Forums > General Industry > Models That Are Unprofessional


Madame Cosmos

Posts: 173

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
How about models who drink so much before the shoot that they end up throwing up in the bathroom and end up passed out on the bed in lingerie, eh?  8X

WTF?? hahaha. tha has to be one of the funniest things Ive heard all day.

May 01 05 06:25 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45344

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Posted by Cestra Winslow: 

Posted by * Visual Mindscapes *: 
How about models who drink so much before the shoot that they end up throwing up in the bathroom and end up passed out on the bed in lingerie, eh?  8X

WTF?? hahaha. tha has to be one of the funniest things Ive heard all day.

Oh My God!  Where do you find these models?  Second thought ... don't tell me! But do you have a bar in your studio? Or one next door prehaps?

May 01 05 06:31 pm Link



Posts: 15

Portland, Oregon, US

when a newbie model emails me for a tfp shoot, I send the following email:

"Thank you for your interest in a TFCD shoot.

What type of modeling do you want to do?

What type of look do you want?

Please send me at least 3 links of pictures you like, that are styles you’d like to emulate.

How do you plan on going about marketing yourself, to find work?

Why do you feel you are right for the style of modeling you’d like to get into?

(don’t worry, I ask all new models the above questions, it helps you know what you want out of this industry, and allows you to become more familiar with what you will be getting.)  By the way, this is a form letter I send to all TFCD requestors, it helps me determine how serious you are about stepping into the industry.

I require foundation on all female models (no exceptions)  If you cannot comfortably do your own makeup at near pro level, meaning foundation and full makeup with the natural look, so it doesn’t appear you are wearing any, I will require you to hire a makeup artist.  This will cost you approximately $100 to $200.00 for the MUA.  (occasionally I can find one for a little less, if I have back to back photo shoots that they will be working at.

To prepare for the shoot, you will need to bring at least 10 pages of looks from magazines, which may include poses or overall look you want to try.  You will also need to bring 3 to 5 new, or new looking outfits, which should include at least 2 different pairs of shoes/boots, jeans, slacks, skirt or dress and a variety of blouses/tops."

about 95% do not reply to my reply LOL, and the 5% that do, are serious about pursuing a career in modeling, that 5% are always on time, great communication, and well prepared.  I have yet to have a no show, since I started using the letter LOL

May 01 05 10:47 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted By NinaS:
about 95% do not reply to my reply LOL, and the 5% that do, are serious about pursuing a career in modeling, that 5% are always on time, great communication, and well prepared. I have yet to have a no show, since I started using the letter

That is freakin' brilliant. This is why I love this site - smart ideas that keep me excited about moving forward with photography. I'm definitely gonna steal, er, um, "be inspired by" some of what you put in that letter. Great approach.

All you request should NOT the least bit insulting or off-putting to serious models. Honestly, most serious models I have shot with already DO exactly those things without needing to be told. It is the ones who do this on a whim who get scared away by having to do that kind of preparation.

May 02 05 08:03 pm Link