Forums > General Industry > women's fantasies


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Ok, women's photo fantasies... Here's my question--I do (mostly) nudes and have had a number of discussions with both men and women --on this site and out there in the real world-- about how women who model for nudes want to be photographed. What's your photo fantasy? Personally, I like to shoot women with a sculptural, worshipful reverence. To me, women are works of art and should be photographed that way. I've talked to a number of people who just can't believe (on this site and out there) that a photo of a naked woman (usually young and usually pouting) alone or with another woman (usually touching, maybe kissing) could be considered art. Y'know, those photos that look as if the photographer can't possible believe he was lucky enough to get someone to take off their clothes for him? Sooo, that's the long way around asking women who will do nudes-how would YOU/do you really like to be portrayed?

Jul 24 06 08:03 pm Link


Modell T

Posts: 767

San Diego, California, US

I wouldn't say it was a "fantasy" but I wish to be portrayed as a strong, healthy, vibrant, sensual woman who thinks highly enough of herself not to look "cheesy" in nude pictures.

So far, I think that's pretty much my standard for doing nudes...

My body is what it is as every woman's body is different, all are beautiful in the eye of the right beholder. 

Besides, at my age...I'm just shocked anyone would want to look at it, let alone, photograph it...LOL....


Jul 24 06 08:11 pm Link


Sabina N

Posts: 318

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I only have a rare interest in naked photos at the moment (sorry; inexplicable aversion to the word "nude"): images that show something specific about me and my personality. This is not to say I wouldn't do what that has been done before, but clean "good-looking" shots, that scorn human features such as rolls, cellulite, hair and so on, are everywhere - and while I may or may not do them well, there is nothing there for me, that couldn't have been done by someone else.

I'd want something gritty and real, with hair on my legs and around the nipples (anyone else get that, hm? Perhaps the occasional body acne on anyone?).

Another concept I had in mind involves a clean, statuesque look, save blood running down one leg, to imply menstruation.

Using the texture of scars and stretch marks also seems to provide good material smile

Personally, I wouldn't want reverence for being female, but more for the reality of being a living creature... clean, surreal shots are great for fashion, glamour, and much else, but if I'm going to show all that's there physically, I'd really want to show all there is to it.

That is, of course, a part of my own artistic wishlist. For others, it all depends what you're trying to accomplish with the images, if you're marketing them to anyone in particular. For fashion/editorial, I'd probably go with a cleaner, although still fierce look.


Jul 24 06 08:18 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

T wrote:
Besides, at my age...I'm just shocked anyone would want to look at it, let alone, photograph it...LOL....


Are you sure you know when you were born???

I'd love to photograph you! Jeez...some people have such lack of self image!

PS... You should come out to the philly meet and greet, you'll see there are plenty of photographers who'd love to work with a model like you.

Jul 24 06 08:28 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Hey T! Perfect. Come out to LA and we'll do it! Renee

Jul 24 06 09:03 pm Link



Posts: 5850

Mesa, Arizona, US

T wrote:
I wouldn't say it was a "fantasy" but I wish to be portrayed as a strong, healthy, vibrant, sensual woman who thinks highly enough of herself not to look "cheesy" in nude pictures.

So far, I think that's pretty much my standard for doing nudes...

My body is what it is as every woman's body is different, all are beautiful in the eye of the right beholder. 

Besides, at my age...I'm just shocked anyone would want to look at it, let alone, photograph it...LOL....


But you are a "strong, healthy, vibrant, sensual woman who thinks highly enough of herself not to look "cheesy" in nude pictures." and your images show that.

I too would love to have a model such as you to shoot..


Jul 24 06 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Obviously I enjoy seeing an image of myself where I think I look "sexy" or something of the sort. However, my favorite way to see myself nude in my portfolio is the nudes in landscapes that I do. I only have a couple up at the moment, but I work with Dave as often as possible, and he always gets some gorgeous stuff - he's amazing.

Jul 24 06 09:21 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

E-string..Now didn't you say you were going to come out here and shoot with me? Wasn't there something about wanting to shoot with a female photographer? ;-)

Jul 24 06 09:26 pm Link



Posts: 24002

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Renee Photography wrote:
E-string..Now didn't you say you were going to come out here and shoot with me? Wasn't there something about wanting to shoot with a female photographer? ;-)

Definitely. If I could afford the travel, I'd already be there. wink

Jul 24 06 09:32 pm Link



Posts: 3870

Pasadena, California, US

I don't really have an unfulfilled fantasy, because I'm continually delighted and amazed that I have become a successful art model at all.  My fantasy when I was starting was to bring an entirely new perspective to the visual arts; to show that beautiful photographs can be taken of a fat woman, and that all kinds of body types can be used to create art.  My photos range from glossy and pretty to gritty and painful and unpretty, but they were all taken by artists who treated me with dignity and respect, and those elements are present in all of my photographs.  In a culture where the size and shape of one's body is often more highly valued than one's mind or heart or character, my fantasy is being realized every day that I continue to book new work, and that the images I am part of find their way into the world to touch people.

My next fantasy?  Legions of fat art models, of course!  wink

Jul 24 06 09:58 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Shyly-You go girl. And btw, thanks for the sweet comment on my work. With MM being down so much, I hadn't seen it initially

Jul 24 06 10:31 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Renee Photography wrote:
To me, women are works of art and should be photographed that way. I've talked to a number of people who just can't believe (on this site and out there) that a photo of a naked woman (usually young and usually pouting) alone or with another woman (usually touching, maybe kissing) could be considered art.

Oh boy. First off, I don't want to be photographed by someone who wants me to be a work of art....I don't want to be put on a pedastal. I am a human being with strong emotions, and I guess my 'fantasy' as a nude model has already been fulfilled because there is a lot of erotica I have done that I feel captures my essense and sexuality as a human. To me, that is art. I have photos up on mm that have been banned on other sites due to the EXPRESSIONS on my or the other models face.

As for being young and pouty...I am 34, and it is more of a turn on for me to work with certain women then it is for the photographers. While they are sitting there working on focus, depth of field and other technical things, I am laying with another beautiful woman and touching her body. Look at my port. Those poses are NOT for the camera. At least not all of them. In celebration of my fantasies, I am going to put up some more smut in my port.

Jul 24 06 10:43 pm Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Sabina N wrote:
I'd want something gritty and real, with hair on my legs and around the nipples (anyone else get that, hm? Perhaps the occasional body acne on anyone?).

Another concept I had in mind involves a clean, statuesque look, save blood running down one leg, to imply menstruation.

Using the texture of scars and stretch marks also seems to provide good material smile

Personally, I wouldn't want reverence for being female, but more for the reality of being a living creature... clean, surreal shots are great for fashion, glamour, and much else, but if I'm going to show all that's there physically, I'd really want to show all there is to it.

That is, of course, a part of my own artistic wishlist. For others, it all depends what you're trying to accomplish with the images, if you're marketing them to anyone in particular. For fashion/editorial, I'd probably go with a cleaner, although still fierce look.


Check out Melvin Motens work. Your attitude is identical to his. I don't have the number on me...but just browse for him. you are a Melvin fantasy. In fact, it is his smut I am probably uploading tonight.

Jul 24 06 10:45 pm Link


d artiste provocateur

Posts: 457

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Smut can be art....  LOL.

Jul 24 06 10:46 pm Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Lapis-I see your point for the work you want to do. A question-do you feel that any of the photographs in your portfolio could be considered photographic art (as opposed to merely pleasing to you in the way you want to see yourself) If so, which one(s)? Why? Genuinely curious

Jul 24 06 11:04 pm Link



Posts: 98

Union City, California, US

Hmm.... I'm not sure what is meant by fantasy in this conversation.
Don't take me wrong, this is not my fantasy,
but a fantasy might/would be for nudes models to be photographed nude with another model nude, perhaps both female, which is actually quite common to see in profiles on this website.

Jul 24 06 11:21 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Reclining on a red velvet chaise lounge, hair fanned out.

Me as an Eve figure in the Garden of Eden with a certain celebrity studmuffin who shall remain nameless as my Adam, sharing a rather succulent-looking apple.

Something involving Victorian underpinnings and a four-poster.

All exquisitely and tastefully done, natch.

There's others but I'm tired and I can't think of them right now.

Jul 25 06 12:06 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Renee Photography wrote:
Lapis-I see your point for the work you want to do. A question-do you feel that any of the photographs in your portfolio could be considered photographic art (as opposed to merely pleasing to you in the way you want to see yourself) If so, which one(s)? Why? Genuinely curious

I feel that ALL of my photos posted are photographic art. I would gladly hang them on my wall. Some of them are in galleries or have been published, and many are on their way to doing so. So, I am assuming that others also consider them photographic art as well. They are definitely more interesting than 'whack off' photos, though I am sure that they have been used that way. Even though they are sexually suggestive, the expression in them is art, and I consider myself first and foremost an art model. I went to art school, got a BFA in photography and actually got into this field both from figure modeling for art students myself and being 'discovered' at a gallery show where I was displaying my jewelry. So yes, while I do not consider MYSELF a work of art, I consider the images that come from my shoots to be art in the truest sense. I work with all kinds of artists and the work I have displayed in this portfolio I have done in exchange with the artists for gallery prints. I just consider thinking of ME as a work of art to be objectifying, as my participation in modeling is much more active than just 'looking pretty for guys'. I don't really give a shit about looking pretty either (as some of my photos show). I just feel that I want to be photographed as a HUMAN and not a work of art. I feel that being considered a work of art is objectifying. Considering my WORK to be art, however, is not.

Jul 25 06 12:15 am Link



Posts: 6129

T wrote:
Besides, at my age...I'm just shocked anyone would want to look at it, let alone, photograph it...LOL....

gorgeous woman.... dont be so surprised

Shyly wrote:
My next fantasy?  Legions of fat art models, of course!  wink

legions indeed... rolls and rolls of feminine fab!
shyly... if they understand humanity as you do, i'm there.

for my 2-cents... hey you can shoot me nude and i'll tell you all my fantasies... the responses here are tame. its an interesting question... and one that says alot about how we interpret 'art nudes'.

a few male models -- yeah you who bitch how few of you there are -- replying to this thread would be especially interesting to me.

cheers... the old perv

Jul 25 06 12:16 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

Also, Renee, I would like to add that I do consider your portfolio to be full of beautiful photos too, and I do a lot of bodyscapes and non erotic work as well. As soon as I upload my omp port again, you can see more of my range. In a way I am reacting to another thread made a few weeks ago by a male photographer where he compared models to 'bowls of fruit'.

I consider your work to be art, and despite my reactionary comment (based partially on past threads and semantic issues) your work is great and we would probably produce some great images together if we ever did have the chance to work together. I also think the work of all the other models on this thread to be of high calibre. I am actually agreeing with you: I don't think objectifying women (either clothed or nude...I actually consider a lot of the glamour photography here much more offensive and objectifying than most of the nudes) or nudes meant to play up artificial sexuality for a male viewer are where i am at either.

Jul 25 06 12:24 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

oldguysrule wrote:
for my 2-cents... hey you can shoot me nude and i'll tell you all my fantasies... the responses here are tame. its an interesting question... and one that says alot about how we interpret 'art nudes'.

cheers... the old perv

Why didn't you tell me that when I was in NYC? I had my new 30D and everything! One thing I regret about our shoot is that we did not have enough time to gab.

Jul 25 06 12:26 am Link


Krystal Dawn

Posts: 30

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Personally I think Playboy is the only kind of nude I could do and want everyone to be able to see it...I think everyone likes to see a picture of two women about to kiss, I do.
Not dirty or porn-esqe, just sensual-sexy.

Jul 25 06 12:27 am Link



Posts: 8424

Chicago, Illinois, US

e-string, I think this is your most sensual photo, and it isn't even a nude. And, something tells me you weren't faking the emotion in this one either. And yes, I consider it photographic art, and yes, I would hang it on my wall.

I guess what I am saying is that sexuality does not have to be objectifying and that it can be photographic art, whether nude or not.

Jul 25 06 12:29 am Link


Renee Jacobs

Posts: 2923

Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, France

Lapis-Great, great comments and insights. I'm glad you took my inquiry in the truly honest and curious way it was meant. It's why I started the thread-I really want to know how women think about this since the overwhelming majority of work on here is men photographing women. Ooops, lights just got turned out on me, but I want to continue this discussion with you (all).

Jul 25 06 12:35 am Link



Posts: 6129

Lapis wrote:

Why didn't you tell me that when I was in NYC? I had my new 30D and everything! One thing I regret about our shoot is that we did not have enough time to gab.

next time you shoot me and we'll gab a few hours first
got a peek at the film tonight... will look at the digitals tomorrow... some good stuff

ok back to the original topic... no i didn't hijack this thread

Jul 25 06 12:37 am Link