Forums > General Industry > What's with the attitude???



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I was looking at model profiles.....perhaps to find one or two for some TFP projects......and I ran across one profile that started....perhaps I didn't make myself clear....I won't do.....and she went on with all the things she won't do....which were considerable......then said, paid shoots only....expenses must be on and so on....

While I do understand the models might get annoying emails......but to have an attitude on your profile seems to knock you out of any consideration for serious projects before you even get started.....

And perhaps it could be justified if she was some kind of drop dead gorgeous model with a lot of experience....and had a killer port.....but none of that was evident......

So I'm asking myself.....why even bother to join MM with that kind of attitude.....

Aug 05 06 11:26 pm Link


Bob Helm Photography

Posts: 18922

Cherry Hill, New Jersey, US

It seems that most models on sites like this do not realize that the primary purpose is to get someone to contact you and that a negative narrative in their port is more likely to turn off the legit photographers than those who want them to do porn!
They weed themselves out quickly though in that they do not get any offers and go away after complaing that no one wants to work with them

Aug 05 06 11:42 pm Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
I was looking at model profiles.....perhaps to find one or two for some TFP projects......and I ran across one profile that started....perhaps I didn't make myself clear....I won't do.....and she went on with all the things she won't do....which were considerable......then said, paid shoots only....expenses must be on and so on....

While I do understand the models might get annoying emails......but to have an attitude on your profile seems to knock you out of any consideration for serious projects before you even get started.....

And perhaps it could be justified if she was some kind of drop dead gorgeous model with a lot of experience....and had a killer port.....but none of that was evident......

So I'm asking myself.....why even bother to join MM with that kind of attitude.....

yes i totally agree, i think alot of people on here would be considered very lucky if a good photographer made the decision to do tfp with them, letalone pay them, and yet they come accross all demanding with all the attitude.......its a joke sometimes. i love this site, i think its cool, but i think far too many people take them selves far too seriously......
the biggest turn-off for me is the list of conditions about having all ther job details and references and how they want raw files on cd afterwards and all that shit, and i understand why they might ask for it all, but when u start your profile with things like that before u even say hello, it suggests im going to get a team of lawyers and bouncers coming along to the say chill out, if u dont want to reply to some people then dont, but dont scare off any people who might actually do u a favour. i think the photographers should have all the 'conditons attached' considering they are the ones whos time and MONEY is at risk from a bad shoot.

Aug 06 06 04:55 am Link



Posts: 7118

Farmingdale, New York, US

This is too easy: read the profile..chuckle...onto  someone without an attitude

Aug 06 06 05:00 am Link


R Michael Walker

Posts: 11987

Costa Mesa, California, US

So reverse it. My profile says in VERY large letters "No TFCP for clothing work only"..And yet I get 4 or 5 emails a week from models not wanting to do anything but clothing shots and they want to TFCD. Some 16 or 17. I shoot Fine art Nudes and am also explicit that I don't work with underage models. So as a photograpehr we are about 5% as popular as a model. Even the best of us and the worst of them! So multiple my 4 or 5 emails by like 20 and you can see how it might start to affect your attitude. you begin to wonder just how many literate people there are on MM! Or maybe it is the people who send those emails disreguarding your "wills and won'ts" that are being rude and have the attitude? Just a different take. I don't like to work with unplesent people either. But I no longer do any commercial photography so I'll never have a "real job" to offer a model. Just making art and that chance at immortality we art photographers seek.

Aug 06 06 05:17 am Link



Posts: 477

New York, New York, US

Merlinpix wrote:
This is too easy: read the profile..chuckle...onto  someone without an attitude

i think his point was that models might be missing out on some jobs because the photographers would just move on like u said.......

Aug 06 06 05:19 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

Dude, you think that's attitude?  Come to LA.  Everyone and their mother have attitudes...and they are just crazy here.  But I think part of the reason why is their daddies could afford a small country.

Aug 07 06 03:57 am Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
I was looking at model profiles.....perhaps to find one or two for some TFP projects......and I ran across one profile that started....perhaps I didn't make myself clear....I won't do.....and she went on with all the things she won't do....which were considerable......then said, paid shoots only....expenses must be on and so on....

While I do understand the models might get annoying emails......but to have an attitude on your profile seems to knock you out of any consideration for serious projects before you even get started.....

And perhaps it could be justified if she was some kind of drop dead gorgeous model with a lot of experience....and had a killer port.....but none of that was evident......

So I'm asking myself.....why even bother to join MM with that kind of attitude.....

Smoke screen.

Please tell me you didn't let it deter you from writing her.

Aug 07 06 04:06 am Link



Posts: 208

Mustang, Oklahoma, US

Heh, ya...Attitude.
How about the models who have nothing but horrible snapshots in their ports yet say "Paid Shoots Only!!"

Aug 07 06 08:05 am Link



Posts: 429

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Life is about attitude, business is not. Unless you're already there...

Aug 07 06 08:13 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Craig Thomson wrote:

Smoke screen.

Please tell me you didn't let it deter you from writing her.

Actually.....after seeing her killed all thoughts of ever writing her.....that would be asking for problems.......and I'm not real good at following demands from someone with little or no experience who wants the world before having lived in it.....

Aug 07 06 08:37 am Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Christine Summers wrote:
Dude, you think that's attitude?  Come to LA.  Everyone and their mother have attitudes...and they are just crazy here.  But I think part of the reason why is their daddies could afford a small country.

Been to LA.....and damn if there wasn't a tall blonde on every block.....I got whiplash from constantly spinning my head around...LOL

And....Darlin....if this "model" had half your looks......not only would I put up with her attiutude....I'd beg and grovel too.....LOL.....

I'd love to have you in front of my camera.....for real!

Aug 07 06 08:41 am Link


Ben M

Posts: 125

Orlando, Florida, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
I was looking at model profiles.....perhaps to find one or two for some TFP projects......and I ran across one profile that started....perhaps I didn't make myself clear....I won't do.....and she went on with all the things she won't do....which were considerable......then said, paid shoots only....expenses must be on and so on....

While I do understand the models might get annoying emails......but to have an attitude on your profile seems to knock you out of any consideration for serious projects before you even get started.....

And perhaps it could be justified if she was some kind of drop dead gorgeous model with a lot of experience....and had a killer port.....but none of that was evident......

So I'm asking myself.....why even bother to join MM with that kind of attitude.....

well if the photographers work seems to show off a good port as well,   you know it works both ways,   why should a model have to pay for a shoot if he / she isnt going to get the best quality in her eyes.


Did you contact her or did she contact you first....

Aug 07 06 08:45 am Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

StevesPhotography wrote:
Heh, ya...Attitude.
How about the models who have nothing but horrible snapshots in their ports yet say "Paid Shoots Only!!"

*shrug* For all you know, they are getting plenty of paid work, but since they're being paid, they can't post the images in their portfolios.
Why does it bother photographers so much if a model wants to charge? If she has a look you really, really want, it'll be worth it to pay her. If not, just find someone else. If all a model wants is money and doesn't care about networking or experience or images, I'm quite sure she won't be crying into her cereal because she "lost out" on the chance to shoot with you for free.

Craig Thomson wrote:
Smoke screen.

Please tell me you didn't let it deter you from writing her.

Exactly. When a model loads her profile with "I won't"s, it's either a sign that she's too inexperienced to know what she's talking about, or it's an asshole filter. If it's the first, she'll learn. If it's the second, the fact that you're so offended that you're repelled from working with her means her plan is working.

Aug 07 06 08:46 am Link


Ben M

Posts: 125

Orlando, Florida, US

and if you only want paid except for amazing models, then specify ON THE LEFT HAND SIDE

Aug 07 06 08:47 am Link


Jeff Bowlin

Posts: 162

Tucson, Arizona, US

Exactly. When a model loads her profile with "I won't"s, it's either a sign that she's too inexperienced to know what she's talking about, or it's an asshole filter. If it's the first, she'll learn. If it's the second, the fact that you're so offended that you're repelled from working with her means her plan is working.

It's not necessarily a sign of inexperience... it's most often a sign of that breed of people who are the common clay of the new west, you know, morons!

As far as the asshole filter, well if you are snotty up front, then generally only mean or desperate people will want to work with you, so it would have the opposite effect.

The best way to show how professional you are is by having great work on your portfolio not by rambling on for 3 hours about all your "do's and don'ts".  Some portfolio's read like they lifted them from a Cosmo "perfect mate" survey.

Aug 07 06 09:01 am Link



Posts: 3674

Portland, Oregon, US

Jeff Bowlin wrote:
It's not necessarily a sign of inexperience... it's most often a sign of that breed of people who are the common clay of the new west, you know, morons!

A lot of the time the two go hand in hand.

As far as the asshole filter, well if you are snotty up front, then generally only mean or desperate people will want to work with you, so it would have the opposite effect.

The best way to show how professional you are is by having great work on your portfolio not by rambling on for 3 hours about all your "do's and don'ts".  Some portfolio's read like they lifted them from a Cosmo "perfect mate" survey.

I'm not talking about people who are snotty "up front," or have really bad images... I'm saying that if a model has a really good portfolio and is obviously very experienced, and her profile has a long list of the things she won't do, well, there's usually a reason: She's trying to weed out offers she won't be interested in, and she can afford to be picky. This still isn't always successful, but I can see why people do it. When I see an experienced model with "WILL NOT DO NUDES" in big bold letters, for instance, that doesn't tell me she's a diva, it tells me she probably has spent a ridiculous amount of time wading through requests to pose nude. As for the Cosmo people, well, I never said they were very professional, did I?

Aug 07 06 09:10 am Link