Forums > Newbie Forum > name change



Posts: 7

Naperville, Illinois, US

Does anyone know how to "rename" their account?  I can't seem to find it within the settings.  -Thanks!

Jul 21 06 06:49 pm Link


Stan The Man

Posts: 733

Brooklyn, Indiana, US


Jul 21 06 06:51 pm Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

1. Think of a new name. Think of several, just in case.
2. Use the Name Search function under "browse" to make sure your new name isn't already someone's old name.
3. Open a CAM thread with the topic "name change pretty pretty please with sugar and a bag of $20 bills on top" (actually just "name change" will do).
(to open a CAM thread, go to "info" and click "Contact-A-Mod")
4. Ask nicely to have your name changed, and a moderator will take care of it.

Todd S.
MM Moderator

Jul 21 06 07:19 pm Link