Forums > General Industry > Getting better really sucks


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

How many of you photgraphers have gone through this?

I am looking at my port and I realize my shooting has evolved. Which means I need to redo my entire protfolio because so may shots are actually crap. By my "new" standards anyway.

I'm not bitching, but it seems like the journey never ends. LOL

Man, what a sick addiction photgraphy is..HA!

I guess it's better than crack, certainly not cheaper..LOL

Aug 03 06 09:28 am Link


jimmy blanton

Posts: 54

Hawthorne, California, US

I know how you feel!!  I've been shooting with film for a long time but when I began shooting digital I see a major difference.  And when you begin using different lighting styles (paramount, loop, split, etc) you see your work really improve.  My problem is I'm still in love with my old images (using film) and I cannot seem to post the new images using digital and new lighting techniques.  Now thats a sign of a sick individual!!  Just call me sicko!! sigh!

Aug 03 06 09:38 am Link



Posts: 1000

Gillette, New Jersey, US

Vance wrote:
I'm not bitching, but it seems like the journey never ends. LOL

It's like complaining that you're still alive...

It's good to outgrow your skin and move on; otherwise you'd get bored real quick.

Aug 03 06 09:40 am Link


MF productions

Posts: 2064

San Jose, California, US

i dont know what your talking about , man , those photos are really well taken.  i mean there may be too much light on a few perhaps some natural tone depth would have been nice but you got a nice portpholio right there.

Aug 03 06 09:43 am Link


FlirtynFun Photography

Posts: 13926

Houston, Texas, US

Ever look back at baby pictures of yourself, then school pictures, high school yearbooks? We all continue to grow up. That's why I love photography. It's an ever changing and evolving process. New Michael Jordon's of photography are being born every day who have a seemingly magical ability to capture light. I hope I continue to think my images need improvement...lets just hope my clients don't think the same! LOL

Vance...I personally think your work is awesome!

Aug 03 06 09:43 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Yuriy wrote:

It's like complaining that you're still alive...

It's good to outgrow your skin and move on; otherwise you'd get bored real quick.

Trust me I've had "wish I was dead" days...:-)

Aug 03 06 09:51 am Link



Posts: 332

Cleveland, Ohio, US

What REALLY sucks is not being able to get newer and fresher ideas because of the lack of models.  I am back on the scene and see that we are blessed with a ton of beautiful women ... who love to post about wanting to model, yet who will not even respond.  THIS is why I do more portraits and have have better results with non-models than with the aspiring pros.

Aug 03 06 09:52 am Link


Fede Rhodes

Posts: 331

Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Well you're right it happens to models too.I hate that some work I've done and I love is not good enough to show in my actual portfolio but anyway I think thats good cause it means we get better and better,isnt it what we're looking for?

Aug 03 06 09:57 am Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

UnSeenYou wrote:
What REALLY sucks is not being able to get newer and fresher ideas because of the lack of models.  I am back on the scene and see that we are blessed with a ton of beautiful women ... who love to post about wanting to model, yet who will not even respond.  THIS is why I do more portraits and have have better results with non-models than with the aspiring pros.

I agree. The ones that say they are all into it are the most resistant.

Aug 03 06 09:58 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

UnSeenYou wrote:
What REALLY sucks is not being able to get newer and fresher ideas because of the lack of models.  I am back on the scene and see that we are blessed with a ton of beautiful women ... who love to post about wanting to model, yet who will not even respond.  THIS is why I do more portraits and have have better results with non-models than with the aspiring pros.

I had that problem when I foirst started..Now I get models who have seen my progression and the e-mails are poring in. So I am blessed that way.

I am still waiting for the day when "I" think I am a good photgrapher. It's a catch 22, you get better and the work you previously did just plaes in cmparrison and you go.."Man, will I ever get there?"

I love this stuff, like my profile says...It's like golf...A very precise and sick addiction loaded with frustration and gratification.

Party on Wayne!

Aug 03 06 09:58 am Link


Fede Rhodes

Posts: 331

Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Vance not feeling satisfied is part of being a perfectionist. you'll always find something you think can be improved,but at the end of the day your work speack for itself. From time to time its good to stop,wake up look at your work and say:hey this is great!. Cause if you spend your life just trying to fix whats wrong you wont have time to taste whats beautiful.Sometimes its like a fresh breath to look at your own work without a critique angle althou I dont do it very often.I just want more and more and better

Aug 03 06 10:03 am Link


Craig A McKenzie

Posts: 1767

Marine City, Michigan, US

Yes I know...look at my page and you can see the division in work...Its tough when the older models were photographed not more than 3 months ago and you need to swap them out...
I love growning and learning.  Constant change, rapid rivers---Evolving.

Aug 03 06 10:03 am Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

The pursuit of perfection or greatness is a bitch on your self esteem. She is never completely satisfied.

Aug 03 06 10:06 am Link


Stacy Leigh

Posts: 3064

New York, New York, US

I can't even get a the hell am I to get better?? So many models do TFCD's but I was only able to find one- to me this means I am a GWC who cannot shake the title because of the lack of practice.....I am going to have to pay them eventually if I can't get a TFCD. What's more is they are costly. (Stacy huffs and puffs with agony then storms off to throw a hissy fit)

Aug 03 06 10:06 am Link



Posts: 55204

Birmingham, Alabama, US


I had someone declare that from my last shoot I had reached the "next level".. (You figure after driving around in circles long enough you're bound to get somewhere..)

Little did they know that I just found a model that the world is infatuated with (mainly because she's so good you can't take a bad picture of her..)

And I have MapQuested my way back to Sucky Town for my next shoot...

MWAHAHA! *cough*  *wheeze*

Aug 03 06 10:11 am Link


Robert Randall

Posts: 13890

Chicago, Illinois, US

WG Rowland wrote:

I had someone declare that from my last shoot I had reached the "next level".. (You figure after driving around in circles long enough you're bound to get somewhere..)

Little did they know that I just found a model that the world is infatuated with (mainly because she's so good you can't take a bad picture of her..)

And I have MapQuested my way back to Sucky Town for my next shoot...

MWAHAHA! *cough*  *wheeze*

The last shot you did that I commented on had nothing to do with the model unless you think you couldn't get anyone else into that position at the bottom of the stairs. $0.02 smile

Aug 03 06 10:16 am Link


Golden Light

Posts: 951

Miami, Florida, US

Stacy Leigh wrote:
I can't even get a the hell am I to get better?? So many models do TFCD's but I was only able to find one- to me this means I am a GWC who cannot shake the title because of the lack of practice.....I am going to have to pay them eventually if I can't get a TFCD. What's more is they are costly. (Stacy huffs and puffs with agony then storms off to throw a hissy fit)

Guy with a camara you are not. I have talked to 350 models and only 4 have wanted to work with me. Two from London one from Nigeria and one from Cali. The rest seem to be in a ( I'm hot and I do not have to make any effort. ) dream world. Okay that was bitter. More like they don't care for my port.

The point for us GWCs is :: Lack of models = lack of progress

Aug 03 06 10:19 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

NO doubt to all of the above..

Getting models...
Well all I can say is persistance pays off. Depending on your market or location you will need to assert yourself and put your name out there. Spend LOADS of time online if thats your outlet, invite friends in to shoot, even co-workers. They key is showing GOOD photgraphy. Shooting hot models is "easy". If you can just get some QUALITY images in your port, then the "HOT" models will come. And like it or not, right or rong, once that happens the flood gates will open.

As to the evolution of ones talent. For me I look to the commercial side as my guide. I am interested in commercial print ads and such. So much of tyhe work I see as great is my goal. So until I see that level in my porfolio I wont be happy, and even then I am sure I will want more.

It's a love hate relationship with my creations. I am sure we all fell the same way. Or at least many of us.

I didnt know what I was getting myself into..LOL
I am certainly glad I did! I still have my first picture ever taken, I was happy it even came out. man, is it BAD! HA HA....But the thrill will never be forgotten. Seeing that first image take shape and realizing you had enough of the mechanics down to even get proper exposure. HE HE... Now we are all jaded looking at ever single little flaw when the average Joe says..."Hey awesome work", at which point I say..Yeah but see that shadow?  LOL...When I should be saying thanks.

Ah yes..A crazy bunch of folk we are..


Aug 03 06 10:53 am Link


Photos By Deej

Posts: 1508

Tumwater, Washington, US

I agree with you to a certain degree.  It's not like to old ones look like crap but it's like looking back in your high school year book.  I keep a certain balance of my best old pics b/c I love the model and can't go back and reshoot him.

Aug 03 06 10:58 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Photos By Deej wrote:
I agree with you to a certain degree.  It's not like to old ones look like crap but it's like looking back in your high school year book.  I keep a certain balance of my best old pics b/c I love the model and can't go back and reshoot him.

Man, I'd love to reshoot some of my first models..My way of apologizing for taking crappy photos of them..LOL

Aug 03 06 11:15 am Link


Marcus J. Ranum

Posts: 3247

MORRISDALE, Pennsylvania, US

What's your alternative? Remaining comfortably mediocre never struck me as a good "plan B."


Aug 03 06 11:22 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Marcus J. Ranum wrote:
What's your alternative? Remaining comfortably mediocre never struck me as a good "plan B."


I dont think anyone wants to be "stuck" on any level. My point is this is a very uplifting and yet sometimes discouraging pursuit. As you grow you realize there is yet more growth. That comes with a double edge. On one hand you are truly happy with your prgression, on the other hand you realize you need to spen and hour updating the damn website because your old work is just that OLD..LOL

Like I said, It's an awesome addiction.....That drives me crazy..

Aug 03 06 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I prefer to call it "photoangst"

No matter how good you great you shots much experience you's always the I good enough?.......welcome to photography!

Aug 03 06 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 603

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

Aloha Vance,

Yes, its fun to look back and laugh ... and to look forward to new and better stuff to come ... we all have to go thru that process or else be stuck in stagnation ... its always nice when someone gives me a kick in the pants w/ a blunt critique ... good to shake dem cobwebs of complacency.


Aug 03 06 03:01 pm Link