Forums > General Industry > Your Opinion Please...


Jana B

Posts: 11

Hackensack, New Jersey, US

Hi Everyone.

About 2 months ago I had a TFPCD shoot.  I was promised images but I had to give him time he asked.  One month went by and I kept seeing him put up new images but they weren't any of mine just of other models!  So I would message him if I could come by and pick up the cd and if he had a chance to work on my images... I was ignored!

Finally, I became FED UP and wrote an email that I has really annoyed.  He said okay, I'll work on some today... I recieved "1" image & never recieved another one.

I can understand if he doesn't have the time to work on them... Fine.  Buy then please don't waste anyone else's time with TFP if you can't getthem what you promised.

What the hell?  Is there anything that I can do?  Why would a photographer behave that way? 

I spent 6 hours on this shoot and I got one lousy picture!

Your opinions please!!

Aug 09 06 10:47 am Link


Jana B

Posts: 11

Hackensack, New Jersey, US

... ?

Aug 09 06 11:25 am Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

Not much you can do hun.

What I heve learned with the few photographers who have not gotten me images is that they are the lower end ones and in the time you spend waiting for those images you will shoot with several more better photographers and then when Mr. slowpoke gets you those  6 month old images  you won't need them anyways because you will have much better work in your portfolio.

It happens to us all.

Some people advice haveing a contract that states a time frame to get images but how much money do you have to waste to go to court?

best of luck to you..

Aug 09 06 11:31 am Link


Jana B

Posts: 11

Hackensack, New Jersey, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
Not much you can do hun.

What I heve learned with the few photographers who have not gotten me images is that they are the lower end ones and in the time you spend waiting for those images you will shoot with several more better photographers and then when Mr. slowpoke gets you those  6 month old images  you won't need them anyways because you will have much better work in your portfolio.

It happens to us all.

Some people advice haveing a contract that states a time frame to get images but how much money do you have to waste to go to court?

best of luck to you..

Yeah, I hear ya.  Thanks for replying!!


Aug 09 06 11:34 am Link


k von photography

Posts: 27

Cape Coral, Florida, US

OMG! That's aweful! I hate hearing stories like this -- I do mostly tfcds and I make sure that I send out the images in the time I promised or less!  It's people like that - that ruin it for the rest of of luck to you in your future work smile

Aug 09 06 11:38 am Link


Sonar Advertising

Posts: 41

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm really sorry to hear that... Don't understand some photog's...  You are absolutely stunning, I always make a point to work on the images as soon as I get them on my comp (Usually start same day) plus I usually give copies of all photos to the models...  I figure why handle the same job twice... makes no sense to me, once it's done it's done... plus then you could focus on the next project rather then have to try to come back to a previous project.  Unfortunately I don't think there is much you could really do about it.  Really unfortunate...

In any case if your ever in the Toronto area and need some photo's feel free to come for a TFP/TFCD shoot... I'd have your images within a week and not just a single 

Jana B wrote:
Hi Everyone.

About 2 months ago I had a TFPCD shoot.  I was promised images but I had to give him time he asked.  One month went by and I kept seeing him put up new images but they weren't any of mine just of other models!  So I would message him if I could come by and pick up the cd and if he had a chance to work on my images... I was ignored!

Finally, I became FED UP and wrote an email that I has really annoyed.  He said okay, I'll work on some today... I recieved "1" image & never recieved another one.

I can understand if he doesn't have the time to work on them... Fine.  Buy then please don't waste anyone else's time with TFP if you can't getthem what you promised.

What the hell?  Is there anything that I can do?  Why would a photographer behave that way? 

I spent 6 hours on this shoot and I got one lousy picture!

Your opinions please!!

Aug 09 06 01:30 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

It definitely happens sometimes.  The odds are good that when it does, it's because the images didn't turn out well, but the photographer is reluctant to admit that.  (Fragile egos, you know.)  wink  Presume that you have and will have better work, and move on to the next.

Aug 09 06 01:32 pm Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

and then when Mr. slowpoke gets you those  6 month old images  you won't need them anyways because you will have much better work in your portfolio.

Yep.  That's usually how it goes with this type.

All you can really do is spread word of mouth about the slowness to other local models.  If the availability of models starts heading south for him, maybe he'll improve his, uh, methods.

Aug 09 06 01:35 pm Link


LNV Innovations

Posts: 174

Spring, Texas, US

If I do a TFCD with a model, I always have my laptop so we can view and discuss them, and if time permits edit a few. But I can always burn a CD on the spot for them for the selected photos or all if we decide to.

But 6 hours and only one photo after months, ...... me off for you. Gives those of us that are trying to build our ports up by TFCD a tougher time and less trusted.

Ok, thats out of my system...guess today is my soapbox day.

Aug 09 06 01:38 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

He must be a very strange photographer indeed! I know after I get done with a shoot I can't wait to post process it. At times I've been know to work all night because photographing beautiful women is a pure joy to me and I need to see what we've created as soon as the model does.

I have never made a model wait more than one week to see her work and one week was the exception not the rule.

Aug 09 06 02:31 pm Link


Jana B

Posts: 11

Hackensack, New Jersey, US

Yeah, I've heard I'm not the only one he does this too... There's others that are still waiting & begging.

If only there was a law to take away a bad photographers camera!  lol

Anyway, thanks for all your replies!


Aug 09 06 04:11 pm Link