Forums > General Industry > Model communication. First impressions make/break.


James Andrew Imagery

Posts: 6713

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

There are no new threads on MM anymore.  This is yet another repeat of an old subject.  But I'd like to just offer it up again. There are new models here all the time.

I realize dealing with internet models is going to yield a varying degree of experience, dedication and thoughtfulness. Some models are very thoughtful and put a lot into their work.  Some are just here for fun with little thought put into it, so I expect that too.

So this message is really just for models starting out who want to be taken seriously.

When a photographer talks to you about concepts, ideas, and asks for your thoughts - please put some time and care into your response.  I had recently written to a model who contacted me asking if I would like to work with her.

My response was that I would, provided that we could come to an understanding with regard to styles, ideas, venues, etc.  I discussed the styles I like, and asked her for her thoughts on the styles she liked.  I guess my message to her was about five paragraphs long. I do tend to be long winded, I admit.

Anyway - the response was a single truncated sentence which was - 'ya ok so lets do sumthin'

None of my questions where answered. I got the impression that I was simply one of a stack of emails that she was answering in rapid succession.

I didn't write a smart assed reply, I just don't think thats right. But I responded asking her for some kind of a longer response that addressed some of my questions.  Dead silence.

I'm not the best shooter out there, and I don't think I will ever consider myself to be 'good enough' to stop trying to improve.  But setting up a shoot is a TON of work for me.  I'd like to think that I can count on the model to invest in creating a foundation of understanding and communication.


Jul 30 06 05:52 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

I understand that we sometimes want people to be as intrested and excited
or involved in what we share.  It just ain't so much of the time. Many models
really would have no ideal what you're talking about and wouldn't care.
Tell them what you want to shoot and outfits to provide or that you will
provide them.  See if she/he seems to want to provide input or even ideals.  In
many cases they won't so its up to you.  Keep it short and sweet.  If you get a
model who is as enthusiastic as you are about the shoot then ask for more of
her input but in many cases I feel models are waiting on you as producer and
director of the shoot.

Jul 30 06 06:50 pm Link


James Andrew Imagery

Posts: 6713

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Thanks Tony.  That makes sense to me.  I do need to work on shorter responses too, I guess.

Jul 30 06 07:17 pm Link



Posts: 524

Portland, Oregon, US

well the same is true on the reverse... I also tend to get a bit long winded in my replies.. I think i cried inside the first time a photographer contacted me wanting to shoot, and hten when I asked what he'd LIKE to shoot, responded "I'll see as it happens... good creativity"

no... NOO...NOOOOOO!!!! 

Good communication=Good Impression... doesn't seem that hard...

Jul 30 06 09:33 pm Link