Forums > General Industry > Selling Nudes


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

With all the nude and implied nude photography being shot, I am curious as to where photographers are selling nudes with any frequency.  I've heard a lot of negatives about SG, especially from the photographers perspective, and the larger stock site (e.g., istock) download rates for nudity are extremely low.

Not that I mind shooting nudes, but I would rather not do it just for fun or to satisfy an aspiring but naive model.

Just to clarify, I'm not talking about pornographic nudes, just classic/glamour nudes.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Aug 10 06 10:14 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

My work has been sold at galleries, but that's fine art, not glamour.

One of my photographers also does some selling on ebay.

Aug 10 06 10:17 am Link


Mark Anderson

Posts: 2472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Selling anyone, not just nudes, is probably against the law.  big_smile

Aug 10 06 10:17 am Link


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

Yeah, even renting people out (nude or otherwise) seems to be frowned upon.

Aug 10 06 10:26 am Link


Telephoto Studio

Posts: 1439

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

dale99 wrote:
With all the nude and implied nude photography being shot, I am curious as to where photographers are selling nudes with any frequency.  I've heard a lot of negatives about SG, especially from the photographers perspective, and the larger stock site (e.g., istock) download rates for nudity are extremely low.

Not that I mind shooting nudes, but I would rather not do it just for fun or to satisfy an aspiring but naive model.

Just to clarify, I'm not talking about pornographic nudes, just classic/glamour nudes.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Who says that the majority of people shooting nudes and implied nudes on here are actually selling them?  I am sure most people on here don't have any intention of selling their work, or even trying to do so.

The rates that stock houses are paying for professionally done commercial stock photos to professional photographers is laughable.  So you think that some GWC is gonna make a living selling his schlocky images to a stock house?

Look at the quality of the portfolios on here - from models to photographers.  Do you really think any stock house is gonna pay someone to do that quality work, when any AD with a digital camera can do at least as good if not better?

Aug 10 06 10:28 am Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

Well hey, piss in my coffee too while you're at it.

Aug 10 06 10:31 am Link


AU fotografia

Posts: 1723

Houston, Texas, US

Telephoto Studio wrote:

Who says that the majority of people shooting nudes and implied nudes on here are actually selling them?  I am sure most people on here don't have any intention of selling their work, or even trying to do so.

The rates that stock houses are paying for professionally done commercial stock photos to professional photographers is laughable.  So you think that some GWC is gonna make a living selling his schlocky images to a stock house?

Look at the quality of the portfolios on here - from models to photographers.  Do you really think any stock house is gonna pay someone to do that quality work, when any AD with a digital camera can do at least as good if not better?

ahem.. well probably i am not or u r not good enough, but there's some that are..
and the ones that are taking this as a carrer..NOT A HOBBY.. but a carrer, pretend to live off this wink

Aug 10 06 10:32 am Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

I'm planning on creating a calendar and book with mine...


Aug 10 06 10:32 am Link


KRB Photography

Posts: 498

Stuart, Florida, US

Galleries that do not mind exhibiting fine art nudes is your best choice of an avenue in which to sell your work.  Do you work in black & white or color, because I believe black & white is a more classical approach.

Aug 10 06 10:40 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

KRB Photography wrote:
Galleries that do not mind exhibiting fine art nudes is your best choice of an avenue in which to sell your work.  Do you work in black & white or color, because I believe black & white is a more classical approach.

Color vs black and white has nothing to do with galleries and what makes it "fine art".

Aug 10 06 10:41 am Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

Rich Mohr wrote:
I'm planning on creating a calendar and book with mine...


Nice stuff in your portfolio and blogspot  Rich. You've inspired me to blow off the dust on my book and calendar projects as well.

Aug 10 06 10:44 am Link


Rich Mohr

Posts: 1843

Chicago, Illinois, US

Ceehawk Multimedia wrote:

Nice stuff in your portfolio and blogspot  Rich. You've inspired me to blow off the dust work on my book and calendar projects as well.

Thank you Chris!  smile

Aug 10 06 10:49 am Link



Posts: 271

I want someone to capture my youth while I still have it and build my portfolio and range of experience. big_smile Isn't that inspiring?

Aug 10 06 10:55 am Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

BronxBeauty8 wrote:
I want someone to capture my youth while I still have it and build my portfolio and range of experience. big_smile Isn't that inspiring?

Very inspiring. big_smile

Aug 10 06 11:00 am Link


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

Chris (Telephoto), I appreciate your perspective but wasn't really intending to start a thread that judges other people's work or choices.  In my earlier years, I shot only black and white for nudes and probably will stick to that, for the most part.  However, I don't agree that only black and white, shot in large-format film, is the only thing that qualifies as fine art.  There are two shots (at least) in Estrings portfolio here that I would consider fine-art quality.  You may not.

I also think Rich has some really nice shots in his port, and wish him well with the calendar idea.

I have some good gallery contacts in Palm Beach and South Florida, having lived there for 15 years before moving to the somewhat "gallery-free" area of Knoxville, TN.  I was just curious, with the amount of very graphic nudes and fetish type of photography I see, what people were doing it for (obviously, other than people shooting on assignment).

While I make a great living and have the luxury of pursuing photography without needing to live off of it, I was just curious of what markets were out there.

Aug 10 06 11:01 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

BronxBeauty8 wrote:
I want someone to capture my youth while I still have it and build my portfolio and range of experience. big_smile Isn't that inspiring?

so inspiring you'll likely have a  thousand messages by the end of the day!

Aug 10 06 11:05 am Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

dale99 wrote:
There are two shots (at least) in Estrings portfolio here that I would consider fine-art quality.  You may not.

My landscape nudes (most of them in color and shot digitally) have done quite well in juried gallery exhibitions. I'd say that helps demonstrate that fine art is NOT limited to b&w.. seriously, that's such a cliche! If that's all fine art is, then someone really needs to think outside the box, because it's BORING to limit art like that!

Aug 10 06 11:06 am Link



Posts: 78

New York, New York, US

Nudes are a tough sell.  There are a few people selling them, but really there doesnt seem to be uch of a market.  Porn is a different story, but Ive heard that you dont really get payed well for porn images either.  So if you think you can make a career of selling nudes, you better have some pretty incredible stuff.

Aug 10 06 11:17 am Link


PPRO Analyst

Posts: 149

Chicago, Illinois, US

I've success in smaller galleries in the cities I've lived in.  I make it a win-win for the gallery by offering a 50-50 split on the first photo they sell.  I've open a lot of doors that way.


Aug 10 06 11:19 am Link


Ceehawk Multimedia

Posts: 319

Clarksville, Tennessee, US

dale99 wrote:
Chris (Telephoto), I appreciate your perspective but wasn't really intending to start a thread that judges other people's work or choices.  In my earlier years, I shot only black and white for nudes and probably will stick to that, for the most part.  However, I don't agree that only black and white, shot in large-format film, is the only thing that qualifies as fine art.  There are two shots (at least) in Estrings portfolio here that I would consider fine-art quality.  You may not.

I also think Rich has some really nice shots in his port, and wish him well with the calendar idea.

I have some good gallery contacts in Palm Beach and South Florida, having lived there for 15 years before moving to the somewhat "gallery-free" area of Knoxville, TN.  I was just curious, with the amount of very graphic nudes and fetish type of photography I see, what people were doing it for (obviously, other than people shooting on assignment).

While I make a great living and have the luxury of pursuing photography without needing to live off of it, I was just curious of what markets were out there.

Hey Dale I use to live in Knoxville, left there about 11 years ago after living there for 12.  You can say it is where I honed my photographic teeth.  I'm sure if your use to galleries like you find in New York Chicago or Atlanta, that knoxville is a definte dissapointment but when i was there, myself and the 'photographic bunch" I hung out with made do with showing at coffe shops, resturants, museums and places like the Candy Factory on the Worlds Fair site.  I've been out of touch for awhile and i know the city has changed a lot over the last few years so I can't tell you exactly what is going on no.

A good place to find out would be Thompsons Photo Products.  When I worked there it was sort of a hub of what was going on in the photographic community in Knoxville.  There's a store on University avenue, one downtown and one off of Kingston Pike(maybe evn more, 11 years later).

Or you can do like I'm doing and concentrate on finding galleries in the major cities(New York, Chicago, Atlanta etc)willing to show your work.

Aug 10 06 11:21 am Link


Ira Meyer

Posts: 428

Oxnard, California, US

I exhibit and sell a few of my nudes at art shows.

Also did a gallery exhibit a few years ago...
Expecting better results there than I got.

Aug 10 06 11:30 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Telephoto Studio wrote:
Who says that the majority of people shooting nudes and implied nudes on here are actually selling them?  I am sure most people on here don't have any intention of selling their work, or even trying to do so.

The rates that stock houses are paying for professionally done commercial stock photos to professional photographers is laughable.  So you think that some GWC is gonna make a living selling his schlocky images to a stock house?

Look at the quality of the portfolios on here - from models to photographers.  Do you really think any stock house is gonna pay someone to do that quality work, when any AD with a digital camera can do at least as good if not better?

There ARE a goodly number of us who're pretty agressive about shows & galleries and are HAPPY to sell prints there  smile

Aug 10 06 01:06 pm Link


Doug Lester

Posts: 10591

Atlanta, Georgia, US

In recent years most of my sales have been directly off of my web site, to collectors and others using them for home decor. In past years I did a number of gallery shows, but gradually drifted away from them as unproductive markets, at least in the Bible Belt. As for glamour style nudes, other than magazines, a tough nut to crack, I've really no idea.

Aug 10 06 02:10 pm Link


Unique Nudes

Posts: 72

Riverside, California, US

I sell fine art nudes off my website and at gallery shows, and between that and the sales from my fine art nude book I make a heathy, decent living.  Some months are better than others, but I did just buy a house, and this is my only job.

-- Richard Rasner
Nakayama Studios

Aug 10 06 03:48 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US

Sold a dozen to Photo (Hong Kong) for a feature last month, of which about half were nudes.  Largest distribution photography magazine in the world.  Cheap though...


Aug 10 06 03:58 pm Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

galleries and trade shows and websites oh my.

Aug 10 06 04:40 pm Link


DSmith Photo

Posts: 418

Melrose, Iowa, US

Thanks for the replies.  I appreciate them very much.

Aug 10 06 05:07 pm Link


GD Photowerks

Posts: 130

Nashville, Tennessee, US

While most of the nudes that I have shot have been for the models exclusive use (something to look back on when they turn 100) several have been exhibited and sold in Fine Art galleries and others have been sold as limited edition prints strictly by word of mouth.  And as for photographers on this sight denigrating other persons work - well that's why I don't hang out with other photographers.

Aug 10 06 05:17 pm Link



Posts: 6985

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

I sell a few prints from my web site, a few through word of mouth, and a few in galleries, but I sell the vast majority of the nudes I shoot right back to the client who paid the sitting fee and posed for them.

Aug 10 06 11:22 pm Link



Posts: 6129

Tim Hammond wrote:
I sell a few prints from my web site, a few through word of mouth, and a few in galleries, but I sell the vast majority of the nudes I shoot right back to the client who paid the sitting fee and posed for them.

you do realize the entire internet-based industry just gasped! pay the photographer? and for nudes? are you mad???!!!

Aug 10 06 11:28 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

oldguysrule wrote:

you do realize the entire internet-based industry just gasped! pay the photographer? and for nudes? are you mad???!!!

yeah, it's funny, but I've been asked so many times to shoot nudes for pay...I just try to talk folks out of it now.

Aug 10 06 11:35 pm Link