Forums > General Industry > Cell Phone Camera Pictures.


Laura Elaine

Posts: 98

Columbus, Ohio, US

What is up with the models on here that have cell phone camera pictures.  I mean, I understand you have to start some where, but come on.  They pictures aren't even flattering!

Can 'models' with self taken pictures expect to be taken seriously?

Jul 29 06 03:15 pm Link


Maxim V

Posts: 224

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

I especially love the models that require to be paid based on a portfolio of cell phone taken images.

Jul 29 06 03:18 pm Link



Posts: 7318

Brooklyn, New York, US

my cell phone does not have one but it does have a flashlight smile

Edit: picture of my non camera cell phone with flashlight coming soon lol

edit: see built in flashlight

Jul 29 06 03:22 pm Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

Laura Elaine wrote:
What is up with the models on here that have cell phone camera pictures.  I mean, I understand you have to start some where, but come on.  They pictures aren't even flattering!

Can 'models' with self taken pictures expect to be taken seriously?

I had cell pics when I got started. I didn't know any photographers in order to get TFCD's and such (and I was much to poor to afford to pay someone), and it was a way to put my face out there while finding photographers willing to do test shoots.

I wouldn't try to get jobs through camera pics though, that's just riddiculous (sp?)

Jul 29 06 03:23 pm Link


Eric Jackson

Posts: 1290

Dayton, Ohio, US

The cell phone pic "wannabes" have no real interest in modeling in my opinion.  They post those pictures on a modeling site such as MM, so they can tell their friends; "Hey look at me, I'm on the internet!" I don't contact them for shoots; i'ts guaranteed drama.

Jul 29 06 03:24 pm Link


Laura Elaine

Posts: 98

Columbus, Ohio, US

Should 'models' with self taken cell phone pictures be aloud to have profiles on here? 

I had some self taken pictures when I first started, but I worked my ass off to get photographer to work with me so that I would have to have self taken pictures. 

I have seen a 'model' that has been on here for months and she dosn't have a single real photograph, taken by someone else yet.  Idk.  I guess I am just being dramatic.

Jul 29 06 03:26 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

i think i'm gonna show up to a shoot and just take fotos with my cell phone. haha

Jul 29 06 03:28 pm Link


Laura Elaine

Posts: 98

Columbus, Ohio, US

Zach Watkins wrote:
i think i'm gonna show up to a shoot and just take fotos with my cell phone. haha

That would be so funny!  I could sent you the links for a girl that is all about cell phone pictures, and you could set up a shoot with her!  muahahahaha!!!

Jul 29 06 03:38 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

One reason for cell phone photos is that a few of the magazines out there that deal with photography....have been running articles about how "immediate" the image is......and how "intimate" the quality.....

One even ran a whole article about some dude who went coast to coast snapping pics with his cell phone...then went on to a display them in a show.....and all these so-called photo critics oooohhhed and aaaaahed....this new "vision"....

So I guess all of us who still believe in learning the basics, using professional equipment and paying our dues are just "old hat".......

All it takes is one "immediate", "intimate" and "new vision" model to believe all this crap and a lot will follow her lead....

Jul 29 06 04:16 pm Link



Posts: 48

Brighton, England, United Kingdom

i think i started off with one or two camera phone pics and look at me now smile..but i did take some with my normal camera too so it wasnt all bad.


Jul 29 06 04:19 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

I got my first two modeling gigs [and they were paid] with these self-taken photos. … 99dfdb.jpg … fe8485.jpg

They were so crappy that my MM profile was denied.  So I'm wondering how models with cell phone photos of themselves drinking with their friends are approved..
Anyway..  I think it's okay for people to do that so long as they're serious about it.

Jul 29 06 04:28 pm Link



Posts: 47532

Olympia, Washington, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
I got my first two modeling gigs [and they were paid] with these self-taken photos. … 99dfdb.jpg … fe8485.jpg

They were so crappy that my MM profile was denied.  So I'm wondering how models with cell phone photos of themselves drinking with their friends are approved..
Anyway..  I think it's okay for people to do that so long as they're serious about it.

Wynd is cute...but ...did you clean up your apartment ?

Jul 29 06 04:31 pm Link


Wynd Mulysa

Posts: 8619

Berkeley, California, US

UnoMundo Photography wrote:

Wynd is cute...but ...did you clean up your apartment ?

That was like the day after I moved into that apartment.  So my stuff was everywhere.  smile.
I've moved out, since.  And unpacked as soon as I got the boxes into my new room.

Jul 29 06 04:33 pm Link



Posts: 597

Wichita, Kansas, US

Benny wrote:
my cell phone does not have one but it does have a flashlight smile

Edit: picture of my non camera cell phone with flashlight coming soon lol

edit: see built in flashlight

I think that just might be more useful then the camera (which I have STILL not figured out) on mine...My boyfriend's got a flashlight on his and I'm ALWAYS borrowing it...

Jul 29 06 04:38 pm Link


David Scott

Posts: 5617

Marion, Iowa, US

I applaud the models on here that ... when they sign up.. they do have professional pictures or professional-looking pictures ready to go at the start.  Heck, use your senior pictures from high school if you must.

Jul 29 06 04:40 pm Link


Laura Elaine

Posts: 98

Columbus, Ohio, US

Wynd Mulysa wrote:
I got my first two modeling gigs [and they were paid] with these self-taken photos. … 99dfdb.jpg … fe8485.jpg

They were so crappy that my MM profile was denied.  So I'm wondering how models with cell phone photos of themselves drinking with their friends are approved..
Anyway..  I think it's okay for people to do that so long as they're serious about it.

The first work I got was with self taken pictures, but it's like what you are saying about the cell phone photos of drinking parties.  I had only self taken pictures on here for the first few weeks, then I worked with some photographers and took down the ones I took ASAP because I didn't want to be looked at as a 'girl with pictures'  I wanted to learn and to be taken more seriously as a model.

You, by the way, have amazing pictures.  I looooveee your style.

Jul 29 06 04:43 pm Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

Laura Elaine wrote:

That would be so funny!  I could sent you the links for a girl that is all about cell phone pictures, and you could set up a shoot with her!  muahahahaha!!!

i'm down. i just ordered a motorola v3x its a good 2mp!

Jul 29 06 04:53 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Zach Watkins wrote:
i think i'm gonna show up to a shoot and just take fotos with my cell phone. haha

It's funny but it's not.   Just like when the nameless photomagazine gave a bunch of pros point and shoots and said have at it.   The pictures were simply stunning.  The same could be done with a camera phone they are this decade's point and shoot.

So much about photography isn't about the camera.   It's about compostion, decent lighting and esoteric stuff.  A good image is a good image no matter what the medium.

As a side note some of the most important photos/videos on the war on terror have been taken with a cell phone.

Jul 29 06 05:02 pm Link


Laura Elaine

Posts: 98

Columbus, Ohio, US

Cecil Sharps wrote:
So much about photography isn't about the camera.   It's about compostion, decent lighting and esoteric stuff.  A good image is a good image no matter what the medium.

I agree with you 100%.  My boyfriend took some really amazing pictures of me for a photography class he took and they were only aloud to use this little toy camera that cost only $20.  They turned out amazing. 

He has an eye for photography.  If I had taken the pictures, they wouldn't have turned all.  People that are skilled, and have an eye for taking photographs can use toy camera, cell phones, whatever...and take great photos.  Others, with out skill (such as myself), that take pictures with camera phones and edit the hell out of them in photoshop...those pictures usually don't look so great.

Jul 29 06 05:18 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

My gf has a d70 and a wonderfull eye.   When i ask her to send me a self portrait guess what get's whipped out and sent to me over hotmail.

Jul 29 06 05:26 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

Cecil Sharps wrote:

It's funny but it's not.   Just like when the nameless photomagazine gave a bunch of pros point and shoots and said have at it.   The pictures were simply stunning.  The same could be done with a camera phone they are this decade's point and shoot.

So much about photography isn't about the camera.   It's about compostion, decent lighting and esoteric stuff.  A good image is a good image no matter what the medium.

As a side note some of the most important photos/videos on the war on terror have been taken with a cell phone.

Yes...and I've seen and read all of them......and true...some of the photos were excellent......and I've also been through the "Diana" school of shooting.....a $5 plastic camera/lens......

So if you want to call yourself an artist....feel's artistic....if you want to hang it on your problem.......I've seen worse......but please don't show up with some low res cell phone photos and call yourself a professional would be like showing up with a first aid kit and calling yourself a doctor......

As for those most important photos/videos depicting the war on terror.....I'm sure if they had their choice better equipment would have been used.......but you can't always be there with professionals........I worked as a photojournalist and if the need arose I bought a throw away 35mm.......but it certainly wasn't my first choice...

Jul 30 06 12:24 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Geez, guys, c'mon already!  Get off your high horse.

Decades ago, when I went to college, the photography courses were organized as follows:  beginners used 35mm SLRs & learned the basics of exposure, development, and printing; intermediate photographers used view cameras & learned advanced techniques like the Zone System; and advanced photograpehrs were given a $5 Diana plastic camera the didn't focus, had light leaks, and had maybe 2-3 exposure settings.  The concept is that you can get so tied up with technical details that you forget that a photograph's aesthetics are more important.

One of my favorite photographers of all time, Diane Arbus, wasn't all that skilled with her techniques.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that if she were alive today, she'd be quite happy with a P&S digital camera.

Alternatively, let's all criticize Van Gogh for his choice of inferior paint when he painted "A Starry Night".

Get over yourselves, and let the poor model start somewhere.  And yes, my camera is bigger than yours.

Jul 30 06 11:37 am Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

Looknsee Photography wrote:
Geez, guys, c'mon already!  Get off your high horse.

Decades ago, when I went to college, the photography courses were organized as follows:  beginners used 35mm SLRs & learned the basics of exposure, development, and printing; intermediate photographers used view cameras & learned advanced techniques like the Zone System; and advanced photograpehrs were given a $5 Diana plastic camera the didn't focus, had light leaks, and had maybe 2-3 exposure settings.  The concept is that you can get so tied up with technical details that you forget that a photograph's aesthetics are more important.

One of my favorite photographers of all time, Diane Arbus, wasn't all that skilled with her techniques.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that if she were alive today, she'd be quite happy with a P&S digital camera.

Alternatively, let's all criticize Van Gogh for his choice of inferior paint when he painted "A Starry Night".

Get over yourselves, and let the poor model start somewhere.  And yes, my camera is bigger than yours.

I was in art school less than a decade ago, and that's exactly how I learned...

Jul 30 06 11:42 am Link



Posts: 347

North Miami, Florida, US

I know a photographer who had pictures he had taken with his cell phone, and they were great actually...If he wasnt a friend of mine first, i still would have shot with him...just cause they were really good..

Jul 30 06 11:43 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think cell phone camera pictures are the coolest thing in the world. Too bad I don't have any.
However, I have seen some collages and stuff done with cell phone photos that are actually quite interesting.

Jul 30 06 11:43 am Link


RED Photographic

Posts: 1458

I'm about to do a test with a model who has so far only sent me camera phone pics.  Poor quality, badly lit, and all that, but at least I've got a good idea of what he looks like.  That wouldn't have been possible ten years ago, and I would've had to have taken his word that his description of himself was accurate.

They're better than nothing.

Jul 30 06 12:03 pm Link


Ximena Barreto

Posts: 670

Monterey, California, US

Laura Elaine wrote:
What is up with the models on here that have cell phone camera pictures.  I mean, I understand you have to start some where, but come on.  They pictures aren't even flattering!

Can 'models' with self taken pictures expect to be taken seriously?

How about the "MALE MODELS" who took pics of themselves with point&shoots and are just on here to meet female models!?!?!

Just as bad!!!

Jul 30 06 12:18 pm Link

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

You learn something new every day.  No wonder we as professionals are finding it harder and harder to get paid for our talents.  Why not just use Color Forms?  Or cut out paper dolls?  R-

Jul 30 06 01:41 pm Link


Laura Elaine

Posts: 98

Columbus, Ohio, US

RED Photographic wrote:
I'm about to do a test with a model who has so far only sent me camera phone pics.  Poor quality, badly lit, and all that, but at least I've got a good idea of what he looks like.  That wouldn't have been possible ten years ago, and I would've had to have taken his word that his description of himself was accurate.

They're better than nothing.

I agree that it's better than nothing, but look at it this way.  The model that you are going to be doing a test with is actually trying to model.  The people I am talking about are the ones that have been on here for months and months and still don't have one image from a photographer other than themselves.

Jul 30 06 03:34 pm Link


Phoenix E

Posts: 596

i had done quite a few shoots before i even owned a camera phone....but, it's interesting, all the time i spent playing around with self portraits and that phone actually taught me a fair amount about posing and angles....i agree 100% that there is a problem with those "models" who have nothing but phone images in their portfolios after months, but i see nothing wrong with them as a starting point....i actually like seeing those in portfolios every once in a while--it's interesting to see how a model sees him/herself...i have one in mine...

Jul 30 06 08:39 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I was going to offer this as the best camera phone photo ever taken, but I'm not positive the camera was attached to a phone.  It's likely, though.

Jul 30 06 08:47 pm Link



Posts: 1008

Rochester, New York, US

i saw a cell phone camera that went down to 50 iso. holy crap that a lower iso than my nikon d70s..

Jul 30 06 08:48 pm Link


miss z

Posts: 977

San Francisco, California, US

Naw, those pictures shouldn't even be on a port. *look who's talking haha!*

Although, it would be nice to have one unprofessional shot at least.  Maybe a polaroid or something similar.  I enjoy "blank canvas" so to speak.. and quite the curious kitten when it comes to finding the real, raw, natural beauty behind it all.

I have one pic via cellphone cam on my port.  It has the most comments for its artistic potential though!! wink

(Of course they are ALL going when I begin shooting..)

Jul 30 06 08:52 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
I was going to offer this as the best camera phone photo ever taken, but I'm not positive the camera was attached to a phone.  It's likely, though.

I think your photos that are lit by cellphone might count in some peoples book....and they are f-ing brilliant.

Jul 30 06 08:53 pm Link


Jay Bowman

Posts: 6511

Los Angeles, California, US

Laura Elaine wrote:
What is up with the models on here that have cell phone camera pictures.  I mean, I understand you have to start some where, but come on.  They pictures aren't even flattering!

Can 'models' with self taken pictures expect to be taken seriously?

I completely agree.  I mean, everyone knows that you should start off with an incredible portfolio.  In fact some people are even born with them.  You shouldn't start off with photos that simply show what you look like so that people can make judgements on whether or not to work with you... rather you shouldn't have any photos at all and simply beg photographers to shoot you and convince them through words and despiration alone that you deserve to be in pictures.

I mean, it's just as ridiculous as agency who require polaroids!

C'mon.  Let's be serious.  Some of the girls have always "dreamed of being a model" so the get 4 pics together and open up a profile here.  I'd be willing to get that they get shoot offers within hours!  Just look at the tags on their pages.  Honestly, we all have to begin somewhere and so many of these phones have cameras that it's replaced the average persons polaroid camera.  Get used to seeing this.

Personally, I don't care how the photo is captured, all I'm interested in is the model's look.  If it fits my need then it just does.  Period.

Jul 30 06 09:03 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:

Yes...and I've seen and read all of them......and true...some of the photos were excellent......and I've also been through the "Diana" school of shooting.....a $5 plastic camera/lens......

So if you want to call yourself an artist....feel's artistic....if you want to hang it on your problem.......I've seen worse......but please don't show up with some low res cell phone photos and call yourself a professional would be like showing up with a first aid kit and calling yourself a doctor......

As for those most important photos/videos depicting the war on terror.....I'm sure if they had their choice better equipment would have been used.......but you can't always be there with professionals........I worked as a photojournalist and if the need arose I bought a throw away 35mm.......but it certainly wasn't my first choice...

I'm not arguing that someone should show up with a motorolla flip phone and do a photoshoot with it.  I am arguing that you can get amazing shots with most anything.
Craft, compostiton, exposure are what is important..  A competent photographer will get a good shot no matter what equipment he uses.  5x7, 35mm or even digital.
The equipment is an aid, it is not the determing factor.

I am in iraq.  The reason the photos, videos were captured is quite simple.  The size of the phone.  It isn't the journalist that gets these images,  it isn't the soldiers.  It's our interpreters and friendly locals.  You can not walk down the streets over here with a camera or a camcorder.  You will be stopped, local, army, or journalist. You can not get to a scene of an incident if you are a journalist.  By the time the journalist finds out the event is over and he/she is standing around a big hole in the ground.

It is everyday people with a flip phone that have walked around snapping shots of criminals and terrorist in the act.   It is the fact that so few people realize what can be done with these little gadgets that the pics and videos have been recorded.

I don't work in an s2 shop but i've seen more than my share of these grainy little videos and images to know the inherent  value.  And i would rather have these gizmos in the hands of 10 locals than have 500 journalist.

Jul 30 06 09:07 pm Link



Posts: 1187

Nelsonville, New York, US

Nothing wrong with cell phone pictures!!!
As a photographer I want to know how the model looks like
not how well the picture is 'produced'

Too many times we photographers rely on model portfolios
"too" well produced ... and when we see the model in the real
world she looks nothing like her portfolio.

Cell pictures of nude models are specially usefull for us, art/nude
photographers, to evaluate model's potential. I've hired models
based on cell pics many times before and was never disapointed.

Jul 30 06 10:38 pm Link



Posts: 24

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I do right now just because I have a new hairstyle. I haven't had a shoot for months, and I just don't want to set something up and then show up with pink hair!

Jul 30 06 10:54 pm Link


miss z

Posts: 977

San Francisco, California, US

David Scott wrote:
I applaud the models on here that ... when they sign up.. they do have professional pictures or professional-looking pictures ready to go at the start.  Heck, use your senior pictures from high school if you must.

I don't even HAVE senior pictures! (We couldn't afford it back then) sad

Jul 31 06 01:27 am Link



Posts: 27413

Jamaica, New York, US

I applied with some pretty bad shots, but at least they weren't from a phone.

Jul 31 06 01:33 am Link