Forums > General Industry > Stirring the pot I'm sure...


Studio M Photography

Posts: 86

SOUTHWEST, Pennsylvania, US

I had correspondence with a young lady after seeing her profile on another site and contacted her for a TFCD session...explained to her i was working on some new looks/genre for my portfolio. In her profile she states that she has no experience and wants a to build a "book" so she can get some payong jobs eventually. she was cool with TFCD Cool...we talk about times I'm available, shes available...blah,blah,blah.  what I don't get is that we go so far in our conversations that she's looking at my port and telling me she wants shots like this one or that one and oooh I like that one a lot...yadda yadda yadda. We don't speak for a couple of weeks..i e mail her and give her some days I have open...she responds she now charges x ammount for this, X amount for that so on so forth....I confused...with this change of events. 

   Would you be annoyed in this situation?

Jul 26 06 08:00 am Link



Posts: 1559

Eškašem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan

Not annoyed but I also wouldn't waste my time with her.

If she's experienced and stunning, pay me. If not, don't.

Jul 26 06 08:03 am Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Does she now have a sluggo? Me thinks she does.

Jul 26 06 09:57 am Link


Studio M Photography

Posts: 86

SOUTHWEST, Pennsylvania, US

she soon will, I'm betting.  she sent me another e mail after me telling her I don't pay for inexperienced models...and goes on to say that she's not in it for the money....what??  Good bo baggins....

Jul 26 06 11:06 am Link


Amy J Jones Photography

Posts: 524

Fallston, Maryland, US

This to me is the big problem with TFP/TFCD shoots.  They attach no value to your work or your time because you haven't put any value on it. I truly believe that is why so many photographers complain about "models" not showing up.  You are giving them something they should be paying for. Working models make nice money.  If a model has no agency, no model composite card, no experience than they aren't really a model yet.  They should be paying you to create images for their cards/books that will get them work.  If you agree to do a shot that is strictly for you and your book they should be thankful for the experience and the photo.  I don't ever do a test shot for my book unless it is a model I've worked with before.  I've had too many bad experiences with unreliable people.  Sorry she didn't realize what a good deal you were trying to give her!

Jul 26 06 11:33 am Link