Forums > General Industry > Photographers who "talk crap" about others?


Bunnie Page

Posts: 1161

Dallas, Texas, US

I don't know if this has been mentioned here, but I'm wondering why some photographers feel like talking crap about the models they've shot?

I've had two potential photographers, recently, just go on and on about how every model they've ever worked with was "a nightmare" or how they couldn't pose/had a horrible wardrobe or no talent. Do the people (I'm sure some models do it, too - I just don't come in contact with them, as often) who do that believe it makes them look better? Really, I just don't want to shoot with someone who does that, because that's a pretty obvious sign that they'll do the same to me, later. Or just don't have a good attitude.

Just curious what others opinions are... Does that make you esteem them, in some odd way? Or just not want to work with them?

(and for the record, I love all of the photographers I've shot with! - I cherish the opportunity and experience of shooting with new people smile )

Aug 06 06 11:43 pm Link



Posts: 3

Paris, Arkansas, US

Thats ridiculous. They are unproffesional . That would make the whole mood negative. Unless it was really hilarious and lightened the mood ; - )

Aug 06 06 11:46 pm Link


House of Indulgence

Posts: 585

New York, New York, US

Most photogs are blowing off steam. They do it when talking about models and about other photographers. It is just another version of bitching about work. Like people do when talking about their 9 to 5 jobs.

I have only said bad thinga about models who really F'd up a shoot. But I have only said it when another photog has asked for a reference.

When photographhers talk crap about other photographers it is just an ego thing. Unless they have actually met the other photographer and they had a personality conflict and didn't get along.


Aug 06 06 11:48 pm Link


Bunnie Page

Posts: 1161

Dallas, Texas, US

House of Indulgence wrote:
Most photogs are blowing off steam. They do it when talking about models and about other photographers. It is just another version of bitching about work. Like people do when talking about their 9 to 5 jobs.

I have only said bad thinga about models who really F'd up a shoot. But I have only said it when another photog has asked for a reference.

When photographhers talk crap about other photographers it is just an ego thing. Unless they have actually met the other photographer and they had a personality conflict and didn't get along.


Hey you! tongue

I get that, but these photographers were giving their names and everything, it just seemed very...brutal, I guess. And these girls looked great. I can't imagine all of what would be said about ME, afterwards.

Aug 06 06 11:50 pm Link


James Monahan Photography

Posts: 55

Wichita, Kansas, US

I would have to agree about blowing off steam to a point, but it's still really uncalled for. I've had good shoot and bad shoots but at the end of the day it's always a learning experience. I may not offer to work with a model again or give her a good referance if she was exceptionally hard to work with, but I refuse to badmouth them if for no other reason than it gives her an excuse to do the same to me.

Aug 06 06 11:52 pm Link


House of Indulgence

Posts: 585

New York, New York, US

Hey You, you! Nice to see you here instead of on LJ. LOL!!!!!!!!!!

It is hard to say. Each photographer is different. I guess you would have to really look at their personality and disect what they were saying. Try to find out if it was a personal thing that bugged them, was it a professional thing they did not like or were they just having a PMS day. I know a few photogs who are just bitter men who don't like pretty girls. Yet they shoot them all the time. There was a famous painter of ballerinas like that in Europe. Something I just don't understand.

The one thing about bitter photographers to remember is that they hate the fact that others get success and they don't. 9 times out 0f 10 it is because the other people have either good luck or work harder at promoting themselves and selling their services. That or they know people who are better connected.


Aug 06 06 11:55 pm Link



Posts: 374

Hoboken, New Jersey, US

i guess i wouldnt mind until they started revealing info about them such as their name or any personal info about them like you said earlier. thats just dumb and unprofessional.

Aug 07 06 12:01 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Bunnie Page wrote:
I don't know if this has been mentioned here, but I'm wondering why some photographers feel like talking crap about the models they've shot?

Many people simply love drama. Men. Women. Young. Old. Makes no difference. Some people are just drama-kings and drama-queens and love the gossip and the bullshit and the rumors and the crap.

I'm not clear on why. I suspect that it makes people feel special or important in some way. I find that most people who live their lives surrounded with melodrama tend to be low-self-esteem psycho-messes of human beings who need to validate their worth by making mountains out of molehills. They fabricate lives of psychodrama so they will feel like their existance is more important than it actually is.

On the other hand, if you already know that you are better than everyone else and a pile of your fecal-matter has more value than an equivalent quantity of brain-matter in other humans, you don't need their petty dramas in your life.


Aug 07 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 7840


Jeeez what bastards. & they cant even find something positive to say about colleagues? Whats wrong with America?>?>

Aug 07 06 12:05 am Link



Posts: 183

Pemberton, New Jersey, US

There are good days and bad days, great sessions and piss-poor sessions.  They come around to EVERYONE.  Ranting about it openly is nothing more than blame-shifting, to make one's self feel better about it; saving face in front of your peers.

If I myself have a problem with photographer/model and/or photoshoot, it is between myself and the person(s) involved.  It is simply no-one else's business.  To brutally rip someone apart is not only potentially damaging to the other's interests, it is damaging to the agressor's reputation.  While it is anyone's right to have an opinion, it is also everyone's right to have some level of private anonymity.  Don't mention names to try to have someone effectively black-balled out of work.  It's deplorable.

Aug 07 06 03:42 pm Link


Bunnie Page

Posts: 1161

Dallas, Texas, US

TheArchon wrote:
There are good days and bad days, great sessions and piss-poor sessions.  They come around to EVERYONE.  Ranting about it openly is nothing more than blame-shifting, to make one's self feel better about it; saving face in front of your peers.

If I myself have a problem with photographer/model and/or photoshoot, it is between myself and the person(s) involved.  It is simply no-one else's business.  To brutally rip someone apart is not only potentially damaging to the other's interests, it is damaging to the agressor's reputation.  While it is anyone's right to have an opinion, it is also everyone's right to have some level of private anonymity.  Don't mention names to try to have someone effectively black-balled out of work.  It's deplorable.

That's pretty much how I felt. I didn't shoot with the guy after the phone call but he was directing me to her profile and talking about how horrible she was (the pictures looked fine, though), I guess maybe it was something personal.

Aug 07 06 06:19 pm Link


PK Digital Imaging

Posts: 3084

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

So far every model I've worked with has been great.  If images don't work out... I don't blame the model, I'd blame the monkey behind the camera... the make up artist... KIDDING!  I don't just shoot with anyone and am fairly picky who I work with.  It's been great so far.  However, I have yet to shoot with someone from MM.  Go figure.


Aug 07 06 06:25 pm Link


Bunnie Page

Posts: 1161

Dallas, Texas, US

PK Digital Imaging wrote:
So far every model I've worked with has been great.  If images don't work out... I don't blame the model, I'd blame the monkey behind the camera... the make up artist... KIDDING!  I don't just shoot with anyone and am fairly picky who I work with.  It's been great so far.  However, I have yet to shoot with someone from MM.  Go figure.


I've shot with a few photographers, on here, who said I was the first person from MM, too...even those who have been around longer than I have. O_o

Hehehe, I've never used a make-up artist so no one can be blamed but me tongue If I don't like the pictures it's usually because something I did (make-up/hair/bad facial expressions).

Aug 07 06 06:38 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

No matter what the group....there are bound to some assholes in it......

Forget about it....they're not worth the time

Aug 07 06 11:31 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

I have heard a model talking about photographers and other models. I don't discuss models with others though. It all comes down to the persons and how people are though. Some people make it their thing to discuss weaknesses of others, thereby, giving themselves a false sense of pride and "higher than thou" high. In any business, it is unprofessional, unless you are Wendy Williams or any other gossip personality.

Aug 08 06 12:21 am Link


jon mmmayhem

Posts: 8233

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

i have heard stories about other photographers being semi-sketchy or whatever, but... despite the temptation, i have kept my mouth shut because it just doesn't need to be said.
if it was a legit concern where i felt a friend of mine was going to be in danger by working with someone, i'd speak up.
but when all i have to go on is a "weird sketchy vibe" and no trace of the other side of the story, i have just given in to my better instincts and not joined in the gossip.

it's HAAAAARD sometimes though.

Aug 08 06 12:38 am Link


Tiia Secor

Posts: 190

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Bunnie Page wrote:
I don't know if this has been mentioned here, but I'm wondering why some photographers feel like talking crap about the models they've shot?

I've had two potential photographers, recently, just go on and on about how every model they've ever worked with was "a nightmare" or how they couldn't pose/had a horrible wardrobe or no talent. Do the people (I'm sure some models do it, too - I just don't come in contact with them, as often) who do that believe it makes them look better? Really, I just don't want to shoot with someone who does that, because that's a pretty obvious sign that they'll do the same to me, later. Or just don't have a good attitude.

Just curious what others opinions are... Does that make you esteem them, in some odd way? Or just not want to work with them?

(and for the record, I love all of the photographers I've shot with! - I cherish the opportunity and experience of shooting with new people smile )

Maybe it's ego? The photog choose to work with someone and when things go down they're trying to save face. Or they're bullies? Think that they're better than the model? Or that it was beneath them to shoot with a particular model?
I don't know.. whatever the reason it's not ok to belittle someone like this in public. For all they know it was a fluke, an off day (everyone's entitled), on one side or the other and their disrespect may cost the model more that it would ever gain the photographer. All the photog has to do is not owrk with her again, the model has to do damage control for something she may not even be away of.

Aug 08 06 12:52 am Link


The House of Lethal

Posts: 472

Atlanta, Georgia, US

i have a lot of people put me down over the years. somtimes they had a legit reason to be angry most of the time they havnt. ive just learned to roll with it.

Aug 08 06 03:30 pm Link



Posts: 208

Mustang, Oklahoma, US

You wont hear me complaining about other models. I am a strong believer in keeping the atmosphere positive during a shoot and that stuff just fouls the mood.
Besides, I have my wife to vent to smile

,edit> Hey, you're in OK too! Hi!

Aug 08 06 04:25 pm Link


timothy dolph creative

Posts: 409

Encinitas, California, US

check out

you'll see

Aug 08 06 05:31 pm Link


Bunnie Page

Posts: 1161

Dallas, Texas, US

timothy dolph wrote:
check out

you'll see

I've seen it before. I think I'm a little too "nice" to enjoy it. I just sit there reading "aww, that's mean!" tongue

StevesPhotography wrote:
You wont hear me complaining about other models. I am a strong believer in keeping the atmosphere positive during a shoot and that stuff just fouls the mood.
Besides, I have my wife to vent to smile

,edit> Hey, you're in OK too! Hi!

Hello fellow okie!

Hehehe, hey, at least your wife isn't going to not want to shoot with you, afterwards!

Aug 08 06 06:31 pm Link



Posts: 10183

Oslo, Oslo, Norway

I've had some models I've shot do that about other photographers they have worked with.

I think its unprofessional for a model or photographer to do it. Especially to another model or photographer. Leave that for your friends.

That makes that person look like a gossiper and noone likes gossipers. If they are bad mouthing someone to you then think of what they may be saying about you to others.

Aug 08 06 10:36 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

I consider myself lucky.   I've never worked with a model that I didn't like.  They each have brought something different and in that way, special to our shared time together.   Since I don't get paid to do photography I can't imagine having these horrific experiences that some photographers have with models.  It seems that if working with models is so trying for some, maybe they should just shoot cars or guns or something.

Aug 08 06 10:44 pm Link



Posts: 8756

Dallas, Texas, US

Ooopss... sorry, wrong thread.  LOL.

Aug 08 06 10:55 pm Link


Farenell Photography

Posts: 18832

Albany, New York, US

If every model he's worked w/ was a "nightmare," I think it says more about the photographer than it does about the model.

Just by the law of averages, a photographer would eventually hook up w/ someone that makes them look like a million bucks.

Aug 08 06 11:01 pm Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

It's fun, it's easy and one can practice their skills in deceit. Who will be my next target?

Aug 08 06 11:02 pm Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

I just posted one of these threads you speak of.  I did not name names b/c I know that my personal experience with that model may not reflect the experience the model has with the next photogrpaher. 

Also, I posted b/c I've seen models bash photographers on the forum all the time so it's like a way to say, look models can be bad to work with too.

For the record I've had more good experiences with models than bad but I've been on a bad streak lately and I've not posted every single experience that was bad.

What exactly is the forum for then, if not to vent, gather information & learn from others?  If we're gonna start talking about what should and should not be posted in the forum then you're opening a can of worms b/c I've seen many posts that I personally felt should not have been on the forum but I believe in freedom of speech and expression.

Aug 08 06 11:19 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 10525

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I've run across negative photographers who, on the initial phone call, FLAME the entire industry and everyone in it as FLAKES, NO SHOWS, LAZY, DUMB...etc.  It's such a negative first impression...and it's totally unprofessional.  But, I'm grateful to know it all EARLY ON so that I can decide on their style...which is one I can't hang with.

If you can't be positive and present yourself in a way that is professional, don't expect people to want to work with you.  I went into freelance MUA to get away from working with drags and cranks in a regular 9-5 office job.  This IS my job, and I want only to work with other people that LOVE what they do.

Life is too short.

Aug 09 06 12:28 am Link


M Pandolfo Photography

Posts: 12117

Tampa, Florida, US

I don't post bad experiences. Period. First, because I've had so few and second, because that's between myself and a model or client. And third...because being a photographer is in and of itself the best job there is. I don't need to blow off steam to the point that I'm dragging others down...photographer or model.

Aug 09 06 12:33 am Link


ChrisPaul- Chrispimages

Posts: 512

Los Angeles, California, US

im an eoct (equal oppourtunity crap talker) smile
i never talk bad abut models that aren't there i usually do it to their faces

Aug 09 06 12:45 am Link


Bunnie Page

Posts: 1161

Dallas, Texas, US

Photos By Deej wrote:
I just posted one of these threads you speak of.  I did not name names b/c I know that my personal experience with that model may not reflect the experience the model has with the next photogrpaher. 

Also, I posted b/c I've seen models bash photographers on the forum all the time so it's like a way to say, look models can be bad to work with too.

For the record I've had more good experiences with models than bad but I've been on a bad streak lately and I've not posted every single experience that was bad.

What exactly is the forum for then, if not to vent, gather information & learn from others?  If we're gonna start talking about what should and should not be posted in the forum then you're opening a can of worms b/c I've seen many posts that I personally felt should not have been on the forum but I believe in freedom of speech and expression.

I wasn't talking about the forum, I was talking about photographers who wanted to shoot with me, one in a phone call, telling me about how horrible the models he shot with were, which seemed like it was supposed to make me want to shoot with him more? Everyone has opinions, it just seems incredibly unprofessional to tell someone you want to work with about how much you dislike the other people you've worked with. If you (the photographer) have bad things to say about everyone you've shot with. What would make me think you wouldn't do the same to me, to the next person they shoot? (should I need to specify, I'm NOT talking about you, here)

chris paul wrote:
im an eoct (equal oppourtunity crap talker) smile
i never talk bad abut models that aren't there i usually do it to their faces

LOL, I didn't know you used the forums tongue
You talk crap about me to my sister, don't you??? tongue

Aug 09 06 03:26 am Link


Stuart Photography

Posts: 5938

Tampa, Florida, US

I think photographers talk more crap about other photographers.

Aug 09 06 12:05 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Capt Stu Beans wrote:
I think photographers talk more crap about other photographers.

That's been my experience too, but generally speaking I have found that photographers on the whole are the biggest bunch of crap talkers on the planet, regardless of who they're talking about.  I've never yet shot with someone I didn't get along with, but given how many unpleasant things so many of them say behind others' backs, I do sometimes wonder what kind of negativity is floating around out there about me that I'm totally oblivious to...

Aug 09 06 12:17 pm Link



Posts: 175

Brighton, Alabama, US

It isnt professional at all, espically to a model.

Aug 09 06 12:19 pm Link


MAD Creativity, Inc

Posts: 29

Tampa, Florida, US

I forgot who said it but the quote "Rudeness is the weak persons immitation of strength" applies.
I think it's unprofessonal to talk trash about somebody's work. If you are happy doing what you are doing and are paying the bills with it to boot than you are way ahead of the game already.
Talking trash about other photographers and models will not do anything to improve your skills or your chances of finding work and getting new clients.

I would much rather focus on making money than making drama.

Aug 09 06 12:23 pm Link