Forums > General Industry > If a Model asks your opinion...


Zairias Photography

Posts: 112

Belleville, Illinois, US

If a model asks your opinion of a photographer, do you give it?

Jul 24 06 02:01 am Link



Posts: 1697

San Francisco, California, US

Hell no, Biotch. Photographers stick together!

Jul 24 06 02:04 am Link


f4 Photo

Posts: 96

Morristown, New Jersey, US

Yes, why wouldn't you?

Jul 24 06 02:04 am Link


Zairias Photography

Posts: 112

Belleville, Illinois, US

Recently a model asked my opinion about a photographer. I told her to call me and I'd discuss it with her on the phone. The next thing I know I am being accused of  getting my business by backstabbing other photographers. I personally don't have anything against this photographer, just his busines practices.

Jul 24 06 02:07 am Link


Zairias Photography

Posts: 112

Belleville, Illinois, US

_Cinnamon_ wrote:
Hell no, Biotch. Photographers stick together!

Cute!  LOL In my home, the model comes first, the photographers that work with me know this and none of them have ever gotten out of line.

Jul 24 06 02:09 am Link



Posts: 2594

Los Angeles, California, US


Jul 24 06 02:49 am Link



Posts: 317

Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Hi Sarah, I totally agree with you... The wellbeing of the model comes first and if you know something about (the way a photog works) which is not in the models interest then yes, you should disclose the info...

I have few photog friends and they always give me a heads up on the inns and outs of the industry...
So thumbs up to ya!!!


Jul 24 06 02:54 am Link


Analog Nomad

Posts: 4097

Pattaya, Central, Thailand

Shafique wrote:
Hi Sarah, I totally agree with you... The wellbeing of the model comes first and if you know something about (the way a photog works) which is not in the models interest then yes, you should disclose the info...

I have few photog friends and they always give me a heads up on the inns and outs of the industry...
So thumbs up to ya!!!


I think the key word here, is "if you KNOW something." It's been my experience that both models and photographers can be pretty catty towards each other, and SOOO many stories get repeated, "I know this makeup artist who worked with this model and she said she heard from this other model about this photographer. . . "

That's NOT knowing. I confine my comments to things I have personally experienced, and encourage others to do so too. It's the ethical thing to do.


Jul 24 06 07:13 am Link



Posts: 2959

Chicago, Illinois, US

My personal opinions I keep to myself.

I will, however, tell a model whether I think her working with another photographer, assuming I've seen their work, will benefit her book or not. But I don't say, "They're no good," I say, "I don't think that it would do you any good to work with them." There is one photographer in my area that a model told me a somewhat disturbing story about, and the answer when asked about them is *always* "I wouldn't work with them, if I were you." But I don't have any proof and won't repeat the story.


Jul 24 06 09:14 am Link


Nala Mills

Posts: 124

Chicago, Illinois, US

I think the key word here, is "if you KNOW something." It's been my experience that both models and photographers can be pretty catty towards each other, and SOOO many stories get repeated, "I know this makeup artist who worked with this model and she said she heard from this other model about this photographer. . . "

That's NOT knowing. I confine my comments to things I have personally experienced, and encourage others to do so too. It's the ethical thing to do.


I agree. I worked with this photographer that said alot of negative things about other photographers that weren't in his circle. And they were really good. I guess that it was because their work was better. ;-)

Jul 24 06 09:20 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Sarah E. Cayson wrote:
If a model asks your opinion of a photographer, do you give it?

Only if I have one big_smile

Jul 24 06 11:32 am Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Sarah E. Cayson wrote:
I personally don't have anything against this photographer, just his busines practices.

Haha ... sounds personal to me. Sounds like catty gossip.

It may make you feel good to whine about the way someone else conducts their business, but it makes you look small and petty in the process. Neener-neener.

What goes around comes around.

Jul 24 06 02:25 pm Link



Posts: 619

Lawrence, Kansas, US

I've noticed that this may be a relatively common theme.  There's a photographer I know that got pretty "high-school girl" on a bunch of other photographers and now can't find anyone to shoot with.  It's sad really.  All because s/he gossiped horribly and said untrue things about other photographers.

Jul 24 06 03:07 pm Link


Gone Baby Gone

Posts: 1187

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


In fact, I've had to warn a few models about this creep I TRULY regret having shot with, and they've been very thankful. I'd hope they'd do the same for me.

Jul 24 06 04:10 pm Link


Habenero Photography

Posts: 1444

Mesa, Arizona, US

First hand knowledge I would share.  I encourage models to shoot with photographers that match the style they want and to talk to other models that have shot with the photographer whenever possible.  Unless I've been on a shoot with the photographer, I have no way of knowing how he relates to the model and will not comment on that.

Jul 24 06 04:39 pm Link


Ye Olde Photographer

Posts: 547

San Juan, San Juan-Laventville, Trinidad and Tobago

I make it a rule to never discuss photographers with models. Some colleages of mine once used photos from a calender for critique in a photography course: he took it the wrong was and was very upset.

Jul 24 06 08:11 pm Link