really really want to work with, and have even offered to PAY (there's a shocker), I'll check to see if my message was read.  A lot of the time it is, and I so conclude that they simply aren't interested.  And I update my list of "do not email again" accordingly.

Aug 11 06 11:37 am Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Jayne Jones wrote:
Wow. . .Kudos for never ever in life forgetting a single thing, never offending anyone or remotely being otherwise human.

Uhmmm.... where did this come from?  I was assuming you were talking about photography and the communication between photographers/models.  In the case of photography, yes.. i have NEVER done any of what you mentioned.  I never said 'never in life' have I forgotten something.  When I do business I keep in contact and get stuff done if something has been agreed upon.


Aug 11 06 11:45 am Link


Electra T

Posts: 15462

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

bump. Karma karma chameolone.?

Aug 14 06 01:53 pm Link



Posts: 21433

Denver, Colorado, US

In the past 3 weeks I have had 2 photographers cancel on me the day before or the day of. One of those photographers has done it twice!!

Aug 14 06 01:55 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US

Jessalyn_54 wrote:
In the past 3 weeks I have had 2 photographers cancel on me the day before or the day of. One of those photographers has done it twice!!

You're in Kansas?  Hmmm. . .I wonder if it is a midwest problem???

Aug 14 06 02:03 pm Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Photographers should also realise that, just as they like to complain about models not wanting to pay for their services, models can feel the same way about not getting paid for THEIR services. I will admit that I have failed to respond to e-mails from photographers on occasion - but mostly because I'm tired of trying to come up with diplomatic ways of turning down TFP "offers" from people who very obviously have just started shooting models, don't really know what they're doing yet, and whose shots will undoubtably be useless for my portfolio. I have no problem at all with helping a newbie learn their craft (both by modeling and giving advice; I work in the photo industry myself), but I have to say I'm getting a little tired of constantly being expected to do it for free.

Aug 14 06 02:24 pm Link


Hadyn Lassiter

Posts: 2898

New Haven, Connecticut, US

Hell yeah thats what I'm talkin about. I try to answer within one day of the email and if not me my wife will. She knows what I want in a model and what I expect from them.
Karen can also tell the model what she will get from me.
I think people have to look at themselves as well and really see if they are what would be considered a model for fashion work(in my case) or art work for others.
I see a really beautiful face on the op here quite frankly stunning. For cosmetic work or eye or face  she is an option to me.
On the other hand there are people who expect to be paid for what they do and need to have something to offer in return. Yes to being professional,yes to getting paid and yes to courtesy.

Aug 14 06 06:46 pm Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17824

El Segundo, California, US

Jayne Jones wrote:
Perhaps it is KARMA that you experience such misfortune when dealing with models that no show, models that make outrageous demands, models that don't want to pay but want this that and the third. . .so. . .the next time you get one of the afformentioned, ask yourself
"Self. . .when was the last time I didn't respond to a model's email?  When was the last time I canceled on a model at the last minute?  When was the last time I told a model I'd get back to her and didn't?" 

Could it be that KARMA is catching up with you??  Hmmmm???  I ponder the possibilities.

It certainly is worth asking, but when the answer is "no, I haven't done that myself", one wonders where the karma is coming from. I suppose in a previous life, I could have done so; or perhaps I'm paying off a collective karma for all photographers.

Aug 14 06 06:53 pm Link