Forums > General Industry > Where can I find someone to do BBS coding that....


Steal Your Ghost

Posts: 447

Los Angeles, California, US

I need someone who actually KNOWS what the hell they're doing, that isn't going to offer some industry bull, that I could have made myself in a program that I could have downloaded off of the internet for FREE.

Anyone have any ideas?

Aug 05 06 08:03 pm Link


aon duine

Posts: 1063

Do it yourself.

Aug 05 06 08:38 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

BBS coding is very oldschool...and who even has a modem anymore?

Do you mean a code for a message board like this?

If so there are dozens available for UNIX/Linux servers based in PHP and SQL on the internet for free.

Do you mean blog code?

If so there are dozens available for UNIX/Linux servers based in PHP and SQL on the internet for free.

Is there something in specific you're looking for it to do that the free ones wouldn't be able to handle?

Aug 05 06 08:39 pm Link