Forums > General Industry > How to Find Work...


Karina Kerr

Posts: 42

Dunwoody, Georgia, US

I've been on MM for a while now and I found it VERY helpful in building my portfolio and for networking purposes....

Now that I have some professional photos taken - I'd like to find some jobs (whether it's TFP or paid). I don't know how to go about finding these jobs i.e. promotional, commerical, print/advertisement, runway, anything really....

Is there information on casting calls anywhere??

Any help would be appreciated!!

Besos ♥!

Jul 25 06 11:55 am Link


Karina Kerr

Posts: 42

Dunwoody, Georgia, US


Jul 25 06 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 2081

Jessheim, Akershus, Norway

Sweety, go  to where it sais "forums" and go down  the page and there is a "link" called CASTING CALLS, here you can find is anyones hiering in your area. smile

Good luck

Jul 25 06 12:31 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

First of all, move out of Alabama. lol wink

Search for photographers in your area. Contact them and ask if they would like to hire you or use you for any of their projects. Once I started doing this, my images got better and better until more and more people were willing to ask me to work for them. Now I rarely need to put in time looking for people who will want to work with me. They contact me, or I search out some very special ones.

Look up your local agencies and see if you can attend a private or open call.

Jul 25 06 12:38 pm Link


Karina Kerr

Posts: 42

Dunwoody, Georgia, US

thanks ladies smilesmile

Jul 25 06 12:42 pm Link


Brian Morris Photography

Posts: 20901

Los Angeles, California, US

When in northern California look me up! Keeping a fresh and updated portfolio is good for the soul!

Jul 25 06 12:47 pm Link


Karina Kerr

Posts: 42

Dunwoody, Georgia, US

never been to the westcoast but i'm making it a priority trip now smile

Jul 25 06 12:49 pm Link



Posts: 70

London, England, United Kingdom

talking of work is there a place on here where us Photographers can get paid commercialcommissioned work???

Jul 25 06 12:50 pm Link


Jairo Cruz Rua

Posts: 579

Fairbanks, Alaska, US

Try and go to your state and local area. then go to the posts "Events", "Creative", "Talent". There are usually companies that are doing commercial and stock photography, and they posts their needs for models and photographers.
when things slow down for me I usually go there and take a few freelance jobs to fill in.
Good Luck!
Oh, also

Jul 25 06 12:59 pm Link


Bjorn Lumiere

Posts: 816

Asheville, North Carolina, US

Have you tried researching agencies in Mobile? you live near a major fashion hub  (think Atlanta) & Mobile isn't a little backwards city, it's a very progressive  cosmopolitian city!

Do some research, start with google, net work,  talk to other models who are actually working in the business in & around your area. It's not gonna come a knocking on your door sweet heart!

Jul 25 06 01:03 pm Link


Amy J Jones Photography

Posts: 524

Fallston, Maryland, US

Find some legitimate agencies in your area.  It is almost impossible to get good quality jobs through the internet.  Commercial clients don't want to hire models that are not with agencies.  That's been my experience anyway.  They want to know the agency feels you are qualified to work on the shoot.  There is a reason that agency models make $125.00 per hour, it's because the agencies fight for this type of fee.  Good Luck with everything!

Jul 25 06 08:44 pm Link


Veteres Vitri

Posts: 1994

MAYLENE, Alabama, US

Karina Kerr wrote:

What are your rates?  I'll be in the heart of dixie in september after i redeploy and would love to photograph you.

Jul 25 06 08:59 pm Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

You have a very nice port!  Are you going to try to get in an agency?

Jul 26 06 02:57 am Link


Cobra Photography

Posts: 420

Gillette, Wyoming, US

Do you have comp cards?  Send them out.  Ad Agencies, local photographers etc.  Get your name known.  Conquer your city then move into the pit of competition.

Internet is one avenue and a minor one at that for local work.  You have to get your brain into thinking advertising your self locally.

Jul 26 06 08:01 am Link


Josie Nutter

Posts: 5865

Seattle, Washington, US

Yeah, try the Casting Calls forum.

Jul 26 06 03:22 pm Link



Posts: 195

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Sent u a PM

Jul 26 06 03:42 pm Link