Forums > General Industry > Thought you'd enjoy this.


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

This isn't another no show rant, and I'm not looking for advice or sympathy. We've all dealt with it, and sadly, I have come to expect no shows more than I expect models to show up.

I am posting this because it ended up making me laugh rather than get upset. I thought I would share it with to make you laugh also. I came across a model on MM, and this is her profile:

"love to be photographed! 5'7" 125# 49y/o. Very experienced model. do casual,glamour,swimsuit,langerie,artistic and erotic for both tfp and /or hourly rate."

I contacted her partially because she had a nice look for a concept I had, partially because I thought at her age she would have the maturity to follow thru. Below is the email exchanges. I have edited out some info not relevant to my posting this, but it is still a bit long, so patinece please. Identifying info has been removed.

Greg Kolack
07/14/06 10:48 AM
(Message read)    
I have had an idea for a shoot for quite awhile that I think you have a great look for, and I am contacting you to see if you are interested in working with me on a TFP basis.

My studio is a converted apartment. Though it is fully functional as a studio, I can also clear it out and use it as an empty apartment. I have wanted to use this look for quite some time. The most interesting part of the space is what was once the kitchen. All the appliances are now gone, as are the walls, and the pipes and electrical work are bow exposed and hanging. The bathroom is also interesting, as the tub was once used to clean some paint brushes, and it is spattered with paint.

I think this location is great to do high glamour, lingerie, and nude shots. The contrast between these looks and the setting would be striking. I especially think your look is great for this concept. Thank you.

07/14/06 11:06 AM    always nice to be appreciated. i see you are in downers, i am in *******, not far..... i love the sound of your studio/apt.. sounds full of creativity. i would like to shoot wiht you . let me know your avilabilitues etc.

Greg Kolack
07/14/06 11:27 AM
(Message read)    
Great to hear. My schedule is flexible, but weekdays during the day work best for me. I would like to use the natural light that comes in to some extent, anyway. Weekends are possible, if that is all that is available for you. But weekdays definately are best for me. Thanks.

07/14/06 11:38 AM    weekdays are good for me too.....

Greg  Kolack
07/14/06 12:51 PM
(Message read)     Would you like to set up something next week?

07/14/06 12:54 PM    how about wednesday? late morning or early afternoon?

Greg Kolack
07/14/06 1:02 PM
(Message read)     Early afternoon is fine. I always like to meet a model beforehand - or at least talk on the phone - to discuss shoot ideas, limitations, etc. I find this is a good business like start to a shoot. Does this sound Ok with you?

07/14/06 1:31 PM    sure, you can call if you like *** - *** - **** xooxo

Greg Kolack
07/14/06 6:29 PM
(Message read)     I'll probably call sometime over the weekend. Looking forward to the shoot.

07/14/06 6:31 PM    your apt sounds great, my head is flying wiht ideas of what to do with it. love the bathtun and the kitchen

07/14/06 6:39 PM    what color is the carpet? what colors paint is in the bathtub? what color are the walls?

Greg Kolack
07/14/06 6:47 PM
(Message read)     The walls are dull white. the carpet is a muted grey brown, and the paint spatters are white. Everything is a bit on the dingy side, since it was pretty much being used a storage space while they were upgrading other apartments in the building. It's not dirty, just dirty looking. By the way, I love collaborating with models, so I'm happy you have ideas.

07/14/06 8:33 PM    i always wanted to do this pic, i have an evening gown, it gets caught on the stray wires in the apt as i am walking , splitting the back of the dress to expose garter and stocking underneath, wiht a look of dismay on my face as i look back at what has happened

Greg Kolack
07/14/06 8:36 PM
(Message read)     Sounds fun - let's do it along with everything else. We'll talk over the weekend.

Greg Kolack
07/15/06 7:41 PM
(Message read)     If you have a regualr email address you want to give me, I cans end you some photos of the location so you get a better idea.

07/16/06 7:06 PM    *******, please send me a copy of model release as well, thanks...............

[On 7/17  I left her a voice mail.]

Greg Kolack
07/17/06 11:34 PM
(Message read)     FYI - In case you didn't get it, I left you a message earlier this evening. Call me tomorrow – ***-***-**** - to discuss the shoot Wednesday.

07/17/06 11:37 PM    just got your message. its about midnight. afraid to call you so late, will follow up tommorrow, 11:30 is fine. talk to you tommorrow

[As of 7/18, the night before the shoot, she hadn't called. I left her another message that night. She didn't return the call. The scheduled shoot came and went, with no word. Obviously, I didn't go to the studio.]

Greg Kolack
07/19/06 12:27 PM
(Message read)     I'm a little confused about what happened today - you seemed very enthused about the shoot. I went to my studio a couple of days ago, and the air conditioning wasn't working, so I made sure the landlord got it fixed so it would be comfortable for you. What happened?

07/20/06 2:15 AM    i tried to tell you that i had two photographers and my bodyguard telling me not to dare go to a empy building alone with someone i dont know. they were mad at me. my friend usually would go wiht me to mak esure i am safe but he was admitted to rehad yesterday. ii am very trusting and was exciting about doing the shoot. but they were adament that i better not go. it was dangerous. i had no one to tell me references for you. i had nochoice but to listen to them. they know better than me. i can be vsry stupid. Sorry everyone has to worry about thiir safety. i wish there was a good solution to this. xox

Greg Kolack
07/20/06 10:51 AM
(Message read)     It's actually not an empty building - it's an apartment condo complex with a lot of people living there. If you had asked, I could give you many models I have worked with - including one as recent as 2 weeks ago. And I would have had no problem with an escort, if you had asked. I have been shooting for almost 30 years, and have shot many models, nude and otherwise, more than once.

All this is well and good, but I wish you had just let me know you were canceling, instead of just stopping communication.

Needless to say, she hasn't gotten back to me. Never at any point did she ask for references, or never did I say it was an empty building.Not really sure how she "tried to tell me" anything, since she never called or mentioned any of that in any emails.

Any IL photogs, I'll be happy to give you her name if you message me!

Jul 24 06 03:59 pm Link



Posts: 25255

New York, New York, US

Bodyguard "friend" in Rehab... lmao

It's screwed up, at least you didn't have too many expenses, except for your time that was wasted in conversing with her.


Jul 24 06 04:06 pm Link


C R Photography

Posts: 3594

Pleasanton, California, US

Sorry, I don't get the humor with flake models hmm

Jul 24 06 04:21 pm Link



Posts: 6078

Hagerstown, Maryland, US

Models who haven't done enough to establish routines sometimes get cold feet.  Then too, on the other side of submissive, may be the fear of being taken advantage of: either way, the little gig starts to loom large, the cool vibe turns to a bad omen, and digging on the concept disappears under the din of multiple alarms from every source imaginable.  You saw glamour--she saw a bad episode of the X-Files.

Jul 24 06 04:22 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

What happens with me quite frequently is I get contacted by a model (I rarely contact models online) and they really want to work with me. So, I respond to their email and ask them if they'd like to set up a meeting beforehand. And then nothing. What the hell is up with this? Why do these people contact me, and when I respond they just disappear? And this also happens with people I've exchanged several emails with. Personally, I usually don't bother with them. If I send an email and get no response I assume their a flake and I move on.

  People are very weird...

Jul 24 06 04:27 pm Link



Posts: 578

San Francisco, California, US

2 no-shows last weekend.  only spent about $100 on one of the shoots, and model confirmed 4 hours before the shoot.

Jul 24 06 04:36 pm Link


Melissa Dempster

Posts: 100

What you guys need are Canadian models! We're no flaky! Kepp your chin up, there are better models out there who won't screw you over!

Jul 24 06 04:39 pm Link


Melissa Dempster

Posts: 100

What you guys need are Canadian models! We're not flaky! Keep your chin up, there are better models out there who won't screw you over!

Jul 24 06 04:40 pm Link



Posts: 18647

Louisville, Kentucky, US

Look at it this way: Had she shown up, you'd have had to shoot a 50 year old woman in an evening gown that gets caught on stray wires in an apt as she is walking, splitting the back of her dress to expose garter and stocking underneath while trying to capture that look of dismay on her face as she looked back at what had happened.

Consider yourself lucky.

Note: This is not a slam at older models. It is just an attempt at humor.

Jul 24 06 05:04 pm Link


Pat Thielen

Posts: 16800

Hastings, Minnesota, US

Melissa Dempster wrote:
What you guys need are Canadian models! We're not flaky! Keep your chin up, there are better models out there who won't screw you over!

Just what I need -- Another reason to move to Canada!


Jul 24 06 05:06 pm Link


Melissa Dempster

Posts: 100

Why not! We're pretty cool around here!!

Jul 24 06 05:25 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

Got a better idea - Melissa, you move to Chicago!

Jul 26 06 01:02 am Link



Posts: 7840


She sounds like English is not her first language,
and communications hit a hitch in the phone call...
you  left out what she might have said about the warning etc
that would have been the time to ask you for refs - or you to offer them
Never the less  -  what a waste of time she was!
rambling about a body guard
and re hab


older but not with it ... shame on her!

but thank you for the good laugh. & You were VERY polite.

Jul 26 06 01:44 am Link



Posts: 1300

Los Angeles, California, US

WHAT!?  wouldn't the bodyguard be an escort?  her friend went to rehab and she's afraid you're the shady one?  she's trustworthy?

I dont get it.

Jul 26 06 02:52 am Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

Greg, this is indeed unfortunate.  I could see, since she may be new to this, being a bit naive and trustworthy.  The advice would startle her.  The sad part is while the advice may be sound, it does take in consideration of the lengthy conversation you had with the model.  Had her friend or photographer advisors done so, or they bothered to do a little research the shoot would have taken place.  Either way, the lack of her not communicating this to you is inexcusable.   I would not worry about hearing back.

Jul 26 06 11:21 am Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

I really wasn't expecting to hear back from her, and even if I did, there is no way I would work with her.

Supposedly, she is an experienced model, and from her port, looks like she has worked with several photographers.

And, of course, if she has a "bodyguard," she must be of super model stature!

Jul 26 06 12:04 pm Link


Greg Kolack

Posts: 18392

Elmhurst, Illinois, US

I got curious tonight and did a google search of some models who have flaked on me, and what a surprise - this model I am referring to in this posting came up on several Escort sites! That explains the bodyguard - and probably why she flaked. She probably got a "date" that night!

Got to give her credit - a 49 year old escort! Can you sat Stiffler's mom?

Jul 27 06 07:34 pm Link