Forums > General Industry > Editing pictures for practice/fun...



Posts: 519

Tavares, Florida, US

I'm trying to learn to edit pictures(after I have my baby, I want to get into photography)... and I picked some photographers that I liked there pictures, but thought I could do a little more to them... is it wrong? I mean, its not like I'm using them or anything, just practicing for myself... I emailed the 2 photographers that I've used so far and let them know and asked if they'd like to see and critique them, so I'll find out w/them... but whats everybody else's opinion? And would anybody else like to volunteer? :-D

Jul 30 06 05:56 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

Kemara wrote:
I emailed the 2 photographers that I've used so far and let them know and asked if they'd like to see and critique them, so I'll find out w/them... but whats everybody else's opinion? And would anybody else like to volunteer?

Going forward I would strongly suggest asking before you manipulate anyone's work.  Asking after the fact has a tendency to make creative people insane.  After all, you've already gone ahead and done the thing you're asking permission to do, right?  It can drive them nuts.  Stick to asking first, editing second, and you should be okay.  smile

Jul 30 06 06:31 pm Link


Tony Culture Photoz

Posts: 1555

Bloomfield, New Jersey, US

What do you want to do with these people's pics that you edit though ? Is it just so you can practice, do you want to re-publish them to show how well you can edit ?

Jul 30 06 06:36 pm Link



Posts: 519

Tavares, Florida, US

Well I wanted to know others opinions before continuing onto more... I got aproval from 1 of the photographers, and he wants me to send the complete to him... I just wanted to see if everybody else was about the same, or what...
As said in the first post, I am just doing it for practice and learning things... not reposting or using for my benifit....

Jul 30 06 06:48 pm Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

If *all* you are doing is downloading them, manipulating them, and then either discarding or archiving them without republishing them to anybody else, then you are not doing anything wrong. I wouldn't care if you did it to mine at all.

However, do NOT publish them, and that includes emailing them to people, printing them and letting other people see the prints, etc, etc. Nobody can see them but you. If you want to ask the photographer their opinion, ask first. If you want to ask a photographer (or anybody else) an opinion about your manipulation of somebody else's work, you DEFINITELY ask first.


Jul 30 06 09:14 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

My advice is to get a list of all the IP attorneys on the forums, edit their pictures and then dangle them in front of them.  Of course, Marc is right, if you don't show them to anybody, there are no issues.  It is only if you publish them that there is a problem.

But wouldn't it be fun, just once, to taunt a lawyer and see if they would go after a fellow MM'er.

OK, just kidding.  There is nothing wrong with editing an image for practice, just keep the results to yourself unless you get permission from the shooter.

Jul 30 06 09:22 pm Link