Forums > General Industry > A** kissing epidemic creating monsters


D Freeman

Posts: 490

Fresno, California, US

Angela Benedict wrote:
Hehe It's quite alright doll.

As far as your ass shot trust me you're not the first and wont be the last. I can't tell you how many photographers have done that same shot over and over and over again. To me it all looks like the same shot.

There have been discussions regarding it and many have argued that there is no point whatsoever to that shot other than masterbatory material. That's it. Many have attempted to stylize the ass shot into something more and many have failed. In the end it's just a close up shot of someones ass.

The only people that like them are guys and girls who aspire to be on the 'hip-hop honey's' dvd.

Campy? It's another way of saying cheesy but with less cheese factor if that makes sense.

Sigh sad  I wrote out a long message, and.. *poof*!  For awhile now, I've been having to make each post twice to get it to show up.  Every once in awhile it takes on the first shot.  Maybe the MM mods just hate me.  Anyways.. I'm going with an abbrieviated version because I'm tired now. sad

On with the show..
Campy makes perfect sense now.  I think that in my case it's probably due to shooting without a plan, and not taking the time to really tweak the shots.  I will do better in the future.  Cross my heart and hope to die.

I cringe to think that some poor slob was whacking off to my picture, but.. as poor slobs go.. they whack off to everything.  Who do you think takes all of those JC Penny's catalogs?

Guess what?  I shot some art nudes today(avatar.. *ahem*), and I've replaced the booty shot.  smile  Again, since it was done in your honor.. I'll be expecting you to make the first comment lol.  If you don't like it, you can always compliment me on my framing, or the logo, or the "space outside the picture".


Aug 03 06 08:22 am Link


Angela Benedict

Posts: 331

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

Demarcus Freeman wrote:

Sigh sad  I wrote out a long message, and.. *poof*!  For awhile now, I've been having to make each post twice to get it to show up.  Every once in awhile it takes on the first shot.  Maybe the MM mods just hate me.  Anyways.. I'm going with an abbrieviated version because I'm tired now. sad

On with the show..
Campy makes perfect sense now.  I think that in my case it's probably due to shooting without a plan, and not taking the time to really tweak the shots.  I will do better in the future.  Cross my heart and hope to die.

I cringe to think that some poor slob was whacking off to my picture, but.. as poor slobs go.. they whack off to everything.  Who do you think takes all of those JC Penny's catalogs?

Guess what?  I shot some art nudes today(avatar.. *ahem*), and I've replaced the booty shot.  smile  Again, since it was done in your honor.. I'll be expecting you to make the first comment lol.  If you don't like it, you can always compliment me on my framing, or the logo, or the "space outside the picture".


Damn pervs!

Ooooh, that was a kind gesture *giggle* I'll go and check it out big_smile

Aug 03 06 09:10 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US


I never ask for comments because it seems to contrite. I've seen ports with 500 comments on each photo and rightly so. I figure when I start shooting REALLY amazing stuff the comments will come on their own accord.

I too, get a kick out of comments on images "I" find "sub par". However, there are images I used to think were hot sh..T on a silver platter. IAs I evolved I realized they were not so good. So every ones oppinion is based on there current level of taste..AND sadly on hoping to get in someones pants or good graces. :-(

Bottom line..

When I get a comment from aother photgrapher, I go right to their page. I want to see what level that person is shooting on and I take the comment with a grain of salt.

1. If they are smokin my ass with skills and took the time to say hey..Nice work..then I know I am on the right track and thats always a plus.

2. If they are were I "used" to be, then I think.." Hey, here is a prson coming up looking at me the way I used to look at ports I aspired to shoot like.

Either way it's all good, we must remeber ythere are many people on many different levels on this site.

I think looking at a commenters port is a great way to see where they are coming from, and from there I can judge the validity or BS levels. LOL

Aug 03 06 11:09 am Link


Myopic Earache

Posts: 1104

Chicago, Illinois, US

Fully agreed, WTF people, don't encourage someone who sucks.  Critique them and hopefully help them improve.  Complimenting a turd won't turn it into gold.

Aug 03 06 11:14 am Link


JH Fauxtography

Posts: 61

Los Angeles, California, US

Daniel Schmidtka wrote:
What really strikes me is that so many people with talent are some of the meanest people I know. On the same hand some of the most talentless people (art is in the eye of the beholder) I know don't have a clue they are talentless.

1. Look at your state under browse.

2. Look at a few models with cell phone images or simple shots in their port.

3. See if it is the same photographers who are the first to contact them and tell them;

A. "what a beautiful start you have"
B. "What a nice look you have"
c. "Beautiful look, welcome to MM"
D. "We have got to work together" AND SO ON!

10,000 dudes contact them and then you wonder why they feel their $hit don't stink!

Those are your guilty parties!

Aug 03 06 11:37 am Link