Forums > General Industry > Escort brought camera & did their own shoot ?!?!



Posts: 18

New York, New York, US

Not Normal

Aug 04 06 12:40 am Link



Posts: 1304

Vallejo, California, US

this reminds me of an experience i had many years ago. i was asked to take a portrait of the mayor of san francisco and his family for their christmas card in the mayors office at city hall. i did it on a sunday and the mayor and his wife and six kids and dog were there and i had to pose the shot and organize them and of course light the scene etc. the mayors wife had a friend at the shoot and she asked if she could take a snap of the set up i did. she had a 35mm camera with built in flash and was about to take a snap and i decided to let her plug into my studio strobes i had set up so i asked her what her asa was so i could tell her what f stop to use. she fired off a few shots and i didnt think anything of it. later that week the mayor was assassinated so this was the final portrait. i was kind of in shock as he was someone i knew and the following week i ended up picking up a time magazine to read the article about the tragedy when i came across my portrait. i wondered how time magazine got the photo and then i saw the photo credit and of course it was the mayors wifes friend. talk about being one upped. she would have never gotten a decent photograph without my set up and of course my lighting as she just had a built in flash. anyway i eventually called her to set the record straight and she didnt even blink an eye.
arrrrrggghhhhhh, but since then i have never allowed anyone to ever use my set up or shoot in my studio with my lights ever again. so beware of supposedly amature photographers.

Aug 04 06 12:41 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

rickspix wrote:
this reminds me of an experience i had many years ago. i was asked to take a portrait of the mayor of san francisco and his family for their christmas card in the mayors office at city hall. i did it on a sunday and the mayor and his wife and six kids and dog were there and i had to pose the shot and organize them and of course light the scene etc. the mayors wife had a friend at the shoot and she asked if she could take a snap of the set up i did. she had a 35mm camera with built in flash and was about to take a snap and i decided to let her plug into my studio strobes i had set up so i asked her what her asa was so i could tell her what f stop to use. she fired off a few shots and i didnt think anything of it. later that week the mayor was assassinated so this was the final portrait. i was kind of in shock as he was someone i knew and the following week i ended up picking up a time magazine to read the article about the tragedy when i came across my portrait. i wondered how time magazine got the photo and then i saw the photo credit and of course it was the mayors wifes friend. talk about being one upped. she would have never gotten a decent photograph without my set up and of course my lighting as she just had a built in flash. anyway i eventually called her to set the record straight and she didnt even blink an eye.
arrrrrggghhhhhh, but since then i have never allowed anyone to ever use my set up or shoot in my studio with my lights ever again. so beware of supposedly amature photographers.

The mayor was assasinated, and you were upset that someone got credit for your picture....

Aug 04 06 12:45 am Link



Posts: 1304

Vallejo, California, US

well i still cry about it when reminded of it as that was a terrible thing. i cried for weeks. it was an amazing thing in the history of our city and it shaped politics in san francisco for many years after. mayor moscone was a friend and supervisor harvey milk was also killed that same day.

i was just commenting on the thread as it reminded me of it. i am not a cold hearted bastard which is why i didnt even think of selling that shot to the press. i am not an ambulance chaser.

Aug 04 06 12:49 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

rickspix wrote:
well i still cry about it when reminded of it as that was a terrible thing. i cried for weeks. it was an amazing thing in the history of our city and it shaped politics in san francisco for many years after. mayor moscone was a friend and supervisor harvey milk was also killed that same day.

i was just commenting on the thread as it reminded me of it. i am not a cold hearted bastard which is why i didnt even think of selling that shot to the press. i am not an ambulance chaser.

I was joking..remember...I'm trying to cause useless drama?

Aug 04 06 12:52 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

rickspix wrote:
well i still cry about it when reminded of it as that was a terrible thing. i cried for weeks. it was an amazing thing in the history of our city and it shaped politics in san francisco for many years after. mayor moscone was a friend and supervisor harvey milk was also killed that same day.

i was just commenting on the thread as it reminded me of it. i am not a cold hearted bastard which is why i didnt even think of selling that shot to the press. i am not an ambulance chaser.

Yeah and Dan White got away with murder.   I wonder too how different SF would have been had those two lived.   And I kinda doubt that Diane F. would be our Senator.

It's an all around crappy story.

Aug 04 06 12:55 am Link



Posts: 1304

Vallejo, California, US

that was the jump dianne f got as she became mayor. she ran for mayor a few times and always lost so she would have never gotten a higher office until it fell in her lap so to speak. now she is one of the most powerful woman in america.

the movie "the times of harvey milk" is a documentary about those days and it is an amazing film, it won an academy award for best documentary when it came out.  check it out

Aug 04 06 12:58 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Can someone tell me why people don't have control over their shoots/sets?

You let people into your house so they can rummage through your underwear drawer and refrigerator as well?

You keep your underwear in a drawer?

Aug 04 06 12:58 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

SLE Photography wrote:

You keep your underwear in a drawer?

For shoots, shouldn't you have them hanging on the wardrobe rack?

Aug 04 06 01:00 am Link


Wicked West Photography

Posts: 284

Durant, Oklahoma, US

I don't find it that wierd personally, if the escort was told to bring out the cam.  When I first started shooting, a few models I happen to be friends with asked me to go with them on a shoot about 4 hours away.  I didn't even bring my cam.  When I got there, the 'tog not only asked if I wanted to shoot - he handed me his back up cam!  And he wasn't the only one who offered to let me shoot during a session in order to learn.  Since then, I've reciporcated by bringing "assistants" who want to learn to shoot, by letting models friends shoot a little, or by calling in other togs. I only do this in TFP situations, but in my mind, we all have differences in our shooting styles, so we can learn from one another, AND the model gets more images.

I wouldn't do it on a paid shoot, but I don't have a problem with it at all on TFP.

(In fact, one of the models I routinely work with set up a TFP this upcoming week with a 'tog she met through me - he's asked me to come and shoot with them.  Another photographer I know has extended the same type invite, and when I get around to the big shoot I have planned, I'll be asking him and one or two others if they want to come)

Actually, come to think of it, I've worked in situations like this more than once - the other tog and I have never had the same shots comeout of it, so the models always benefit, I make a friend, maybe learn a new skill, and get good recommendations from the photographers if, down the road, they have a shoot come up when they're already booked for another.  It's just been good karma all around for me.

Aug 04 06 01:06 am Link


Tiia Secor

Posts: 190

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

Here's my take....
maybe this was prearranged. Both photog and ecort/photog knew each other. And the primary wanted to see how the other worked thus inviting the other to shoot.

I have photog that I work with regularly that's willing to let an escort who's interested in becomeing a photog shoot a few frames with their own camera. Granted he also teaches photography, and several escort-wanna-be-photog have used to the opportunty to ask advice and tips. Not all of them though.

Aug 04 06 01:19 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

SLE Photography wrote:

You keep your underwear in a drawer?

Actually many drawers....

Aug 04 06 01:57 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

Aug 04 06 02:00 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Actually many drawers....

*looks at the "CLEAN" laundry basket and the pairs without too many holes"

You women & your funny ideas!  wink

Aug 04 06 02:00 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Iris Swope wrote:

For shoots, shouldn't you have them hanging on the wardrobe rack?

No.  I invite escorts and homeless people off the street to come into my house and add their underwear to my private collection.  And they can eat all my food too.   I also let them have sex with the model.  And they can take photos too.  The homeless guy gets a full release.  The escort gets an immediately burned CD.   The model can sit down at my computer and start altering the the shots from the shoot and everyone can put their own copyright on the shots.

Aug 04 06 02:01 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
You keep your underwear in a drawer?

Iris Swope wrote:
For shoots, shouldn't you have them hanging on the wardrobe rack?

Oh, I avoid that by not letting models wear panties while I shoot them  wink

Aug 04 06 02:02 am Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

How did the pictures come out?
Was there a dance with punch and cookies afterwards?
Will you be my valentine?

Aug 04 06 02:03 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

SLE Photography wrote:

*looks at the "CLEAN" laundry basket and the pairs without too many holes"

You women & your funny ideas!  wink

Sad but true!  What's worse is I'm needing more space for clothing for other people or projects rather than myself.

Aug 04 06 02:03 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

SLE Photography wrote:
*looks at the "CLEAN" laundry basket and the pairs without too many holes"

You women & your funny ideas!  wink

KM von Seidl wrote:
Sad but true!  What's worse is I'm needing more space for clothing for other people or projects rather than myself.

Heh, I make it a point not to keep lingerie or swimsuits for the models.  Other items, yes (I have a BOX full of basic 3 " heels since so many models don't OWN any normal heels) but if I get them lingerie or swimsuits that touch private bits, they keep them as part of their compensation.  So no panty storage!

Aug 04 06 02:06 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

rickspix wrote:
that was the jump dianne f got as she became mayor. she ran for mayor a few times and always lost so she would have never gotten a higher office until it fell in her lap so to speak. now she is one of the most powerful woman in america.

the movie "the times of harvey milk" is a documentary about those days and it is an amazing film, it won an academy award for best documentary when it came out.  check it out

That documentary rocked.  I saw it while they were still editing it.

The book is good too.   Both are inspirational.

Aug 04 06 02:13 am Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

SLE Photography wrote:

SLE Photography wrote:
You keep your underwear in a drawer?

Oh, I avoid that by not letting models wear panties while I shoot them  wink

No, no, no. You hang yours on the rack, so you appear more professional. It looks like you have complete wardrobe, and you make up pretensious lies about what\who you are shooting later today....

When they ask why there are holes in the tell them it's the vintage look!

(this is in no way is affiliated to the hijacked shoot earlier today)

Aug 04 06 02:16 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

SLE Photography wrote:

SLE Photography wrote:
*looks at the "CLEAN" laundry basket and the pairs without too many holes"

You women & your funny ideas!  wink

Heh, I make it a point not to keep lingerie or swimsuits for the models.  Other items, yes (I have a BOX full of basic 3 " heels since so many models don't OWN any normal heels) but if I get them lingerie or swimsuits that touch private bits, they keep them as part of their compensation.  So no panty storage!

Oh see, that's the problem.  None of the clothing I have my models wear have crotches in them!

Aug 04 06 02:17 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45289

San Juan Bautista, California, US

This entire thread has me so bad it hurts!

Thank You!!!!  big_smile

Aug 04 06 02:51 am Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
Can someone tell me why people don't have control over their shoots/sets?

You let people into your house so they can rummage through your underwear drawer and refrigerator as well?

Very well put  Bravo!

Aug 04 06 02:55 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US


"These are The Days of OUr Lives" 

Aug 04 06 03:31 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

I dunno I think it's wierd.

Aug 04 06 04:56 am Link


Ximena Barreto

Posts: 670

Monterey, California, US

Farenell Photography wrote:
No, its not normal. But the photographer did invite another person to shoot. So what's the problem?

My husband, who is also my escort, who is also a photographer has also done this.  In cases where the shoot is in a studio and the flashes are synchro of course not, but in same cases when they are outdoors he will take some pics from a distance of course, and he is very sure he doesn't bother the photographer, who always give permission of course.

In some cases, when the photographer has more than 1 camera, they sometimes give the spare to him, to shoot from a different angle, just for fun.  Below is our last shoot!

Here is the pic my husband took with Joe Abejon's Canon 30D.  Ana Abejon was shooting with a Canon 5D but wouldn't let John or Joe play with that one!!! 

BY THE WAY, I KNOW THIS IS AN UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCE AND IT DOESN'T HAPPEN AT ALL MY SHOOTS PLZ DON'T THINK THAT!!!!  This is every once in awile and only with photographers we know well, and at TFP/CD type shoots, we would never do this at a paid shoot of course!!!!

Aug 04 06 05:54 pm Link



Posts: 317

Richardson, Texas, US


Aug 04 06 05:56 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

I had a client do that over my shoulder after a few days of shooting.  Finally, I and the main model had enough and left... flew out of Hawaii and back to California!

Gee... I hope he finished up the job well enough!!!

Aug 04 06 06:02 pm Link



Posts: 279

Palo Alto, California, US

Aug 04 06 06:14 pm Link



Posts: 279

Palo Alto, California, US

rickspix wrote:
this reminds me of an experience i had many years ago. i was asked to take a portrait of the mayor of san francisco and his family for their christmas card in the mayors office at city hall. i did it on a sunday and the mayor and his wife and six kids and dog were there and i had to pose the shot and organize them and of course light the scene etc. the mayors wife had a friend at the shoot and she asked if she could take a snap of the set up i did. she had a 35mm camera with built in flash and was about to take a snap and i decided to let her plug into my studio strobes i had set up so i asked her what her asa was so i could tell her what f stop to use. she fired off a few shots and i didnt think anything of it. later that week the mayor was assassinated so this was the final portrait. i was kind of in shock as he was someone i knew and the following week i ended up picking up a time magazine to read the article about the tragedy when i came across my portrait. i wondered how time magazine got the photo and then i saw the photo credit and of course it was the mayors wifes friend. talk about being one upped. she would have never gotten a decent photograph without my set up and of course my lighting as she just had a built in flash. anyway i eventually called her to set the record straight and she didnt even blink an eye.
arrrrrggghhhhhh, but since then i have never allowed anyone to ever use my set up or shoot in my studio with my lights ever again. so beware of supposedly amature photographers.

Opps, double post.....This is an amazing story and lesson.....won't forget it.  Thanks

Aug 04 06 06:16 pm Link


Steven Bigler

Posts: 1007

Schenectady, New York, US

Ximena Bright wrote:
My husband, who is also my escort, who is also a photographer has also done this.  In cases where the shoot is in a studio and the flashes are synchro of course not, but in same cases when they are outdoors he will take some pics from a distance of course, and he is very sure he doesn't bother the photographer, who always give permission of course.

Umm yeah... as apposed to them saying NO... and then him leaving with you!  Be assured... it is NEVER REALLY okay.  If you so badly need your driver to take your picture... have the shoot with him!

Aug 04 06 06:17 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Ok, as stated before, and no one read it....

The photographer really did invite the escort to shoot.
No one was upset
I just thought it would be hysterical to post about....
Because my world revolves around Model Mayhem...


Picture from the hijacked shoot...

Aug 04 06 06:20 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Steven Bigler wrote:
Umm yeah... as apposed to them saying NO... and then him leaving with you!  Be assured... it is NEVER REALLY okay.  If you so badly need your driver to take your picture... have the shoot with him!

Yeah, if you need your driver to want until you're done with the shoot, and then reshoot in the same spot!
After the photographer is gone of course...

Aug 04 06 06:22 pm Link


Ximena Barreto

Posts: 670

Monterey, California, US

Steven Bigler wrote:

Umm yeah... as apposed to them saying NO... and then him leaving with you!  Be assured... it is NEVER REALLY okay.  If you so badly need your driver to take your picture... have the shoot with him!

Well last time, we were at a lighthouse he had never been at before, and wasn't planning on shooting, because we already had 2 he was off doing his own scene taking pics of the lighthouse when one of them who was holding the reflector asked him if he wanted to shoot with his.

And if its in a studio or outside with low light and the photographer is using flashes he NEVER even asks, and lets the togs do their job.  Anyway, like I said, it doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes.

Aug 04 06 06:51 pm Link


Ximena Barreto

Posts: 670

Monterey, California, US

Iris Swope wrote:

Yeah, if you need your driver to want until you're done with the shoot, and then reshoot in the same spot!
After the photographer is gone of course...

but by then the sun has already set!  Just kidding....

Aug 04 06 06:51 pm Link


Josue Pena

Posts: 595

Los Angeles, California, US

megafunk wrote:
So if the escort morphed into a photographer, how on EaRFFF did the model feel safe?!?!?!!

big time LOL!!!!!!!!!

Aug 04 06 06:53 pm Link



Posts: 14857

Dallas, Texas, US

Ximena Bright wrote:

but by then the sun has already set!  Just kidding....

Isn't setting sun some of the best light? wink

Aug 04 06 06:56 pm Link


Ximena Barreto

Posts: 670

Monterey, California, US

Iris Swope wrote:

Isn't setting sun some of the best light? wink

I mean set, as in way too dark, the real photographers already used up the good light and my husband has a POS camera (piece of sh*t) with no good flash sad

Aug 04 06 07:19 pm Link


Dave Dean

Posts: 15

New Braunfels, Texas, US

Would not consider it "normal". Unless there was a previous agreement. Otherwise the escort should stay out of the way and stay away from my food!!

Aug 04 06 09:06 pm Link