Forums > General Industry > Please your opinion on this photographer



Posts: 103

Paris, Arkansas, US

Hey there,

I first met a photographer this morning who wants to shoot with me. He's supposed to be a professionnal french photographer. He seems to have loads of idea, knowing of the market, technical competence. But he kinda creeps me out a little bit.

I googled him and there is pretty much nothing online about him except his own website where a dozen of photos are up.

I told him I was not very comfy (he wants to shoot at his place) so he told me I could bring someone with me, who wouldnt stay during the shoot (which i understand) and would pick me up.

I am anyway puzzled by the fact that nothing shows up on the web about him. He's supposed to have worked for major advertisment companies and so on.

What do you think? I know that if I'm not 100% comfy I should not do the shoot but I'm afraid I'm a bit too paranoid too.

Thanks for your opinion.

Aug 01 06 05:37 am Link


Mz Machina

Posts: 1754

Chicago, Illinois, US

Trust your gut , if you like his photography bring a friend , but if you are uncomfortable and your gut tells you no... then dont.

Aug 01 06 05:39 am Link


glenn my name today

Posts: 1025

Lancaster, California, US

you might consider changing your online name...just a dumb thought. The name sounds a bit inviting to those seeking darker pleasures.

but if it doesnt feel right, just dont do it and move on to the next one.

Aug 01 06 05:41 am Link



Posts: 274

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

HurtMeSo wrote:
I told him I was not very comfy (he wants to shoot at his place) so he told me I could bring someone with me, who wouldnt stay during the shoot (which i understand) and would pick me up.

wow, dude.... my escorts Always stay the whole time... not anywhere in the way of course, but close enough to save my dumbass from the model serial killer...

Aug 01 06 05:41 am Link


Kelly Kooper

Posts: 1240

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

I wouldn't shoot with anyone I wasn't sure about. Anyone you have reservations about should be examined more closely. Sometimes we don't always know what the alarm bells are ringing for but you should always listen. Even if you're wrong, it's not a good sign walking into a shoot with strong reservations about the photographer's integrity. Already, you'll have a feeling of mistrust and generally feel unsafe. Sounds like an experience you could probably live without.

Aug 01 06 05:48 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

It's a good idea to always come armed to a photoshoot. A 6 shot .38 claliber has the stopping power you need and fit's nicely in your makeup bag.

Aug 01 06 05:55 am Link


J C ModeFotografie

Posts: 14718

Los Angeles, California, US

If you really want to show him you mean business, bring a Ziqriat 65 caliber machinegun!

JAY carreon

Aug 01 06 05:57 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

JAY carreon wrote:
If you really want to show him you mean business, bring a Ziqriat 65 caliber machinegun!

JAY carreon

I'm sorry I have to disagree. The machine gun is way too bulky. A few grenades can fit snuggly in the average size lady's purse.

Aug 01 06 06:03 am Link



Posts: 274

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Class Act Photography wrote:

I'm sorry I have to disagree. The machine gun is way too bulky. A few grenades can fit snuggly in the average size lady's purse.

yeah, but how many models do you know that can run fast enough away to not blow herself up?

Aug 01 06 06:09 am Link


Images by Christopher

Posts: 298

Miami, Arizona, US

Why don't you meet with him over a cup of coffee first. If he's professional, he'll understand. Ask to see his portfolio etc etc...That is usually the ice breaker before a shoot. Speak up!!!
I don't want to see a post from you after the day of the shoot "Why a photog was only interested in sex". We have enough of those....right???

Aug 01 06 06:11 am Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US

Do anyone know if the Mamiya RZ "Murder-A-Bitch" package is going to updated for digital anytime soon? I've found no information on their website. Thanks.

Aug 01 06 06:18 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

SsinUrn wrote:

yeah, but how many models do you know that can run fast enough away to not blow herself up?

I guess you have a point there. Maybe an electric taser would get the job done.

Aug 01 06 06:18 am Link



Posts: 2076

Orlando, Florida, US

Photographers most are a bit weird.....We Love To take pictures...What is weirder than that......You have shot with Several Photographers, at first you bring Friends, once you are comfortable you might bring a friend, but after a while you get your gut feeling......Communicate With Him, Drink A starbucks Coffee and Bring A friend...Then Decide !

If His work is nice, is a gamble you take, go to his house and If It looks Like a Dungeon and Has Trap Doors Cut Out On The Floor and Chains,  Pack Your Shit and Run...

If The Guy is Professional Talking Like Ted Bundy....Uhm !!!! I don't know what to tell you......The Guy Could be a Good Photographer and Your Not Giving Him a Fair Chance......

Good Luck....

Manny D.

Aug 01 06 06:22 am Link



Posts: 2076

Orlando, Florida, US

exposurefoto wrote:
Why don't you meet with him over a cup of coffee first. If he's professional, he'll understand. Ask to see his portfolio etc etc...That is usually the ice breaker before a shoot. Speak up!!!
I don't want to see a post from you after the day of the shoot "Why a photog was only interested in sex". We have enough of those....right???

Fire yeah, Fire Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...Fire !!!

Aug 01 06 06:24 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

Ask to meet him at a public cafe to see his book.
Most model stalkers only have websites (often with stolen photos)

Aug 01 06 06:24 am Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

I recommend you never shoot with anyone who won't let the escort stay.  They should be someone who won't interfere with the shoot, of course, and should be told that before the shoot.

Aug 01 06 06:26 am Link



Posts: 274

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Far West Imaging wrote:
I recommend you never shoot with anyone who won't let the escort stay.  They should be someone who won't interfere with the shoot, of course, and should be told that before the shoot.

thank you! thought i was alone up there

Aug 01 06 06:27 am Link



Posts: 103

Paris, Arkansas, US

glenn usdin wrote:
you might consider changing your online name...just a dumb thought. The name sounds a bit inviting to those seeking darker pleasures.

but if it doesnt feel right, just dont do it and move on to the next one.

Well, if by "darker pleasures" you mean fetish, that's what I'm aiming at. ^^

Anyway I've always been lucky to work with photographers who were smart enough to 1) understand it is a 2nd degree thing or 2) wonder where it came from.

It's like saying photographers working with Industrial Bitch could think she's an actual bitch. Or something. ^^

Anyway I've been modeling under that name for a year and I'm not going to start from scratch again because of a dumbass (which he might not be).

Thanks for the advice anyway.

Aug 01 06 09:08 am Link



Posts: 103

Paris, Arkansas, US

Kelly Kooper wrote:
Sounds like an experience you could probably live without.

You're right. I think I'm going to pass this time.

Aug 01 06 09:08 am Link



Posts: 103

Paris, Arkansas, US

exposurefoto wrote:
Why don't you meet with him over a cup of coffee first. If he's professional, he'll understand. Ask to see his portfolio etc etc...That is usually the ice breaker before a shoot. Speak up!!!

Err... I've done that this morning.
"I first met a photographer this morning who wants to shoot with me."
He seemed rather uncomfy and didnt bring his port, which I found rather suspicious.

Neverming, I'll pass.

Aug 01 06 09:09 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28719

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Why would a photographer harm you knowing there is someone who knows where he lives? Someone who could easily lead the police to him?

Aug 01 06 09:22 am Link



Posts: 70

London, England, United Kingdom

Whats this photog name.....

Aug 01 06 09:32 am Link



Posts: 103

Paris, Arkansas, US

theglorybox wrote:
Whats this photog name.....

Well he's french, I can PM you his name but I'm not giving it here.

Aug 01 06 09:43 am Link



Posts: 103

Paris, Arkansas, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Why would a photographer harm you knowing there is someone who knows where he lives? Someone who could easily lead the police to him?

Because he's a psycho? big_smile

Aug 01 06 09:44 am Link


J Schumacher

Posts: 1220

Gustine, California, US

The escort should always stay very close. There's no legitimate reason for the escort to leave, and don't send him for coffee either.

Aug 01 06 09:48 am Link


Red Hot Annie

Posts: 88

Chicago, Illinois, US

SsinUrn wrote:
wow, dude.... my escorts Always stay the whole time... not anywhere in the way of course, but close enough to save my dumbass from the model serial killer...

ditto.  even and especially professional photographers NEVER EVER EVER have a problem with someone staying.

think of it this way - when an advertising company HIRES a photographer to shoot for them, they are in the room, as well as makeup artists, stylists, assistants, etc...and the photographer is still able to capture a good image.

if this photographer can't do it - if he thinks you'll "be distracted" - WHATEVER - ditch him.  it's worse to be uncomfortable than distracted.  smile

Aug 01 06 09:52 am Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Don't trust the French and most of all don't trust French Photographers big_smile

Aug 01 06 09:54 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Why not ask for some references? I can't believe nobody has mentioned it yet.

Aug 01 06 09:58 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

C R Photography wrote:
Don't trust the French and most of all don't trust French Photographers big_smile

You do know the OP is French?

Aug 01 06 10:00 am Link


Troy Council

Posts: 59

Brooklyn, New York, US

John Jebbia wrote:
Why would a photographer harm you knowing there is someone who knows where he lives? Someone who could easily lead the police to him?

Who says he lives there? It could be someone elses house

Aug 01 06 10:01 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

HurtMeSo wrote:
Because he's a psycho? big_smile

With your name, you should show up with the entire family.

Aug 01 06 10:03 am Link


Benito Martinez

Posts: 20

Austin, Texas, US

mmm, ok, back to the weapons thing, firearms are too risky, you're likelier to use them than not, although a stunner or maybe a pair of scissors are less conspicuous and potentially less harmful.  I personally recommend taking self-defense courses for all models, experienced or aspiring, it's very practical and gives you some actions shots for future use.

Aug 01 06 10:09 am Link


Troy Council

Posts: 59

Brooklyn, New York, US

Far West Imaging wrote:
I recommend you never shoot with anyone who won't let the escort stay.  They should be someone who won't interfere with the shoot, of course, and should be told that before the shoot.

Escorts make great voice controlled reflector holders... in other words... free labor

Aug 01 06 10:13 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

Bringing a police escort is probably the safest course.

Aug 01 06 10:46 am Link



Posts: 202

Los Angeles, California, US

Escort? tough question.  Can i come over to your parents house with my friend?  Be sure your mothers most expensive jewelry (camera equipment) is out.  My friend won't take anything I promise. (But if your $20,000.00 camera is missing your out of luck buddy.)  Seriously, if your boyfriend whom you don't know is a theif and your gonna break up with in 2 months anyway-even though you don't know it-steals my stuff, what are you going to do?  Believe him that he didn't take anything of course!

If this guy is on modelmayhem or myspace or something you can just ask all of the people he shot if he is for real.  Meet with him in public and ask to see his portfolio. Make sure he has large, clear prints to show you.  Be safe and trust your instinct.

Aug 01 06 10:55 am Link



Posts: 202

Los Angeles, California, US

You said you met him this morning?  Slow down.  Don't shoot with him tonight. Check him out first.  Also I don't think its a bad thing to post his name.  Your just asking has anyone ever heard of this photographer right?  Your not accusing him of anything.

Aug 01 06 10:58 am Link


randy wolf

Posts: 56

Seattle, Washington, US

all photographers are creeps! we are all serial killers and want to eat your first born. never do a photoshoot with any of us! especially a french one!!! *ghasp!!!*

Aug 01 06 11:04 am Link



Posts: 367

Dunedin, Florida, US

SsinUrn wrote:
thank you! thought i was alone up there

No SsinUrn, I also agree completely. It think it reasonable for the photographer to ask that an escort be waiting in the reception area (with connecting doors open, etc.), or a little ways off if outdoors, but within reasonable distance for the model's security and piece of mind. I'm always amazed when some professionals don't seem to understand the quality that will be added to a model's work just by letting her (or him) be comfortable in the setting in this manner.

That said, there can be a problem with "escorts" who need to be on set at all times. Sure, maybe the model is used to having them around and so does not find them distracting, but what about the photographer??? Throwing the photographer off their game doesn't help produce the best images either... and hence, as noted above, my choice of present but not hovering.

And just to return to the OP, no, in your shoes I wouldn’t do this shoot. There are only so many chances that are worth taking, and this doesn't sound like one of them.


Aug 01 06 11:21 am Link


Class Act Photography

Posts: 6376

STUDIO CITY, California, US

You can never be too careful. There are many cases of so called "photographers" who don't even have film in their cameras. Make sure he has film in his camera. If you discover that he doesn't even have a camera, it would be wise to leave building immediately, without posing.

Aug 01 06 11:28 am Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

J S Marion Photography wrote:

That said, there can be a problem with "escorts" who need to be on set at all times. Sure, maybe the model is used to having them around and so does not find them distracting, but what about the photographer??? Throwing the photographer off their game doesn't help produce the best images either... and hence, as noted above, my choice of present but not hovering.


Did that once,  she would turn and ask the guy if each pose was OK.

Never,never , never again!

Aug 01 06 11:30 am Link