Forums > General Industry > Models Will Replace Celebrities Major Ads Again!!!



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Read Article in link: … enDocument

I found the link on and thought I'd share it here. Intrersting read.

Maybe this will triger a boost in jobs in the next coming seasons.

- Crazy-Evil

Italian fashion house Versace SpA is practically synonymous with celebrity ads: In 1995, Prince appeared with the word "Slave" scrawled across his face. Last year, Demi Moore lounged in a cleavage-baring halter dress; Madonna perched on a glass desk in a tight taupe shirtdress.

For fall, in a move likely to be widely watched in the fashion hothouse, Versace is planning another provocative advertising move: using professional models.

But not just any models.... Read full article for more

"Ten years ago, having a celebrity in your ad would class it up," says Robert Thompson, founding director at Syracuse University's Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture. "Now, there's something cheesy about it. ... There are so many celebrities on so many magazines all the time."

The return of the supermodel also follows some celebrity-ad bellyflops. This summer's multimillion-dollar campaign for St. John Knits Inc. starring Angelina Jolie hasn't plumped up the brand's sales and may even have alienated core customers, marketing experts say. Officials at the company weren't available for comment. Gap Inc.'s three-season contract with Sarah Jessica Parker, which started in 2004, seemed like a smart move at first, but by the time the campaign's third season rolled around, the series "Sex and the City" had ended, and consumers grew tired of the ads. A Gap spokeswoman declined to comment.

And models are also more timeless. "People are getting afraid that actors are only as hot as their last movie or TV show," says Faith Kates, founder of Next Model Management, New York, who expects her firm to see a 15 percent to 20 percent increase in revenue this year as a result of supermodels' return. Besides, shes adds, "models don't show up with an entourage."

Jul 28 06 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I like the part that says.....models can make as little as $5,000-$10,000 a day.....MMMmmm....I just hate those cheap ass shoots....don't you?....

Seriously it's about time......I never really went for celebrities pretending to be models.......there is a difference between both.......and I think models have the edge......a good model can go on to become a actress/actor.......but doesn't work out the other way around.....

OK...all you MM models....get in line for those entry level $5,000 a day shoots.....

Jul 28 06 02:04 pm Link


La Seine by the Hudson

Posts: 8587

New York, New York, US

I'm not so optimistic, but it won't be a moment too soon....

Jul 28 06 03:40 pm Link



Posts: 3642

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Yeah, that whole $5,000-$10,000 a day thing was sort of pushing it (ALOT) lol. Actually reminds me of the "I don't get out of bed for less than $1o G's" remark back a decade ago. Whcik provoked the change to using celebrities.

But, yeah, Marko...I'm thinking it'll be several seasons before we see any noticable changes.

And, to be honest, seeing Giselle in any ad campaigns is still feeling like I'm looking at a celebrity. Same would go if they named Tyra or Heidi (for ex.)...ya kno? I don't relate supermodel anymore. I don't quite get the same feeling about Kate, but still...she's a celebrity also. So, nah. I don't think we'll see this change in the vey near future.

Jul 28 06 04:19 pm Link


Just AJ

Posts: 3478

Round Rock, Texas, US


Jul 28 06 04:23 pm Link



Posts: 24

Inglewood, California, US

about time!

Jul 28 06 04:32 pm Link


C H Photographics

Posts: 56

New York, New York, US

Funny this topic came up today but my wife Alex M (#11994) and I spent all afternoon on a photoshoot for New York Magazine except we were models/look-a-likes cast as celebrities. (I do quite a bit of work in front of the camera from time to time and you can see me in a shot on her portfolio).  While it was a well paying gig, it's useless as a tear sheet as her head will be cut off and replaced with Gwyneth Paltrow's and mine by Tim Robbins's.

It was going to be the cover story for the edition in two weeks time but because it involved a cast of 17 the shot is so wide it's now going to be a double page spread inside.

Now while we didn't get out of bed for 10g's the shot will have cost that and more (like 3 to 4 times as much).

Jul 28 06 10:05 pm Link